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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary looks somewhat sad at Alyssa's reaction. "I'm sorry...did you really not enjoy it that much? Hey, let's go back to that bath and rest up, then we can keep going forward!"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa couldn't respond, too ashamed to admit just how much she enjoyed it, and too afraid that her voice would betray the state she was in. She crawled her way towards the bath, hoping not to have to face Mary, before she realized she was leaving all of her things behind. She got up and walked towards them, avoiding eye contact with the young mage. She was wobbly on her feet, but whether it was because she was tired, an aftereffect of being up in the air for so long, or how horny she was, she couldn't say. When she had gathered up her things, she walked to the baths, almost hoping there was a monster there that would give her relief.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa travels back to the washroom, Mary following behind her, somewhat scared that she's lost her friend. Along the way she trips over a something, looking down, it's a book. "Escapes and how to make them" it says. On her uneventful walk back to the washroom, she reads it.

(Trait Gained: Escape Artist 2 | +2 to escape checks (Including attacking escape checks))
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The book would have been welcome at any other time, and she would surely appreciate it later, but for now she had other things on her mind. As soon as she got to the bath she quickly stripped off her clothes and threw them aside, slipping quickly into the bath. She tried to edge away from Mary quietly. I... I can't just masturbate in front of her... I can't... But it would be... so... She looked over at Mary, who seemed quite concerned. She blushed and quickly turned away. I... hadn't noticed how pretty she is... before... No, I can just restrain myself. That's... that's it, I'll do that... but... Her face had turned bright red by now, and she was quite sure she looked ridiculous to Mary. Maybe she'll catch on. And then...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa stepped in the bath, trying to find a corner where she could hide from Mary. Whenever Mary turned around for something, she couldn't help herself, starting to masturbate, it wasn't long before Mary caught her.

"Oh...are...you...all turned on...from the ropes?" She asked, somewhat sheepishly. "Maybe...I can help you?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

P... Please... was all Alyssa could muster, failing miserably to hide her lust. She wasn't quite sure what happened from here, so she laid back and waited for Mary to come to her, following her lead.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary moves closer to Alyssa, slowly. "Ok..."

Mary starts to embrace Alyssa, holding her close as she pulls Aly down into the water so just their heads are sticking out. Mary goes behind her as she places her hands on Alys breasts. "I'm...not very good, but I'll try..." She starts to play with them, Alyssa finding it entirely pleasurable, wanting to call bullshit on her not being good.

Mary drops one of her hands down to Alys nethers as she turns her around and starts to kiss her deeply. Fingers playing around Alyssa's lower lips, fooling around and entering her, she finds the release she so desired while held in the kiss, orgasming already.

Mary pulls out of the kiss and waves her hands a bit in the water. "I...know a bit of magic that can help..." she mutters. Alyssa feels the water become somewhat like slime, entering her womanhood, though gently. Mary moaning along with her as she does it to herself too.

They both reach their climax again as Mary holds onto a tight hug around Alyssa, falling asleep.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa moaned contentedly as Mary played with her breasts, eagerly returning her kiss. It took almost no time at all before she was cumming around the young mage's fingers. Her head cleared a bit, but Mary's suggestion of more seemed appealing. Damn I'm such a slut... she thought, gasping as the water became slime-like. She held on tight to Mary as it gently fucked both of them, moaning as she looked up lustfully at the pretty mage. The slime increased its speed gradually until they came together. Alyssa gently laid a sleeping Mary down on the edge of the bath, and sighed. Wow. This game, if it didn't have some monsters intent on devastating you, it would be amazing she thought, as she climbed out of the bath and fell asleep herself.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Waking up a while later, she was notified with a pop up from the game.

"Current Location is a checkpoint, saving and quitting now enabled."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, game. I'll save here then. She put on her clothes and gathered her gear, then looked over at Mary, still asleep. I guess I can let her sleep. She sat down and waited, interested to see what was further in the dungeon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa saved her game, getting dressed, deciding to take a look around the dungeon while Mary slept.

