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Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Somewhat encouraged by both her and Mary succeeding, Ai thinks this might be the beginning of the tougher part in this battle as the shifter resumes moving at normal speed now. Holding onto her blade firmly with both hands, she keeps the attack going and hopes for the best.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"No more time to play around I guess?" Mary says, focusing another blast, wondering if she could start making puns about magical blasts.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

17 vs. 19
21 vs. 20

Mary's blast is easily avoided by the shapeshifter, but Ai makes an extremely skillful move and cuts it.

22 vs. 16

The shapeshifter retaliates immediately, whipping Ai and entangling her.

3/10 HP

Ai (Entangled, -1 to Attack)
3/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/4 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Ah no! Leave Ai alone!" Mary shouts, aiming another blast. "I mean...I'm cuter...and I'd probably like it..."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Another lash at her body makes Ai give out a little cry, taking some of her confidence away from the attacks she managed to land on the shifter. She opts to do the same things she did before, cut at the ropes holding her in an attempt towards freedom
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

20 vs. 22
9 vs. 11

Mary's next blast is deflected by the shapeshifter's armor, as is Ai's slash.

6 vs. 16

Ai manages to block the ropes that try to whip her with her naginata, though the others already entangling her make further progress.

9 vs. 13
18 vs. 17

Mary fails to hit, but Ai's desperate slash severs the ropes that are entangling her.

5 vs. 14

She also manages to avoid the ropes that attack her.

2/10 HP

3/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/4 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Exchanging a few rounds of attacks with the creature, Ai finds herself unable to break free at first, getting tangled a bit more along the way as Mary doesn't manage to hit the shifter either. But a luck stroke gets her free and ready to attack again, which she proceeds to do in earnest.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Almost there...only a bit more time..." Mary mutters to herself. "But we've got no time to spear..." Mary says, launching a spear shaped magical blast, really stretching for puns.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

12 vs. 18
2 vs. 17, Counter!

Mary's blast is absorbed easily by the shapeshifter's armor, and Ai's poorly timed slash allows the ropes to whip her to the ground and entangle her.

12 vs. 13

Ai still manages to roll a bit out of the shapeshifter's way.

2/10 HP

Ai (Entangled, -1 to Attacks)
2/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/4 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Cut that out! Stop being so...hard to hit!" Mary shouts at the shapeshifter, no longer able to form puns, maybe if she had another spell or something.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Entangled and beaten down, Ai rolls away from another whipping aimed her way before trying to get her footing back and attack with the intention to free herself from the grasping cords
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Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

4 vs. 8
11 vs. 18

Mary and Ai both badly miss the shapeshifter, who is moving furiously.

6 vs. 15

The shapeshifter once again misses Ai, though she manages to entangle her a bit further in the ropes.

6 vs. 14
16 vs. 22

The shapeshifter's armor deflects both blows this time, not even scratching.

16 vs. 20

Ai still somehow manages to dodge, even though the ropes are entangling her quite badly by now.

4 vs. 24, Counter!
13 vs. 15

Mary's blast hits the shapeshifter's armor, but deflects nearly straight back and slams the young mage in the stomach painfully. Ai's slash is once again turned away by the armor.

12 vs. 7

She is hit again, and is feeling very tired by this point, entangled almost too much to attack.

2/10 HP

Ai (Entangled, -4 to Attacks)
1/5 FP
0/10 AP

4/5 FP
0/4 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Now fiercely entangled in the ropes of the shifter, Ai foregoes her attack in an attempt to escape as she is unlikely to hit the skilled creature in her nearly-restrained state. Hoping Mary could manage a hit before the shifter manages to bind her completely, Ai focuses her strenght into the escape attempt.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Ack! That hurrrrrrrt" Mary whines as she gets hit with her own blast, planning better for this next attack, hopefully it would go down soon.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

9 vs. 24
13 vs. 18

Mary fails to hit, and Ai fails to escape from the ropes that bind her despite her best efforts.

14 vs. 15

Ai still manages to avoid the rope whips, though she's getting even more entangled; any more and she won't be able to move at all.

6 vs. 20
2 vs. 5

Mary badly misses, and Ai still fails to escape, this time the ropes slipping off the shapeshifter and tying her more tightly, her situation now hopeless.

12 vs. 21

The shapeshifter now turns its attention to Mary, who easily dodges the ropes.

9 vs. 12

Mary misses once again, though she's closer this time.

18 vs. 20

Of course, she also manages to dodge the shapeshifter's attack again. Maybe she's just being cautious?

7 vs. 11

This time Mary's attack hits, but it deflected by the armor.

22 vs. 19

The shapeshifter finally gets in a successful attack, her ropes whipping Mary's torso and lightly entangling her.

2/10 HP

Ai (Fully Entangled, Unable to Act)
1/5 FP
0/10 AP

Mary (Entangled, -1 to Attacks)
3/5 FP
0/4 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary looks at Ai, all trussed up and helpless. "...kind of wish it was me...but, gotta focus!" And so she fires a focused blast of energy on the shapeshifter, hopefully her attack would penetrate the creatures armor.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

With the ropes firmly holding her, Ai fights against them for some time but ultimately doesn't make it as some of them detach from the shifter. They creep over the girl trying to struggle them off, but the ropes win over Ai''s struggling, wrapping her in a tight package. "Once again, up to you Mary..." she thinks as the ropes tighten over her chest, squeezing her considerable breasts against her body.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

2 vs. 24, Counter!

Mary's blast once again bounces off the shapeshifter's armor and into her own stomach, causing her to cry out sharply.

17 vs. 14

The shapeshifter quickly whips her again, more ropes joining the others to entangle her.

1 vs. 23, Counter!

Mary's attack once again deflects into her, and she crumples to the ground, unable to fight more. The shapeshifter sits lightly on Ai's back as the two are tied further and smirks at Mary. There's still one way you can get the key from me. You must pay for it, with your bodies. Now, I happen to be able to change shape, as you may have noticed. Choose your method of payment, but know that I'll not go easy on you.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Ummm...how about we just leave without the key, can we do that? And not pay?" Mary suggests with a fake smile, trying to lighten the mood and hide how much she was enjoying be tied up.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The shapeshifter leaned in very close to Mary's face and licked her nose with a bizarrely long tongue, replying you've caused me way too much trouble for that.