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Re: Akabur Games

i hear the new game name Life With Hermione 0.1 is show at 12.27.2015
Re: Akabur Games

The ticker or whatever that shows the dollar amount now takes into account rejected pledges etc. So it's most likely just a few rejected ones and some dropping off aswell.

Yeah, Patreon has implemented some better features to enforce transparency so Akabur and others can't keep bogus/rejected pledges on their account to goose their public total. The latest drop took into effect all of the January 1st pledges failing being dropped from the total.

Really, though. Akabur has amassed a cult of personality over the past couple of years and it's going to take him actual years of releasing nothing to truly drive away his gravy train. I'm pretty sure he isn't hurting financially considering he still makes an abhorrent amount of money for someone who does about maybe 200 hours of actual work in a calendar year.
Re: Akabur Games

That Life with Hermione mod is actually better than vanilla WT :eek:, even if 100% russian and there's like 1 chibi anime and 1-2 scenes of her changing robes ....
Re: Akabur Games

On another note Vassago a russian guy has taken the idea of witch trainer and made something else. It's the first public release and not even close to being finished and for now it's only in russian.

This looks really good - couldn't get it from the link you provided, but found it at a Jan 2 post here:
Re: Akabur Games

Really, though. Akabur has amassed a cult of personality over the past couple of years and it's going to take him actual years of releasing nothing to truly drive away his gravy train. I'm pretty sure he isn't hurting financially considering he still makes an abhorrent amount of money for someone who does about maybe 200 hours of actual work in a calendar year.

I agree that he's amassed a following that will take a long time for them to lose faith, but with his work style, nobody knows how much time he has put in development over the past year. Ultimately, his release of PT:Gold will tell. I'm hopeful that it'll be kick ass, but am quite leery given the WT release.

Still, I doubt it is only 200 hours. A proper CG takes around 20-30 hours (or more), so, 200 is pretty extreme. I'd be surprised if he's working 40 hours a week, but I do think he is working. Still, we'll see when PT:Gold comes out. He can't hide from the ultimate release, and those on the fence (like me) will hold him accountable with their wallets.
Re: Akabur Games

hopefully he wont have any of those inserts added sayin,"im sorry i didnt have time to finish this part". because we all know hes had plenty of time this go round.
Re: Akabur Games

Still, we'll see when PT:Gold comes out. He can't hide from the ultimate release, and those on the fence (like me) will hold him accountable with their wallets.
The funny thing is that he CAN hide from the ultimate release. He has been hiding from it for a year now. It started out as a few changes to Princess Trainer, but he has now already spent DOUBLE the time on it that he needed to release the whole original game. When he announced in December 2014 that he was going to make PT:G, do you think that ANYONE expected that to take more than 6 months? And probably 3?

And he cannot be held accountable: he already got the money. The only thing you can do, if he releases nothing or something decidedly mediocre, is support him no longer, but he already got paid.

I really wonder how much longer he can go on without releasing anything before fans are dropping out. Maybe he is actually waiting until the majority of people drop out, so that he can say: "I no longer have the support I need to finish the game; I am sorry guys, I am going to release it in the state that it is now, but that is nothing like I wanted to give you. I thank you all for your support, you guys are the best. Keep on supporting me and in time I WILL release the game as I envisioned it, it will just take a little longer."
Re: Akabur Games

"I no longer have the support I need to finish the game; I am sorry guys, I am going to release it in the state that it is now, but that is nothing like I wanted to give you. I thank you all for your support, you guys are the best. Keep on supporting me and in time I WILL release the game as I envisioned it, it will just take a little longer."

i almost thought i was readn sumthin that he actually said lmao.
Re: Akabur Games

