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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

2 vs 5
17 vs 15
4 vs 21

Alyssa fails to get her net off her, only getting more entangled, being practically bound even though it's only a set of nets. Mary blasts one of the bandits, as he flies off his feet and lands with a thud

The other bandit decides to charge at Mary, thinking Alyssa no longer a threat, only to run hard into her magical barrier. Mary takes a quick look at Alyssa and gets flustered seeing her like that.

Hider II 5/6
Aly 5/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 1/6
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa cried out in frustration, wondering how the fuck she was so entangled in a set of nets. She stopped for a moment and tried to go about getting out of them more methodically, hoping that at least she would avoid further entangling herself. Maybe if I'm smart about it I'll even be able to get out of them!
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

0 vs 3
9 vs 15
2 vs 22

Alyssa fails utterly to get herself out of the nets, only managing to find a way to somehow get one tightening around her crotch, she's pretty hopelessly entangled, there's still a chance she might get out, but it might take a while.

Mary is having varied luck fighting the bandit, missing with her blast, but managing to practically knock him off his feet as he goes in for an attack.

Of course, Mary is finding herself distracted looking lewdly at Alyssa.

Hider II 4/6
Aly 5/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 2/6
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Holy shit I'm bad at this. She tried her hardest to get out of the nets, wanting to help Mary beat the last bandit.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

2 vs 15
16 vs 10
5 vs 20

Alyssa tries and fails once more to loosen her binds, she almost thinks that she probably looks good like this, all trussed up for no wait, she has to keep a clear head, focus!

Mary is having better luck now, still smiling lewdly towards Alyssa, but keeping her focus, as she manages to blast the guy again and again as he tries to get close, dancing around so he never even has a chance.

Hider II 2/6
Aly 5/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 2/6
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

This is getting old fast. At least Mary is kicking ass. She tried again to escape the nets, clearly agitated by now.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

1 vs 9
21 vs 1

Alyssa continues to fruitlessly struggle escaping the nets as she watched Mary get a double blast on the kidnapper, blasting him off his feet, into a heap.

Mary walks over to Alyssa, a lewd smile on her face. "...I don't think I'm going to let you out yet." she says.

Aly 5/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 2/6
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I guess that's fair. How can I repay you for saving my ass again? she asked coyly, starting to get aroused as she thought of all the possibilities.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary summons a small tentacle, as Alyssa clothes disappear around the right spots. "Oh...maybe you can let this take it..." she said coyly. Alyssa felt the nets changing themselves as she realized Mary was controlling the ropes again.

Alyssa shortly found herself tied in a tight hogtie with a rope gagging her mouth. A single tentacle pressing itself inside both her lower entrances as Mary fondled with her breasts. It was quite fun, and she was starting to moan...

Then someone entered the room, and spotted the couple on the ground, one girl playing with another tied up, while the second was being fucked by a tentacle in both holes.

His face instantly went to blush, as did Marys, Alyssa's probably did do.

"Errr..." he started.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I think I'm starting to like being bound a little too much. Probably not a great thing to like in this game... Still, it feels so nice Alyssa thought as Mary animated the nets into another tight hogtie, hoisting her up. She could barely wait as the tentacle inched ever closer to her, and she was absolutely certain that the thing had to be playing with her by moving so slow. She shivered as the thing crawled slowly up her body, and she moaned as it penetrated her. She was a little bit confused when she felt something rubbing against her asshole, realizing what was happening only once the tentacle gently pushed its way into her ass and began thrusting itself in one hole, then the other. Mary, looking as if she was enjoying the show quite a bit, began to caress her breasts. Alyssa moaned loudly into her gag, making it wet with her drool, until she saw the man enter the room and stare uncomfortably at the scene. Oh shit. Her face turned a bright shade of red as she looked down at the ground, thoroughly embarrassed at being walked in on. Of course, that made it all the more exciting, and she couldn't quite suppress her moaning as the tentacle continued to fuck her.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The tentacle refused to stop, not caring about such meaningless things as social awkwardness, so it was that the tentacle cummed inside Alyssa while Mary was trying to say something to the new entry.

However, all she manged to do was to get a set of rope tie itself around him and drag him over as he tried somewhat vainly to drag himself away.

Mary finally spoke. "...we're going to have you join us, ok?" She nodded at Alyssa, making sure she wanted the guy in on it too.

The guy sort of of looked at the both of them, a look mixed with fear and arousal on his face, torn between wanting to join and wanting to get out of there as fast as he could. "...why?" he merely whimpered.

Alyssa felt her gag loosen a little so she could talk.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa gasped as the tentacle filled her with its cum, afterward pausing for much longer than was usual for such a creature, and now Alyssa had no doubt whatsoever that it was playing with her. She watched as Mary dragged the man over to them and insisted that he join in, and to look at him he was fairly attractive. Then again, anyone probably would have looked attractive to her at that moment, on the edge of orgasm as the tentacles waited. She felt Mary loosen her gag enough for her to talk, wanting to ensure that she was comfortable with the idea of the man joining in. She gave a quick glance at the man, and could see that he was conflicted as to what he himself wanted. I don't want to force him, but I want... I'd like... I'd like... She blushed bright red, embarrassed terribly by what she wanted to say. Finally she turned to look up at the man and said I'd like your dick in my ass... Please. She looked away, focusing on the floor and hoping that regardless of what happened, it happened soon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The tentacles finally pushed her to the edge of merciful orgasm, after making her wait so long.

