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VN/TEXT NTR Loli Shota Ryona [Alice Soft] Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス

Re: Sengoku Rance

You don't really "have" that nuhe chick, the only reason I raise emo boy's trust is to get the one-eyed girl.
Can anyone help me with the takeda bonus?
Re: Sengoku Rance

I am on it, this time, but i first i need to check whats up,,it will take me a lot of turns this time.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Pretty sure I read to get the Takeda house bonus you need to capture all of their big 4 generals, and there's probably an event triggered by that. Which sounds like a massive pain, because as it's known, they cannot be captured until after Takeda falls via assassination, which requires you to perform a perfect blitz block, do the assassination, and then capture them as they join other houses.
Re: Sengoku Rance

gah. am I the only one who thinks that the monkey killing route was just thrown together by the producers? I mean, honestly, there's like half a dozen scenes that they had from other routes that they just tossed in there, even though some of what they say contradicts what actually happened! they wasted a perfectly good plot, there.
Re: Sengoku Rance

It's almost like it's not a real ending, and isn't treated as such, and is really only there to get some of the scenes and objectives that are rather difficult during a proper route.
Re: Sengoku Rance

The Monkey rote is more considered a skirmish than a story based mode.
So i need to block all 5 blitzattacks from takeda?

Thats nearly impossible....you need at last 30 commander and even with you got only 5 for each fight.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Only 4 blitz then a 40 point assassination even will appear in Shisano, do it Takeda will fall under control and you have Tourin, The other 3 will join other houses after few turn.
In my playthrough the first 2 (ninja and cavary) joined Hojou the following turn.
Only Baba that you have to wait( he joined my troop in turn 101).
Enjoy cuz this gonna be a long ass route :D
Re: Sengoku Rance

I'm having troubles with getting Senhime clear. I try it in 2nd+ playthrough and still get the same problem - game only triggers one event involving losing battle with Senhime. Maybe it needs some additional conditions, like:
1)Battle rating has to be only slightly on enemy side in the end
2)Enemy army must not have unique captains
3)The battlefield should be village type(lowest defense rating)
4)The second losing Senhime battle should be defending own territory
5)Specific action fan used(first of turn,last,etc)
and so on... I know some of them sound pretty far-fetched, but I'm at the end of the rope here...
Re: Sengoku Rance

Nope. You just need to lose 3 battles with her in the fighting army. There's an event after the first and third, the second loss has no event. If you're quitting and reloading because you're not getting an event at the second, that's your problem.
Re: Sengoku Rance

thanks, that helped ...*sigh* A black cat in a black room..Shame on me :)
Re: Sengoku Rance

sup, wen i got Senhime and would lose she always ended up being dead. If i need to lose 3 times how am i suppose to get around teh her dying all the time when i lose?
Re: Sengoku Rance

sup, wen i got Senhime and would lose she always ended up being dead. If i need to lose 3 times how am i suppose to get around teh her dying all the time when i lose?

Lose the battle, but don't lose her unit. Also, there isn't a 100 chance of death on defeat, so saving then reloading is also an option.
Re: Sengoku Rance

you can also just equip her with the fox deity charm. that prevents the wearer from ever dying from defeat. massively helpful, just toss senhime against a country by her lonesome three times with the charm and you're gold.
Re: Sengoku Rance

you can also just equip her with the fox deity charm. that prevents the wearer from ever dying from defeat. massively helpful, just toss senhime against a country by her lonesome three times with the charm and you're gold.

getting the motivational poster is better,
send her agains the nuhe three times and you hit two birds with one big stone
Re: Sengoku Rance

send her against the nuhe three times and you hit two birds with one big stone
actually, some guy wasted his time to write turn by turn walkthrough(look on ). Many such nuances are there, vastely helpful, especially if you could print it out and check\uncheck what you have done and making it your own walkthrough(helps to keep track of turn timing and branch-off starts in your saves).
Re: Sengoku Rance

o.o i tried following that turn by turn guide but ran into an issue when my units hit 500+ units before they should have and had to start letting go of them :(

This walk through also doesnt seem to allow failure of def or attacks which is hard to do when starting with crap units
Re: Sengoku Rance

Starting units is enough to do the "action fan for 13 turns" thing.On harder difficulties you choose some useful units(like Elina diviner) for that starting boost.You probably missed some important tips for managing supply count:
for ex., you don't need the construction skill at all.You just exploit the Asai-Asakura leader's clear bonus when you has enough provinces.Also,always try to hire prisoners with 1 supply during early stage, especially if they have 2+ negotiation or scout skills, you can always dismiss them later.The captains that you use mainly for off-battle duties don't really need troops, so dismiss them if that will free some supply count or if you need some quick buck for replenishing troops.

