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RPG Active RPG Maker [ahyana] 退魔女神 / Exorcism Goddess

English Discussion Only
хорошая игра, которую я все открыл самостоятельно, ушло 2 дня, но это было очень увлекательно то, как героиня меняется как по мне тут всё как и должно быть, игра проходит не не так да, но в этом есть свои плюсы, которые-бы проникли в эту отмосферу, единое, что не не хватает анимированных воздействий, было бы важе супер, или добавить кастсцен в переходах состояния героини, когда она меняется
Sorry for the confusion. "difficulty is super low" may not be the correct wording. What I really meant was the game is now super easy to progress.

The key problem of the previous version was that each battle is too long, which becomes impossible to win when corruption is high. And at that point you just get stuck in every battle and unable to progress. It was too hard for most players to find a sweet balance between progressing the game while still experiencing the corruption. And v0.8 was planed to solve this problem.

In v0.8, the battles can be short or long, depending how you manage the goddess' state. You have a lot more choices to manage her state. After some powerups the goddess can one-shot kill an enemy, and all she needs is just one attacking chance to finish the enemy, if she has the chance. Bad states also reduces her attack power or successful rate. The enemies are much weaker but their number grows by 15 every day. If the goddess gets stuck in city for some reason and can't finish the hunting task, she will face more enemies the next day. Because the goddess's state no longer resets between battles, the large number of enemies would still make the battle more and more difficult. If she is sieged by enemies and doesn't have a chance to recover from lust between battles, the situation becomes even worse. At that point, even a weak enemy can make her unable to fight properly. See, the difficulty remains, just in a different form.

Ah. That's cool.

If I might add a thought to this, the drug dealer and the guy on the train don't have as good of an opportunity to win through attrition, since you'd probably only fight them one or two times per "day"...? So in that case, it might be good if they had more HP than the other enemies?
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Any progress update for the 0.8 version? Also mind if you share the uncomplete development for 0.8 version here, i could help you find a bug if needed
I think that the player's moves hit first can greatly increase the progress aspects of the game
Enemy first is a key feature of the game. Otherwise enemies would not have any chance to even touch the goddess when she can kill them with one shot. It's kind of stupid for a game that after the MC levels up the only way to see H stuff is to choose "not to fight". I will try every means to avoid that in this game.

So in that case, it might be good if they had more HP than the other enemies?
That's exactly how v0.8 was designed. 2~3 folds more HP than other enemies.

Any progress update for the 0.8 version?
It's at final stage, will be on time. Chinese version is almost ready, but since it's a rework, I need to copy paste some previous translations and add a lot more translations on the story-related texts.
Enemy first is a key feature of the game. Otherwise enemies would not have any chance to even touch the goddess when she can kill them with one shot. It's kind of stupid for a game that after the MC levels up the only way to see H stuff is to choose "not to fight". I will try every means to avoid that in this game.

I see, sorry for not noticing that sooner.
It is indeed a unique feature that I don't see often, but I still wish for a way of quickly entering last lust stage without having the need to fully let the rng to decide when the enemies are going to use the strip attacks because sometimes it can take a lot of time to reach it.
I hope that my previous suggestion didn't bother you in anyway. Looking forward for v0.8
An earlier release of the Chinese version is welcome as well :sneaky:. (No pressure here)
Yeah why not )

but I still wish for a way of quickly entering last lust stage
It will be very quick this time


It’s a rework, so previous saves cannot be used. But since I don’t expect to have big changes in game mechanics anymore, the saves for this version should be useful for next updates.
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Tell me please. which of the links should I download? or both at once?
Yeah why not )

It will be very quick this time


v0.8 CN (English version will be ready next week):

It’s a rework, so previous saves cannot be used. But since I don’t expect to have big changes in game mechanics anymore, the saves for this version should be useful for next updates.

Report bugs if you find any so I can fix them in the English version.
Tell me please. which of the links should I download? or both at once?
I'm sorry, but can I have a complete list of changes in version 0.8?
Yeah why not )

It will be very quick this time


v0.8 CN (English version will be ready next week):

It’s a rework, so previous saves cannot be used. But since I don’t expect to have big changes in game mechanics anymore, the saves for this version should be useful for next updates.

Report bugs if you find any so I can fix them in the English version.

