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alice in wonderland


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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I can't find any type of movie thread. We should make one of those and sticky it instead oni's shitty thread that nobody posts in anymore.

BUT YEAH I saw this and it was awesome. I recommend it to anybody who's interested in fantasy, anything by Tim Burton, anything starring Johnny Depp, and anybody that wants to be . Fuck I love that voice. And the smile...


Also, Johnny Depp reciting "The Jabberwocky" was the highlight of my day. 'Twas brillig indeed, Depp..
Re: alice in wonderland

Stayne was a BAMF.
Re: alice in wonderland

Real men wear heart eye patches.
Re: alice in wonderland

I want to stab Burtin for abusing Johnny Fapp. Let him go and star in much better not-remakes-of-classics-given-the-"-burtin-treatment-"

Also, did Burtin abuse Elfman as well for the soundtrack?
Re: alice in wonderland

Off to see this sequel today actually.

Sorry Twisted, it's not really a remake, its a sequel of sorts. I can tell that by the trailers.

Also, there have been plenty of Alice in Wonderland re-imaginings that I've greatly enjoyed. American McGee's Alice (A game for the PC), the comic Return to Wonderland, Marilyn Manson's Phantasmagoria (which I don't think is out yet) are just the few that spring to mind. Sly is a big fan of Alice, and through her, myself. These remakes capture my attention, and hence my money, much more than the original Disney cartoon. Or the book.
Re: alice in wonderland

It follows Alice's SECOND journey to underland and follows a different plot, so it's a half sequel, half reimagination.
Re: alice in wonderland

Helena Carter. That's all I need to hear.
Re: alice in wonderland

I didn't even know it was her, but I could tell because I've watched sweeney todd so much and now I recognize her voice.

Also I can't pound "IT'S NOT A REMAKE" into everybody's head, so if somebody wants to go out in public and yell that at everybody, I'd appreciate it. Tired of dipshits who complain about their childhood being raped bitch moan whine. Shut the fuck up, it isn't even a remake. A quote from the movie.

"Alice! You're back!"


Re: alice in wonderland

Anyone else notice the huge cameo of the Tree of the Dead from Sleepy Hollow? It appears as the stump which has the rabbit hole Alice falls into, and it's shown in it's full glory when Alice takes her first steps into Wonderland.
Re: alice in wonderland


I spent the entire scene where she shrinks and grows trying to remember where I saw something like that. I gave up shortly after that scene. Thank you for putting my mind to rest.
Re: alice in wonderland

now i haven't seen the movie or read the book myself, but a reputable source was disgusted by the movie (arguing that it was a less faithful adaptation than the starship troopers movie) because of the addition of back story for all characters.

In his words, the tale was about how a child views the adult world, where as with the addition of meaning, it is akin to giving a child complete comprehension of how things work, leaving the story mediocre and a bit of a trip.

not a point i can argue but food for thought.
Re: alice in wonderland

Yeah, the source material is VERY literal with things for the sake of showing off how odd linear thinking is. Lewis Carroll is actually a pen name, and the guy who wrote the Alice books was really a mathematics professor.

If you read the many odd aspects of the story, you'll notice the pattern of linear thinking throughout. (Alice doesn't know where she's going upon reaching a fork in the road, the Cheshire Cat tells her it doesn't matter which way she goes then, for example.)

That being said, that message is lost in the Burton version, although aspects of it remain. (The Mad Hatter simply walks across the table to get to Alice when they meet, as opposed to taking the longer route around the table) That doesn't prevent the movie from being enjoyable, however if you're a die hard Alice fan you'll probably be a bit disappointed.

Oh, the White Queen is also hot as fuck. Like, seriously. I would tap that in an instant.
Re: alice in wonderland

Seen it, and rather enjoyed it. Sly being the Alice fan of the two of us also rather enjoyed it.