The point of failing defence is to let enemy win in your own territory(the mechanism of last town in a province). This way you can cushion one or two turns of enemy attacks and concentrate on eliminating another opponent. But most of the time, you want to engage defence battles, because they are easier to win with few numbers(usually, one line with a footsoldier in it is more then enough in early game).

Hitting 500+ before you need it shouldn't be a problem(I usually recruit them to 500 because it's cheap, and let them grow naturally after), hitting 1000+ is(except for the footsoldier units). Better to have more good captains(they usually take up a lot of supply).So selling the excess soldiers isn't a bad thing until the late stage, but then you will have specific captains with high troop-count,like Agireda or Noir.Or +1000 troops items.
Re: Sengoku Rance

ya but the most points i got to start over with is 5 :(

and following its turn by turn it sometimes feels like its relying on luck to NOT be attacked by the hara after you beat the crap out of them or you dont have enough units left over to defend from who ever else you are warring

i wouldnt mind letting them win if they would attack one of the towns in my territory but they go after their own first. The biggest problem i have with the supply is i add units to all units since im using all of them for fights unless i need to get a new unit then im short one or two units for battles.

for some reason theres ALWAYS one foot soldier i add early in the game who simply sucks, doesnt matter how many soldiers i add to that unit they are simply weak and are basically just a waste of space.

question, i restarted again and then another 5 times since that fish guy wouldnt declare war on me by turn 4 unless i had a cost of 12. so is them declaring on me random or do i NEED to have a cost of 12 or higher to get the war event
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Re: Sengoku Rance

strange, the war with Ashikage(fish guy) is triggered when you first attacking another clan - you should have conversation of Choushin and Ikkyu about extracting money from you.On the next turn of Oda there should be already messenger from them, if you don't have higher priority events(usually, all conversations involving Nobunaga and Koihime have highest priority).Don't waste your actions on declaring war, which could be provoked by in-game events. I mean, they build the whole lot of script triggers just to keep player busy fighting at least one faction.

Also, save and reload is best answer, 8 out of 10 times enemy attacks have 2+ patterns in army contingent.Hara is hard to get to attack Oda territories, but you usually can give them one victory.Just search walkthrough to the point where you conquer them, and appraise if you will have enough forces or some free action to finish them in one turn by then.

Basically, if you repeatedly fail in some action, you could do some other action benefiting you immediatly(like purple event and level up at the same time, or imposing a full levy, or swap with action from the walkthrough few turns ahead), just note it somewhere and do it later. When you get third fan, managing actions is pretty easy(I even got the 4th fan a few turns before walkthrough, thus had a little more free actions)

Oh, and about managing that supply count - some captains are worthless in battles because of their low stats. So no matter how many troops you get, they'l just die very quickly. Each class has a specific stat, by which you should sort them (def for foot soldiers, attack for warriors,archers and ninja, int for mages,mikos and diviners).Speed is good for all classes(except foot soldiers.Having a footsoldier spamming guard when you could be attacking with mage instead is a bad thing),because having a high initiative-army allows you to make much more turns then your opponent(just kill off speedy ones first). Low stat guys should be either scouts, negotiators or dungeon heroes(high level and level cap) with less then 500 troops(499,hehe).

PS:tonns of useful info, in case you missed the link in this thread
Re: Sengoku Rance

well before i got 12 cost they would have the conversation with that small blue haired girl and then on oda it would be where the leader and his sister were doing math. Could the problem have been i started with 3 extra power?

its on turn 25 or something where the walkthrough says to finish off the hara.

i have the wiki link saved and use it when i need something i think it can answer answered. though im still not totally sure what covert action is really meant to do, it never seemed to help my battles like its description said it does. :p the link is at the top of this page btw, so while i do fail greatly im not that fail yet XD

other then removing it from my computer and re installing it (which i really dont want to do :( since my deamon tool expired ) is there a way to start a new game and not have it count as a + game? I was told to simply delete the saves from the folder but when i look in at teh save data its empty so i cant locate the saves to delete them :(
im playing the translated version
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