A known bug and the quick fix:

There might be additional bugs and I will collect them and fix them by next week when releasing the EN version.
You should statrt with hotfixing paying with body to landlord. It's increase dogs number like day passed. So next day after rest you +30 dogs. Not 15.
You should statrt with hotfixing paying with body to landlord. It's increase dogs number like day passed. So next day after rest you +30 dogs. Not 15.
It is one of the new mechanism. Paying with body=one day past. She doesn't need any additional rest after paying with her body, since her strength will restore. But I do realize that the increase of 15 monsters per map per day might be too many. I'll adjust that in next week's EN version.
It is one of the new mechanism. Paying with body=one day past. She doesn't need any additional rest after paying with her body, since her strength will restore. But I do realize that the increase of 15 monsters per map per day might be too many. I'll adjust that in next week's EN version.
Are you sure she recovering? I'm may be mistaken but she stays in zero stamina state.
Need the guide again, how to progress xd
Im stack at the moment, where i kill dog leader (or like that, in cave), but the game said, thats i must kill all monsters, all monsters where? Im killing all dogs at map whith dog leader, then kill him again, but its sad again - kill all monsters. I need to kill all dogs in upper cave maby? (but for me its 100 dogs there, looks like pain xdd)
Well, if its the same amount of enemies, can u share saves again? I just need fresh one with Belva

My suggestion is lock monster limit on any maps to 30-40. And its a bit annoying every time after recover kills drugdealer) The tast its lewd mode (i think, or lewd debuff, for now its dont down in battle, and its a bit annoying too, with this some enemyes can lock u at "stun" lock, and just rape to the death in 90% cases. I think 3-5 turn cd will be nice, like its be in old version

My eng is bad, i know 😅, and Its all just my thoughts
I actually like that you have to fight the drug dealer every day. Otherwise there isn't much reason to fight him again after the first time.
Are you sure she recovering? I'm may be mistaken but she stays in zero stamina state.
I'm pretty sure because I double checked script and also tested this myself. Note that it is not a full recovery. The strength will be recovered to 600 because the "service" costs the strength. Not sure why you had that issue.

Need the guide again, how to progress xd
Im stack at the moment, where i kill dog leader (or like that, in cave), but the game said, thats i must kill all monsters, all monsters where? Im killing all dogs at map whith dog leader, then kill him again, but its sad again - kill all monsters. I need to kill all dogs in upper cave maby? (but for me its 100 dogs there, looks like pain xdd)
Well, if its the same amount of enemies, can u share saves again? I just need fresh one with Belva

My suggestion is lock monster limit on any maps to 30-40. And its a bit annoying every time after recover kills drugdealer) The tast its lewd mode (i think, or lewd debuff, for now its dont down in battle, and its a bit annoying too, with this some enemyes can lock u at "stun" lock, and just rape to the death in 90% cases. I think 3-5 turn cd will be nice, like its be in old version

My eng is bad, i know 😅, and Its all just my thoughts
Thanks for these notes!
1. The base number and the number increase per day of the monsters may be too many. I realized that and it will be balanced next week.
2. Kill all monsters in three maps and then kill the dog leader and then you will be able to find the obscene demon and lose to it. Belva will then arrive.
3. There's no new content for Belva in this update.
4. When you are stuck in a battle, there are many new items and new skills in this update that can help you progress. None of the items or skills is useless. Also try to find the best strategy to earn money more efficiently. For example, try to touch the pylon without engage too many battles with the enemy. This can control the number of monsters and earn money without being corrupted too much. And if the MC is corrupted too much and unable to fight properly, those items / skills will still help her to progress.
5. To decrease the Lewdness, go home to take a rest. The game wasn't designed for a walkthrough within just one "game day". If the MC just fights enemies without strategy, or without rest, or without the use of skills or items, she will fall, very quickly.
6. This game has some levels of difficulty, and some exploration and experiments from the player's side are needed. It's not a brainless game for just a quick walkthrough or HCG collecting.

I actually like that you have to fight the drug dealer every day. Otherwise there isn't much reason to fight him again after the first time.
Thanks! Yeah, everything now has a reason. And you probably also noticed that wining the molester now gives much more money than wining the drug dealer.
Is it intended that if she sleeps with the molester and/or drug dealer in the interrogation room that a day seems to pass, rent becomes due and the monster counts rise?
Is it intended that if she sleeps with the molester and/or drug dealer in the interrogation room that a day seems to pass, rent becomes due and the monster counts rise?
Yes, it is intended. The MC still gets strength recovery to 800 or 500 (3p because 3p costs more energy). But her Lewdness, which determines both her submissiveness when being raped and whether she will goes into the last lust stage "indulging", will not reduce. To avoid sleeping with them, go to the interrogation room without the "In heat" (estrus) state, or still being a virgin.
1. I'm a little confuse about 0.7 that i was play 1-2 months ago, I can't remember that. So the point is the game finally end only when I got new character and she only fight in the dog forest right?
2. And I saw v0.8 coming now, is there any update next version in future? or it only end in v0.8?. the game is fun and enjoys but a lot grind when i first play it but still enjoy play the game ;).