And he cannot be held accountable: he already got the money. The only thing you can do, if he releases nothing or something decidedly mediocre, is support him no longer, but he already got paid.
That's the truth, he made his money, i have a friend that makes 1000€ per month and it would take him 8 years to make what akabur makes in 1 year. In other words, akabur is set for life.
After PTG he's going to finish magic shop in 6 months(so the supporters think he's working faster), then he's gonna waste 1 year and a half in WTG and when the supporters start leaving he's gonna drop the bomb..."I'm workin on a new project ,a game i always wanted to make , TMNT!" and he's gonna waste some years in that one too.
"I no longer have the support I need to finish the game; I am sorry guys, I am going to release it in the state that it is now, but that is nothing like I wanted to give you. I thank you all for your support, you guys are the best. Keep on supporting me and in time I WILL release the game as I envisioned it, it will just take a little longer."
That actually sounds like him xD
Re: Akabur Games

found this game on mygully, Vassago - Life With Hermione 0.1, unfortunately its in russian so idk if its gonna be translated or not. must be a spinoff from WT cause it has the same artwork.
Re: Akabur Games

The funny thing is that he CAN hide from the ultimate release. He has been hiding from it for a year now. It started out as a few changes to Princess Trainer, but he has now already spent DOUBLE the time on it that he needed to release the whole original game. When he announced in December 2014 that he was going to make PT:G, do you think that ANYONE expected that to take more than 6 months? And probably 3?

I meant he can't hide the quality or lack thereof when he does release PT:Gold. Say he releases it with a bunch of "Sorry, couldn't finish this" inserts, or with limited CGs (1 or 2). People will have to question what he's been doing for a year. With Witch Trainer, he worked on it for around 7 months. When it was released, it was not what I envisioned, but to build the system, plan it out, create the art (even the chibi art), I could see it taking quite a bit of work. I responded by lowering my support from $20 to $1, because I felt he failed to deliver the product he'd been promising.

When, or if, he releases PT:Gold, the product will speak for itself. Either he has been working and will deliver a product that may set him for years to come, or he has been goofing off, and will deliver a subpar product after a year of work. I truly believe that a subpar product will force many of his supporters to question what he's been doing with the money. I can't imagine it won't cause some to leave if it is subpar. Still, the bonus to Patreon is that there is a HUGE amount of people you can reach on the Internet. As new people play PT:Gold, they'll see a fun product and think, "Hey, I should support this guy..." So, even if people leave, they could easily be replaced with new pledgers.
Re: Akabur Games

Rejoice people, Akabur is back from his New Year's trip and will be working on PT:G again ....................
Re: Akabur Games

Rejoice people, Akabur is back from his New Year's trip and will be working on PT:G again ....................

beena while since i saw Akabur and working in the same sentence meaning hes actually workin.
Re: Akabur Games

^ Well he didn't say he's back to working ....... Just that he feels better after his trip :cool:
Re: Akabur Games

Interesting change to Akabur's front page. Has a much better vibe than the last change, and it is nice that he is pushing for people to donate towards those helping him instead.

I think he could have handled the last change, in which he went to a "tip jar" approach better, but I approve of this one. Let's hope he releases a kick ass PT:Gold this year, and all will be forgiven for the WT fiasco. If he was taking it easy this year, which he very well might have been, perhaps he will attack PT:Gold with renewed vigor.

It's good to stay optimistic, but I'll remain cautious in the pledging department.
Re: Akabur Games

Interesting change to Akabur's front page. Has a much better vibe than the last change, and it is nice that he is pushing for people to donate towards those helping him instead.

I wonder what happened that made him come to this conclusion:
My campaign is going well enough and it's not nice to be greedy I think.
Re: Akabur Games

New sketch of Jasmine-blowjob-scene he started before Christmas .... Might take him a month just to finish that 1 scene with 2-3 CGs. Great.
Re: Akabur Games

You all know this is at least half a year from release right?
Re: Akabur Games

Im SO tempted to try my hand at my own Harry Potter game. I want something along the lines of the old Harry Potter games combined with Witch Trainer. So you can go around and give girls favors and then find them later on actually doing the favor. But im sure it would be an utter nightmare to code and im not even sure what engine would work for it, let alone where I would get the assets for it.
Re: Akabur Games

^ Get WT (vanilla or mod'd), unpack it, clean through the 5298064927043615946 lines of useless code Akabur dumped in there, produce new CG/chibi, write more scenes, re-pack it all and voila : new Harry Potter game (might still take you a few years though :D)