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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary pouts. "I wanted details!" Though she adds "It's well known that most monsters will leave you alone after they've had their fun." It seems start to daydream off about them. "Hey, wait, did you run into anymore things like that down there? James and Frank won't let me go down by myself and they're leaving for town tomorrow." She looks kind of sad.

Alyssa wonders how she manages to make sense of any of that, all coming out from the girl so quickly.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Whoa, hyper NPC. I didn't meet too much else, actually. There was a slime, but it was really weak. There was a thing, what was it called...? A rope demon, but I killed it pretty easily. Like I said, getting through the dungeon was pretty easy. Hm. Possible party member? I could probably use some help getting through this dungeon. Then again, from the way she's talking she might just run up to a monster and beg to be raped...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

She tilts her head to the side. "Rope demon? I've never heard of that before..."

Then, the grin on her face making the obvious question before she could ask. "What was it like?" and she continued as she remembered something and started to pout. "And you still haven't told me the details of the tentacles!"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

It was really weird, but exactly what it sounds like. Just a bunch of ropes that had life somehow, that kind of formed into a person-like shape. And I'm embarrassed, sheesh... Alyssa said quietly as she blushed and looked away.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(Baaaaah Slow forums *kicks ulmf*)

"Oooh" Mary says, mouth opening wide..."Just tell me!" She gets a sly look on her face as she holds both Alys hands down so she can't run away. "Or...I'll cast as spell on you to make you tell me." Her grin widens.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

That wouldn't be very nice of you. She paused a bit, trying to recall exactly what happened. I was exhausted from fighting it, so it had to hold me upright. It had this weird slime that dissolved my clothes, and it started rubbing itself all over me, like it was trying to make me want it. It seemed like it played with me forever, and I sort of got off on it, and then it pushed its tentacles into every available hole and pumped hard. It gets sort of hazy after that, I was really out of it. It felt so good. I have no idea how long I slept after that, but I was still leaking cum when I woke up. Her face was bright red by now, and she couldn't bring herself to look Mary in the eyes.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary's eyes widened as she started to tell it. "Wow...that sounds totally awesome, it was, right? Totally awesome?" she asked.

"Hey. You're going back into the dungeon right, can I join you? Please? James and Frank are so boring..."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

It was pretty great... she said, lost in thought for a moment. I'm definitely going back in, I have treasure to find. I don't see why you couldn't come along if you wanted to.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary practically...no, wait, utterly glomps onto her new bestest friend Aly. "Awesome! When are you going back in?"

When he lets go she adds. "And don't worry! I'm actually useful, and I promise I won't just run right at the first monster we see..."

(Mary is an apprentice mage, she has a few useful spells and uses magic in combat, giving her a +2)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Oooof. I could probably leave any time. I've already slept who knows how long today, after all...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Great! Then we can go right away! Let me go grab my stuff and I'll meet you back by the entrance."

Alyssa merely nods, in somewhat of a daze by now from the hyper girl. It's only a short while before Mary returns. "Alright, I got all my stuff, rations...spellbook, pack, extra clothes. Yep! I'm all set, lead the way, Aly!"

The biggest grin Alyssa has ever seen in the entire history of the world is on Marys face.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Hm. Alright, sounds good to me. She saved her game again just to make sure, and began to trek to the entrance of the dungeon. She strapped on her shield and drew her sword as she reached it. Ready? she asked rhetorically, not waiting for an answer as she walked through the entrance. I hope you have some idea where we're supposed to go to get deeper into this dungeon. Or at least a better sense of direction than I do.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa lead the way for a while, since there was only one path before she got to the room where there were multiple doors. Mary point out that she thought the left door probably lead to the treasure, they set on their way.

Rolls (They are slightly painful to look at)
(2 vs 18-5 Spot)
(1d4+1 = 2 Enemies)
(14+4 vs 10, 5+4 vs 8)
Alyssa didn't think she'd ever forgive Mary for this.