She wandered through, using her touchlight to help her see. She spotted a shadow which seemed too deep, and was prepared when a man lept out from it. He was holding a net, as well as a heavy mace on his back.

"Tsch, you saw me, brat."

Villian 5/5 HP
Alyssa 6/6 FP 0/5 AP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Well yeah she said, eying the man. He didn't seem particularly threatening to her, but then again, he certainly couldn't have been up to any good hiding in the dark with a net... She backed away carefully, her sword and shield raised. Mary! she yelled, time to wake up!
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary dozed sheepishly, a grin on her face as she was dreaming about all of the things she could do with her new friend, when she heard her call out. Waking up and blinking a few time, she realized her friend was gone! She had to go find her!

And so she ran out of the washroom, forgetting her clothes.

Alyssa certainly didn't want to know what the man was up too, and didn't want to find out, so she decided to strike first.
2+1 vs 18, counter
She ran towards him, intent on smacking him with her blade, either the flat or sharp edge, she wasn't quite sure yet. But he threw the net on her right when she was close, tangling her up and causing her to fall, she felt the pain as she landed on the hard floor. Her limbs entagled, she wasn't quite sure what she could do like this.
8 vs 4+2
The man gave her a kick to her gut, exhaling in a gasp. "Hey, you're not bad looking. I should see if I can have some fun with you."

Villian 5/5 HP
Alyssa 4/6 FP 0/5 AP
Mary (2 rounds away)

Alyssa is Badly entanged (-4 to checks, can't attack)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa groaned as the net covered and entangled her, and again when the man planted his foot into her stomach. I don't think so she said defiantly, struggling to throw off the net so she could attack the man.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

15-2 vs 19
Struggle hard as she would, she simply couldn't get the net off. It was bound around her too tight, and her struggles only make it worse. She's started to feel a tiny bit aroused, but manages to keep her head clear.
12 vs 16-2
The man tries to kick her again, but she rolls out of the way, not going to give the man the satisfaction. "Hey! Quick moving!

Alyssa hears Mary calling out "Alyssa! I'm coming, hold on!!"

"Oh? Who's that? Sounds cute, a friend of yours?"

Villain 5/5
Aly 4/6 0/5
Mary (Arrives next round)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Fuck you. She was quite tired of his "compliments." She tried again to throw off the net, hoping to be able to attack him with a numbers advantage soon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

10-2 vs 5
Alyssa manages to get the net off her, the man surprised. "Damnit, get back in that net!"
1 vs 19+2
The man goes to reach for his net, giving Alyssa the time to strike him, giving him a clean slash across his back, his armor is pieces and he bleeds a bit as he fumbles his footing, just barely managing to stand.
12+2 vs 13
Mary comes running from the darkness, Alyssa hears her conjuring up her blasting magic as a bolt rams into the man, he lets out a gasp, clearly surprised...and a bulge in his pants, indicating it being at more than one things.

Alyssa turns around...to see Mary completely naked.

Villian 3/5
Aly 4/6
Mary 5/5
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at Mary's nudity, but shrugged it off fairly quickly. Anyway... Let's keep it up she said, rushing at the man to slash at his midsection.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

4+1 vs 19
Running forward again, Alyssa is surprised when the man manages to dodge out of the way, bringing his mace around now to try and swat her as she runs past. She brings her sword up, expertly deflecting the blow, the sword being the only thing stopping her from having a nice bash
12+2 vs 5
Mary lets for another magic blast. "Stay away from Aly! You meanie!"
8 vs 2+2
The man shrugs off the blast, still causing him pain, as he charges Allyssa and gives her a good smack with his mace, she tumbled back, entangling herself in the net again!

Villian 2/5
Aly 3/6 (Entangled, -2 to checks, can attack)
Mary 5/5
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

She muttered a curse as she fell back, slashing at the man as she landed in the net. Hopefully she and Mary could finish him off quickly...