Mary pouted. "Not force him? Too soft!" But she looks back to the guy, sitting on the floor.

The newcomer looked between them, as Mary started to seductively strip for the fellow, he couldn't help but notice how much fun the two were having...and well, the were offering..."Ok...I'll join" he finally manages meekly, as Mary discards her panties onto his head.

Mary brightens up. "Oooh, good." she she says, leaning down and hugging the man from behind as she pressed her beasts against his back. Making him stand up erect in more than one way, as he moved towards Alyssa backside. The tentacle removed itself, from just the back, so the man could enter.

"Ha..Ok...I'm um, enter" halfway through saying this, Mary pushed him forward, causing him to enter earlier than he expected, making his entry somewhat painful.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Almost as if it could sense Alyssa's frustration the tentacle wiggled about for a bit, just enough to push her over the edge to an intense orgasm. She cried out in ecstasy, barely noticing as the man agreed to her proposition. She felt the tentacle remove itself from her ass, its cum leaking out of her as it went. She heard him timidly announce his intentions, and was caught off guard when he entered her before finishing his sentence, groaning a bit in pain as she leaned forward for her gag, biting down on it. The pain quickly passed, and she waited for both him and the tentacle to start again.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The man started, as the tentacle alternated with his thrusts. Alyssa could feel the gag properly retie itself for her, as the rest of her clothes started to disappear, leaving her skin on the rope. Mary reached around to grope her breasts now, still pressing herself firmly against the back of the man.

Alyssa felt the tentacle grow a little bit, get a bit bigger wider and longer, as it her juices had fed it and made it grow. She heard Mary gasp in please as the tentacle mange to make it's way around the man and enter her too, holding them all in a tangle of fucking.

Alyssa was probably getting the best of it for the moment those. As she could hear Mary tell the man to go harder, and he did.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa moaned as the man began to thrust, the tentacle waiting until his out motion to begin its thrusting. As Mary reached around to massage her breasts, she could feel the tentacle slowly expand inside her, intensifying the sensation as the two pounded both her holes. She heard Mary gasp, and realized that the tentacle had arched around the man to fuck her too, though she still found the voice to order the man to fuck Alyssa harder. He complied with enthusiasm, pushing her very near to a second orgasm. Heh, when I first met Mary she was a timid little virgin, and now she's turning into some sort of dominatrix. For some reason, that thought amused her quite a bit, even as she tried to thrust back despite being bound.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The man continued, until Alyssa orgasmed, he withdrew unexpectedly, like he hadn't know happened. Alyssa also felt the tentacle exit, leaving her with a few moments rest.

She was able turn around and see behind her the man lying on the ground, Mary lying on top of her, the tentacle squirming it's way up her ass.

She was working to get the man up again, as he had released his seed right over Alyssa's back when he exited.

Eventually when he managed to get up again, Mary propped herself right over the tip, tentacle still fucking her. "I want you to make me feel good, alright?" She said. The man nodded. "...And sorry it's not my first time, I bet you would have liked that..." she sort of mumbles to him as she pushes herself down on the member.

During this time the ropes undid Alyssa, so she could probably find a way to join in if she wanted.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa spasmed, coming to her second orgasm as the man furiously pumped into her ass and the tentacle continued its assault on her pussy, her screams of ecstasy muffled by her gag. Soon thereafter she felt the man pull out and spray his warm cum onto her back. It wasn't long before the tentacle also pulled out of her and crawled away, leaving her to lie in bliss for a few moments. She inched herself around to see the action behind her, watching as the tentacle began to fuck Mary's ass as she straddled the man. As she slowly lowered herself onto the man's cock the ropes binding Alyssa undid themselves, as if she was being encouraged to join in. She walked over as Mary began to ride the man and squatted over his face, encouraging him to eat her out as she leaned in to kiss Mary and fondle her breasts.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The man looked surprised as Alyssa bent over him, but it didn't take long for him to figure out what to do as he started to gently lick her, trying to slurp up her juices that still lingered. He was awkward as first, and Alyssa shivered, he wasn't as good as Mary was in that slime.

But he learned quick, and got very good before she even realized she was ready to come again, his tongue dancing all around, his lips pressing against hers. And he found herself coming to another climax again, as she closed her eyes and heard Mary also orgasming.

But the kiss and the breast fondling with Mary had also been good, both of them playing with the other's breasts, sharing a long, deep, sensual kiss. The two were in bliss with the man, who pondered why he had ever tried to flee in the first place.

The man came after Alyssa released herself on his face, filling Mary up with his seed.

All together, they collapsed into a heat from the exhaustion. Mary muttering something along the lines of "Idiot...you weren't supposed to cum inside...". Fake tears welling up in her eyes as she fell asleep with Alyssa and the man.
Mary and Alyssa came too a little while later, the man still somewhat out of it.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa sighed as the man fumbled about, rather unsure of himself. Of course, she herself had been that way not so long ago, so she could forgive him for that. She focused on having her fun with Mary, and before she knew it the man had gotten much more sure of himself. She cried out as she came, her juices dripping onto the man's face. It wasn't long before Mary and he came as well, and fell exhausted into a heap. Alyssa ended up between them, and gently pulled them towards her, enjoying their warmth as she fell asleep.

When she awoke, she pulled closer to Mary, hoping to lay in her arms until the man awoke. They could decide what to do from there.