Mary had lead her into a spiral stairwell, the mage saying that the treasure should be down, of course. They both entered the new room, the floor a stone masonry, but the walls and ceiling wooden and slightly letting the swamp in. Looking around, the two failed to notice the slimes hanging on the ceiling until it was too late. One dropped down on top of Alyssa, the other on top of Mary. Both of them started to feel warm as the slimes dissolved their clothes.

"Getitoffgetitoffgetitoffgetitoff!" was all Aly could hear from many, as the slimes almost completely covered both of them. They both felt drained, as the slimes sapped their strength

Slime 1: 5/5 HP (On Alyssa)
Slime 2: 4/4 HP (On Mary)
Alyssa: 4/5 FP, 1/4 AP
Mary: 3/4 FP, 1/4 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn it, of course there's shit on the ceiling! Alyssa wildly swung her sword about trying to hack at the slime that had nearly engulfed her. I think you're gonna have to get it off yourself!
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(15+1 vs 10)
Alyssa managed to slice away a portion of the slime, even though she damaged it, she was unable to get it completely off her.
(2+2 vs 5)
Mary on the other had has even less luck, using her magic to try and blast the slime proved a waste of time as it merely adsorbed the impact. "Nononononono!" She yelled, not quite ready to be taken this quickly.
(14+2 vs 13+2)
The slime on Alyssa starts to tighten around her, making it harder for her to move as it starts to encase more of her, draining her strength. She also starts to feel aroused as part of the slime becomes hard near her nethers and starts to rub there.
(3+2 vs 14+2)
Mary has a bit more luck, as she manages to stop the slime from engulfing her more, but still feeling aroused when the same thing happens to her nethers, letting out an "Eeep!"

Slime 1 4/5 HP
Slime 2 4/4 HP
Aly 3/5 FP 2/4 AP
-Taking a -2 to checks to escape and attack.
Mary 3/4 FP 2/4 AP
-Taking a -1 to checks to escape and attack.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa let out a soft moan as as the slime caressed her. This doesn't look so good, these things seem pretty strong she remarked, as she mustered up the strength to slash at the slime again. Well, I wanted a challenge. I guess I got one.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(1-1 vs 5)
Alyssa finds herself too distracted with the slimes caress, unable to find the strength to swing her sword. She feels her shield being taken away from her by the slime
(10+1 vs 1)
Mary finds a bit more luck this time, hurting the slime holding her with her magic blast. Even more luckily, the blast manages to knock the slime off her body.
(18+2 vs 6-2, crit)
Alyssa finds herself almost completely engulfed in the slime, feeling terribly tired now. She starts to feel more aroused as he clothes dissolve and the slime finds a way to play with her breasts
(20 vs 3+2)
Mary finds herself engulfed again by the slime, feeling drained as her clothes start to dissolve, her pink panties and bra visible now. "Nonononono! Stopit! Getoffgetoffgetoff! Noooooo!" It's up to her neck now too, and starts to play with her breasts, as she starts to feel more aroused.

Slime 1 4/5 HP
Slime 2 4/4 HP
Aly 1/5 FP 3/4 AP
-Taking a -4 to checks to escape and attack.
Mary 1/4 FP 3/4 AP
-Taking a -4 to checks to escape and attack.

-AP gives a -1 per point to all checks, currently.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa let out lewd moans, the slime getting to her. There was almost no point in fighting back now, and she was almost too far gone to care. Still, she swung her sword one last time, trying to perhaps turn her luck around.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(11-6 vs 1+2)
Finding a way, somehow, to slice the slime, Alyssa manage to harm it, but utterly failed to get it off of her.
(18-6 vs 17+2)
Mary tries to get another magical blast off, but fails, unable to properly focus on her magic in her state.
(14+2 vs 12-3)(5+2 vs 8-3)

Both girls become completely enveloped in slime, all of their clothes excepting their stockings dissolved to nothing. Surprisingly, Alyssa finds the slime breathable, as she feels it start to prod at her with the hard parts. No doubt Mary was going through something similar...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Assuming I've run out of FP or AP or both.

Well, Mary gets to see what the monsters are like, at least. There are probably worse monsters to run across, too. The developers get points for letting me breath inside this thing. She sighed as the slime gently caressed and prodded her, and tried to lay back and enjoy it as much as she could.