As for the "raping of childhoods" and so forth, there's been less faithful adaptations. Hell, that 'Return to Wonderland' series I was mentioning earlier had wonderland as a place of madness where children had to be sacrificed to to prevent the madness from leaking into the real world. The Mad Hater used to be Jack the Ripper fer Christ's sake.

As for this movie, I was rather impressed with Johnny Depp. His Scottish accent was something new from him that I rather enjoyed (so sue me I have a weakness for Scottish accents), and his normal voice was also fairly new. I only mention this as Depp has been knocked for using the same voice various times before... which I think is fairly ridiculous considering most actor's who don't even attempt to change their voice from role to role don't get any flak.

It was rather more violent than I anticipated, what with the Bandersnatch's eye getting taken out, and a fairly graphic decapitation. Not a bad thing in my opinion, more surprising.

Could go on, but I don't want to deal out any more spoilers than I already may have.

*Edit*: Oh yes, and the Cheshire was awesome!
Re: alice in wonderland

It follows Alice's SECOND journey to underland and follows a different plot, so it's a half sequel, half reimagination.

Yes, and so is American McGee's Alice, and the Return to Wonderland series.
Still remakes, or if you would prefer the technical term here: Adaptation
Does that fix everything?
Re: alice in wonderland

Yes, and so is American McGee's Alice, and the Return to Wonderland series.
Still remakes, or if you would prefer the technical term here: Adaptation
Does that fix everything?

Except this one still seems to be in the vein of the Disney cartoon, rather than completely shifting gears as American McGee's Alice has, or the Return to Wonderland series most definitely did.

Anything that is not the book can be called a remake, adaptation, or reimagining. Including the Disney cartoon.
Re: alice in wonderland

in the vein of the Disney cartoon

Combining my distaste of Disney's adaptations and my distaste of Burtin's reimaginings... That pretty much sets this movie up for a train-wreck for me, especially with the comment on the accuracy to the source doesn't help either- and mind you- I'd like to see a proper sequel to Alice - I mean, it seems like nobody in the production business even knows what Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There is; and the only thing that I can remember that people use from it is Jabberwocky and Chess.
So no, this isn't a sequel. A sequel would be an adaptation of Looking Glass. :|
Re: alice in wonderland

Of course, you can never ever please die hard fans. Reminds me of the folks signing a petition to stop Zack Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead from being made. In the end, I thought Zack's version was better. The die hard fans though would have none of it.

However Twisted, I do believe in the credits the movie said inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Beyond the Looking Glass. However, I give up trying to convince you of anything good about this movie, as you've made up your mind already. I hope you at least watched a trailer.
Re: alice in wonderland

I wouldn't nearly go ever so quite far as to call myself a die-hard fan of Alice - I thoroughly enjoyed both American McGee's and Return to Wonderland(I still need to read Escape from Wonderland, though)

This just seems like another attempt of Burtin trying to adapt something and making it weird and quirky(like Charlie), and I was only somewhat amused by Charlie(the same amount that I was by Bloodrayne), and this doesn't look any more jawdropping than the previously mentioned.
Re: alice in wonderland

Escape is rather good. I'm still awaiting them to release the third one.

As for Burtonizing it... he actually did a rather good job. You can't really make Alice in Wonderland weird, as its already fairly weird to begin with. I think the actor's did a wonderful job with this, they're who really pull everything off.
Re: alice in wonderland

While both Alice and Wonka are acid trips in their own right, I think that the reason "Charlie" didn't come off right is because of how he tried to focus on Wonka more than the original movie did. Plus, Wonka was just fucking SCARY. Only thing scarier would have been if he actually DID have MJ as Wonka, instead of just dressing Depp up like him.

Burton's version of Alice might be okay, seeing as how the original is a straight-up acid trip, and Burton's version seems to be just as much of an acid trip. It'll never be as awesome as the original movie, let alone the original books, but it's a movie made for the current generation of kids.

Plus, I think Burton's being slave-driven to make these movies by the CGI machine.

... What, am I the only one who's thought of that possibility?