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Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"E-even if I'm not a mage, I'll help too.." Ai pipes in, letting the two carry on with their magic rituals as she watched from the sidelines
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Thank you... young travelers... the slime said, and it laid its cold, slimy hands on Mary's shoulders. It began to speak in a strange language, incomprehensible to Mary and Ai, and Mary began to feel a warm, pleasant feeling throughout her body. After an incantation that lasted a few minutes, Mary felt a sudden understanding hit her, and she could feel that she somehow understood better how her magic worked, and what she could do with it. A popup appeared that said

You have gained Favor of the Mimic
Magic Expertise Level 1
1 MP
You may discover later that you know spells you didn't before

The slime smiled and said carry on, travelers... Thank you for... humoring this old mimic... Could you please close my chest... when you go...? I can no longer... do it myself, and I do so... hate the rain... With that, it melted into the pool of slime in the chest, perhaps for the last time.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary nods to the mimic in thanks as it recedes into the chest, closing the top slowly and carefully for her.

"She was...nice, I hope we have the chance of helping her children." Mary said almost absentmindedly to Ai as she started to make her way back to the start, pondering about what spells she might have learned, hoping Animate Rope was at least one of them.

"Oh...which way should we go now?"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Observing the ritual, Ai wonders about what it is all about

As they leave the closed chest behind, Ai remembers about the other places.
"We need to head towards the spider room, there was another path there."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary nods. "Ah, that's right, we'll head that way, I think we should explore everything we can."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The two walk all the way back to the room with the spiders and then head south, along the only path they've yet to explore. This part of the spire is in much better shape; in fact it almost looks as if some cracks in the walls have been repaired recently. They finally come to a metal door with no sign of rust; they can open it, or continue along the path.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Doors haven't failed us yet~...but this looks like it might be one way, let's check out the other areas first." Mary suggests as she starts to set off, unless Ai wants to examine the door longer.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Sure, let's search around first for other things" Ai agrees with her friend as she leaves with the redhead mage
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary and Ai ignore the door, moving on down the corridor a short way before finding another door; behind this one they could hear what sounded like a girl screaming in pain. There was also a path southwards.
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Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"We need to help her!" Mary shouts "Or join her." she finishes in her head, throwing the door open to see what lay behind.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Upon hearing the scream behind the new door, Ai springs into action, following closely behind Mary as she is used to doing at this point, feeling obligated to help the one in trouble
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The two girls try to open the door, and find it locked. The sound of a grumbling man comes from inside, and the two can hear someone fumbling around for keys. Why're you always forgettin your keys? a muffled shout came out, and a short stocky man opened the door. Wha...? The two could see a sobbing young woman behind him, chained to the wall with painful-looking welts all over her body. Realizing perhaps what's going on, the man runs for his sword.

5/5 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
4/4 MP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Seeing the abused woman makes Ai lose her temper completely. She runs after the man, naginata at ready to slash him
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Too bad you're not like that group I first found." Mary says, grabbing her staff and firing off two blasts at the man before he could grab his sword, a deadly serious look on her face.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

14 vs. 12
14 vs. 16
19 vs. 17

One of Mary's blasts slams into the man's back, and Ai gives him a deep cut across his back just as he reaches his sword. He cries out loudly in pain as he picks it up and twirls around.

8 vs. 23, Counter!

He tries to slash at Ai's neck, but she manages to duck and cut his stomach badly. He's already terribly beaten up. Of course, there would doubtless be more than one slaver, and who knows if they had heard his screams?

2/5 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/4 MP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary tries another two blasts, not wanting to give this man any mercy. She didn't care how many slavers there were, they'd take them all on, and beat them. She hoped she had some buffing magic, trying to think about it.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"There'll be no mercy for you and your kind" Ai thinks as she cuts the man, continuing her attack to quickly end this conflict
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

12 vs. 9
12 vs. 13
4 vs. 19, Counter!

Mary hits the man's chest with another painful blast, though he just barely manages to jump out of the way of the next one, Putting a cut on Ai's arm as she tries to attack him.

3 vs. 21, Counter!

He tries to attack Ai, but she returns the favor, dodging him and impaling him with her naginata. He dropped his sword and slumped over dead as she pulled her weapon from his stomach. Please, free me, quickly! They'll be coming soon! the young woman twitched in her chains; the key to her shackles was probably somewhere in the man's keyring, but could they find it before the other slavers got to them?
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary decided to go though the keyring, unless she suddenly remembered some magic which could unlock shackles. Or identify the key she needed, or something. "Don't worry, we'll free you."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Angry at the cut given to her my the man, Ai runs him through with her blade in return. After that she turns back to the girl
"Don't worry, we'll help you" she says at the girl