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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i got vivian (plat dancer) from premium summon and i would like to ask if she is really bad or I'm missing something. Her automatic skill use seems to me like luck luster as it would be impossible to time it for me. Is she really so bad or is there some good use for her? Oh and I don't use other dancers, but was thinking about rising one.

Actually, she is considered pretty good. Have a look at what says about her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am so glad I spent the last weekend 2AW-ing my Helena. She really pulled her weight on today's map.

Also, did anyone manage to burst down the elder troll? Mine was sitting under the aura of Lv70 Livre, being pelted by the true damage attacks of Moltena and two of her doom-puppies, and I had my 2AW99 Clissa blocking it on her third skill-cycle, and I couldn't even see the bastard's health bar decrease until the regen ran out.

i was able to burst him down with Sue,Grace and the first plat sharpshooter the one who looks like shinon from SAO. all three are AW and Skill AW
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

the 90 charisma lapis map just got easier:

please dont ask me if they walk away or not because I killed them before they moved ;x

Lapis walks to the right they walk straight forward. Spent 300 cha failure repeat trying to get that damn wine. Still failed even with AW Leda.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lapis walks to the right they walk straight forward. Spent 300 cha failure repeat trying to get that damn wine. Still failed even with AW Leda.

Use Robert on Team if You have it~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lapis walks to the right they walk straight forward. Spent 300 cha failure repeat trying to get that damn wine. Still failed even with AW Leda.

still should be easier than the original in which your placement slots were more limited due to lapis and the demon swordmasters hitting very hard; in this one, even though you have more stuff to kill, you can just block the white scythe demon and the rest of the slots are more or less free (leaves room for aggressive placement to kill them before they even spawn). Given that you're using AW Leda, Emperor will be useful for this map in killing some stuff before the demon mages even spawn.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lapis walks to the right they walk straight forward. Spent 300 cha failure repeat trying to get that damn wine. Still failed even with AW Leda.

On this map, I place Spica at the middle ranged spot to the right after the initial hellhound headed toward exit. Not only will she help kill all the incoming demons from left side while staying out of their range, she is also at the perfect spot when the big hoard shows up on the north side. Spica should kill the white scythe demon easily before it ever moves, then after that you can decide if you want to leave her there to help take down the 2 fireballers.

(Optional) A bowrider on the 2nd nearest melee spot to exit will prioritize and aim at the stationary hellhound on the left side and kill it before it ever moves toward the exit. I found this to be beneficial, but not essential.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

no pirate,merchant,monster slayer today
reward: black exp fairy falah
drops: black fairy, gold armor, silver monk Mao

key enemies: all spawn from top left, armored cyclops, black ogres and black gob archers (hordes of them)

tokoyo ;o
skill: Kusanagi no Tsurugi
atk def up, attacks all enemies on ground around her
Evil Princess: cannot be healed, not affected by makai miasma

aka spinning princess~
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pirate/Merchant/Monsterslayer Forbidden (90) (制約:禁止):
Black Fairy (), S Monk Mao (), Gold Armour (), Completion: Falah
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Pirate, Merchant, or Monster Slayer
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just asking but who Drops the Monk?

Got her finally after spending 1 SC. She gets dropped at around kill 35 from a Red Goblin Archer if iirc.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Evil Princess Tokoyo:

Class: Evil Princess (イビルプリンセス)
Cannot receive HP recovery from other units; acclimated to Makai.

Tokoyo (トコヨ):
Kusanagi no Tsurugi (草薙の剣): (10s; attack and defence 1.5x; attacks all nearby land enemies; AS: 74; WT: 21; CT: 35)
(): (s; ; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

LV65 (100%) Stats:
HP3686; AT680; DF556; MR10; BL1; Cost (Min): 16


AW Illustration Spoiler:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is anyone else getting the above error message? It looks like the usual connection error message, and it stops me from even starting the 18+ version in a browser, but on Android both versions run just fine. Any thoughts?

Edit: I cleared my cache, re-added the region cookies and tried it on both Firefox and a clean install of Chrome, and I got the same message for both versions. The android version still works perfectly fine, and I am chiefly using my tablet to play the game so it is not a huge issue right now, but it is still annoying and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is anyone else getting the above error message? It looks like the usual connection error message, and it stops me from even starting the 18+ version in a browser, but on Android both versions run just fine. Any thoughts?

