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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The EGG opens and Ai can see a large number of people in the room, techs, development, and all such manner, they seem to look suddenly relieved as she steps out.

One of the techs helps her stand as she finds her legs wobbly. Ai sees Marie coming up. She seems frantic as she asks if Ai is okay.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Once she can see the console opening, Ai is surprised at the number of people present just outside the EGG. "Oh, hello.." she says, getting bothered by such numbers.

Stepping out, she feels a bit shaky on her feet. Leaning against the console, she notices the researcher Marie coming towards her with a concerned look. "Ahh.. I'm okay, just a bit wobbly on my feet.." she replies to the woman's inquiry about her condition.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Oh good..." she says, looking relieved. "Anyways, let's get you to the lounge, you were in there...for...far too long." She says, leading Ai out of the room, apparently headed for the employee lounge of some sort.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Sure, lead the way." Ai replies, taking the woman's hand in case her shakyness got worse. Going along with Marie, she inquires about the exact lenght of her game. "Just how much over the limit was I?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Marie drops her voice as they get out of range of the massively crowded room, arriving on the employee lounge which was empty now. "About 7 hours."

She helps Ai sit down in one of the reclining chairs. "Please rest, I'll need to go notify the nurse so we can do a full checkup on you."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Surprised at the amount of time spent, Ai goes to the lounge, holding Marie's hand all the time. As she's offered the chair, she thanks the researcher and sits down on the comfy chair to rest her shaky legs. "Ah, ok. I'll wait for her then" Ai replies, relaxing her whole being now as she waited for the nurse.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai feels tired, ending up falling asleep as she waits for the nurse, though it's only for around ten minutes, when she wakes up it feels like she's been napping for months.

"Wake up dear." The nurse says, smiling down at her. "We need to give you a full check-up, okay? You were in the EGG for far longer than you should have been."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

After what seems like an extraordinary long nap, Ai is woken up the friendly nurse who seems to want to do another check-up on her. "Oh, alright. I believe that's for the best." she replies, not quite sure what to make of that long-feeling nap she just had.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The nurse helps Ai to her office, as she has her sit down on the chair, going through the motions of a check up. After a long while, she determines that Ai is fine physically, though they still need a mental check. Going through that determines that Ai is also fine there, as the nurse breathes a sigh of relief.

"Before you go." She says. "We need to do an interview, and you have to tell us what your experience was like, if you don't mind."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Upon hearing the request, Ai's cheeks went red with embarassment. This was not something she wanted to talk about openly like this, but if the healthcare professional wanted to know, she didn't have too much choice in the deal. "Well, if I must..." she replied, starting to go over the basic high points and important events in her game, not keeping things from the nurse. Despite her honesty, she did not bring up the mysterious benefactor who had contacted her through those screens at the gibberish moments of the game, remembering her promise to this entity
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The nurse nods a bit, though Ai's story is slightly changed by the lack of the entity. "I think you'll be fine, is there anything else you'd like to tell me before we're done?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

A sigh of relief escapes the busty girl's lips as she hears the good news. Despite having to change the story up somewhat, she had made it into a believable tale nonetheless. With the question being aimed at her, she took a quick moment to consider. "Not really, I believe that is it. What's going to happen now?" she replied, somewhat anxious about hearing an answer.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The nurse gives a small frown. "Well, likely, you go home and rest, but I need to talk to a few people before we feel ready to let you go, would you mind staying here at the facility for a few days for observation?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

This new development in the situation made Ai uneasy. "Observation.... that doesn't sound too good..." she thought, but it was probably for the best, considering what she had just gone through. "S-sure... but what exactly is this "observation" you intend to do with me?" she continued the questioning, now looking a bit more concerned about herself.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The nurse gives a small smile before leaving and giving her a quick explanation. "Pretty simple, really. You just stay here at the building for a few days, just so we can make sure nothing develops in the next couple of days."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Well... ok. I'll go along with your request then..." Ai gave her reply, still not entirely confident about this being a good idea. Somehow, the situation itself was giving her a "mad scientists"-type of vibration. But her health was on line, so she'd agree with them for now.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Good" the nurse says, leaving and closing the door.

Ai was left alone now, for around a half an hour, left to her own devices, before it appeared that someone was entering the room again.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"I do hope it is..." the girl thought as she was left alone in the room for some time. She couldn't really relax during the moment she thought was about half an hour. Casually swinging her legs up and down as she thought, a rap on the door brought her back into the situation fully. "Right... let's see what this leads to...."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The door opens, as a couple of people enter, the first of them being a very tall man, he is wearing shades and a dark suit, looking very much a business man, but at the same time physically imposing, as he looks down to her, speaking with a gruff voice almost.

"You are Ai Tsubaki, yes?" He asks.

Ai can spot others behind him, two that appear to be some sort of body guards. Behind those appears to be some of the staff, peaking around to look at Ai, as she spots the nurse, she has an apologetic look on her face.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Setting herself to look as normal as possible, Ai is greeted by a not-so-friendly sight behind the door. A man in a suit and shades is there to greet her by her name. Looking at the guy instantly made her think about some kind of businessman, but not the kind you usually meet. No, this guy seemed like he handled things that couldn't endure the light of day.

"Y-yes... that is me..." she replied, looking back at the nurse briefly before turning back to the intimidating man in front of her. "What have you gotten me into?!" she thought, as the situation suddenly seemed much worse than previously.
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