Edit: I cleared my cache, re-added the region cookies and tried it on both Firefox and a clean install of Chrome, and I got the same message for both versions. The android version still works perfectly fine, and I am chiefly using my tablet to play the game so it is not a huge issue right now, but it is still annoying and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried.

It's the time zone.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's the time zone.

This. Open up your clock, and either sync with an internet server, or select adjust time automatically. It doesn't have to be Japan time, but it does have to be synced to some time zone (I leave mine set to where I live, but occasionally if I haven't used my computer in a while I'll have to open it up and have it sync to a server because it'll be out by several hours/minutes).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow, I wasn't expecting something like that to be the source of the problem. Apparently my system clock was out of sync by a whole day for some reason and the internet time provider didn't sync it. In fact, four out of the seven internet time providers didn't even work. I never even noticed. Weird. :confused:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In case anyone is like me and going back to do the 4-letter or less name map, a few units I've observed to work are Metus, Thetis, Estelle, Laurier, Saria, Emperor, Prince, and Fermi.

Thankfully, that's all I needed to 3 star, because none of my princesses seemed to work on this map lol. And here I was sure Themis, Sukuha, and Lilia were all only 3 characters xD (skeletons and druid tokens are placeable). I mean, the name on their character screen is literally only 3 characters. Not even a long title in front xD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Update for Upcoming Maintenance:
-Emergency Mission "Makai Martial Arts Competition" (魔界武術大会) Begins.
-New Class Gladiator.
-Revival Subjugation Mission "Monster Infested Island" (魔物の棲む島) Begins.
+Rewards Changed from Past Incarnation.

(Event) Plat Orc Gladiator Dura (オークの剣士ドゥーラ):

Dura (ドゥーラ):
(): (s; ; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
(): (s; ; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

I'm becoming more, and more convinced that whoever is responsible for the event characters has poor tastes in designing new characters (character rarity and event/premium status isn't determined during inception but by someone else trying to shuffle through them).

Tomorrow is February 1st, so I get to see what my legend ticket gives before I use the black ticket on Kayou. If I wasn't stupid, I would choose Aisha or Leone, since those two have been removed already... worst thing about Kayou is some Japanese user mentioned anal, so I'm worried this is going to be Sabine all over again...

I feel empty.

Not sure how I should go about these things.

Game Creator (Sep~Jan): B
Comic Person 1 (Sep~Dec: 2 doujins; hasn't used): C
Comic Person 2 (Sep: 1 doujin; hasn't replied): D
Professional Mangaka (Jan): E

B has sold 390 copies of the English version. Depending on how much of a cut he gets from the digital distributor, that means he made at least 1885.65 EUR (2018.25 USD).

He updated it with my corrections and an additional bug fix a Japanese user found. Immediately after playing it, I found another mistake I made where I used 'he' instead of 'she'. This is a context error that I couldn't predict with the script, but it should've been one of the first things I caught while playing the game. B is super tired after working for ~7 months on this update to his game, so I don't think it would be right of me to send him this error unless another user finds an additional bug to fix.

I still don't know if B has any plans of letting me work on his previous games that he programmed in HSP (Hot Soup Processor). He programmed the one I translated in VC++, which made the development of the game I did require 15 months of his life (22 months if the update is included). No one sent him a comment in his blog about an English translation for his previous titles, so I'm completely in the dark about his feelings on the matter...

He assumed I didn't own his game. He was planning to send me the English version as a present, which doesn't make sense if he was going to bundle it with the Japanese version unless he thought I didn't own that, either. Did he think I sent him translation samples from a pirated version when I initially approached him? DLsite messed up the timing for the JP version, and the errors I found led to Japanese players having to wait for a couple days, so I got to play it early thanks to that. Why I think he believes I didn't buy the Japanese version was when he sent me a private link to it after it was finally released, and I asked him if it was the same as the one on DLSite with a screenshot of my past purchases, and he said yes it was, and didn't send me a private link for the v2.1 update later...

The current issue is that I translated two doujins for C, and initially he didn't reply to any of my messages UNTIL I bought something from him on Enty, and THEN he replied. Despite sending him two of his books translated, he hasn't done anything with them. I have no idea what is going on in his head.

D was someone I sent a translation at the same time as C, but he was new to Pixiv, and was sick when I sent the message, so it's understandable that he might've not read it. Though, the translations I sent were transparent .png files that need to be overlaid over the original due to some text over art that I do not want to redraw. Right now, I'm 60% finished with redrawing most of the art that hangs out of bubbles, so I can send him a prototype finished translation. The thing I was working on is a digital version of his old doujins printed on a DVD that he sold during events like Comiket. Recently he said he was planning to finally sell these doujins on a digital distribution site this Jan/Feb, so I want to give him the English version so he has that to increase sales and keep him motivated to continue (I'm pretty sure what's going to happen is he releases the first doujin, it gets reuploaded by thoughtless idiots, and then ceases to continue digital sale like Syroh and Mojarin).

E is someone new who I sent a 'My Pixiv' request message, and I mentioned that I was looking forward to one of his works he announced many months ago, and he replied that he hadn't worked on it due a lack of motivation from receiving no feedback on it. Just several days ago, he posts a sketched comic of the thing, and I sent him a private message with a translation for it, and asked if it would be alright if I could keep translating the rest of it for him. He asked if I meant for this to be for digital sale, and went on to say he's going to very busy with work this year, so he doubts he can work on it to the point he can deliver a finished product, so he couldn't say for sure if he can ask for my help. Tried to send him a reply back, and I kept getting error messages because Pixiv is absolute shit. I was going to suggest that it might be better if he uses Enty and just work on parts of it at his own pace like some other Japanese comic creators are doing. Though, even if Pixiv is fixed, I don't know if it would be right to send such a message. While I didn't word it thoughtlessly like 'get a uber (lol)' with no consideration of his possible personal position, he's probably already aware of that kind of approach, and doesn't need someone like me to point it out... My intention was merely to give him emotional support in my own way where I'm doing something useful for him, since it's apparent no one else is going to...

So the issue is how I want to approach B. I want to ask him to help in communicating with C and D, but he's tired from finishing his game, and might not appreciate me bothering him about other people.

Thinking about this is making me sick, and makes me want to give up on everything. This new orc character for Millennium War Aegis isn't helping things. I don't want to wait for months and months to find out that B has dropped me...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In case anyone is like me and going back to do the 4-letter or less name map, a few units I've observed to work are Metus, Thetis, Estelle, Laurier, Saria, Emperor, Prince, and Fermi.

Thankfully, that's all I needed to 3 star, because none of my princesses seemed to work on this map lol. And here I was sure Themis, Sukuha, and Lilia were all only 3 characters xD (skeletons and druid tokens are placeable). I mean, the name on their character screen is literally only 3 characters. Not even a long title in front xD

That map will not accept less than four letters, name has to be exactly four letters. Here is a few more common ones that qualify (but not necessarily useful): Katie, Julian, Bernice, Misha, Mei Ling, Odette, Mehlis, Nenya, Belinda, Cloris, gold Iris, Empire Healer Elias.

The four letters are only for the name itself, not title or designation. Example would be Elias is four letters in Japanese, and the "Empire Healer" title length does not matter.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That map will not accept less than four letters, name has to be exactly four letters. Here is a few more common ones that qualify (but not necessarily useful): Katie, Julian, Bernice, Misha, Mei Ling, Odette, Mehlis, Nenya, Belinda, Cloris, gold Iris, Empire Healer Elias.

The four letters are only for the name itself, not title or designation. Example would be Elias is four letters in Japanese, and the "Empire Healer" title length does not matter.

:D you listing Misha and Mei Ling alone makes my life easier. I just wanted to stop micro-managing the skeleton vs mimic battles I had going on \o/ :D
Lol, yeah I knew it didn't count the title, I just have trouble determining where the title ends and where name begins -_-
And that solves why my princesses were having issues, ty xD

@petite perhaps it would help to just pretend to yourself that he did drop you and continue looking for additional work? That might save anxiety for the time being while you wait for a suitable time period before asking for assistance with C and D? Also, on a side note, just thought I should say thank you for your Aigis translations; they are incredibly helpful, and I, along with most undoubtedly everyone in this forum, very much appreciate your time.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oddly, I just did a repeat of today's daily revival of Makai Ants Queen's 90/12 map, and I did not get either plat event units. I thought that the event unit drop rate is 100% on the 12 stamina maps? Did they tinker with this one because there's 2 units instead of the usual 1?