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Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Liliana was fine, Tiffa found, having clung to her as Reina bucked, and chuckled a bit at Reina's response. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. A-And they didn't spank me, j-just groped me. I guess A-Alraune are big teases too, l-like succubi," Reina said, stammering a bit before they headed on to Gereth.


"I'm sure we will Tiffa, especially if we get to spend our time with you," Liliana replied when Tiffa spoke to her and Reina, smiling warmly at the dark elf.

When Tiffania knocked on the door to the chieftess's house, it opened a few moments later with one of her lady's in waiting holding the doorknob. She told Tiffania that she'd get the chieftess, and disappeared, where she returned a minute later with a , one who was incredibly beautiful, and Tiffania knew it was her chieftess, Telara Skyfall. "Tiffania, darling, you've returned from your hunt. I hope you were able to get something. And you've brought friends, I see," Telara said, pulling Tiffania into a hug like she usually did to her and all the other matriarchs of their tribe, and giving Tiffa's butt a grope, before looking to Reina and Liliana, awaiting Tiffa to introduce them.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Groping Telera's butt and hugging back in return, Tiffania pulled away from the chief's embrace and gestured to the angel hybrid and centauress. "Chief Telera this is Liliana and Reina, I met them while I was cleaning up my latest kill on the road. They were running down it, fleeing from a group that attacked her village. Liliana can tell you the rest of her story once we settled down chief." reported the dark elf in a professional manner.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

Telara smiled at Tiffania, and wiggled her butt in return, looking amused and happy at the return groping. "I see, well, if Tiffa vouches for you both, then you're welcome here. And she seems to be more than willing to do that, so... welcome to our home. We have a fairly big area here in this valley, a good fifty miles of land throughout it, from end to end. And up the sides of the big hills, and a bit on the outer sides of them too, mostly for hunting. So, you're welcome to travel them anytime you wish, my lovely little angel," Telara said, licking her lips slightly as she stepped over towards Liliana, pulling her into a hug, burying her face in her breasts just like she'd done with Tiffa, and then doing the same to Reina.

"Anyway, I'm sure you ladies would like to get settled in, before we talk. So, go ahead and get yourselves to the guest house next door, and we'll talk more once you're settled in and make sure everything is to your liking over there," Telara went on to say with a smile, a couple of her maids moving to show the pair to the guest house, leaving Tiffania free to go with them, or do whatever really.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Hey Liliana and Reina, I'm going to check on my friends so take your time settling in." Tiffania told the two, then she left the chief's house and walked around the village, looking for her valued friends.

, , , , and ; those five are the ones she valued the most out of the numerous friends she made over the years. Lyra the herbalist and fellow matriarch, her gentle personality always manages to soothe any frustrations her friends are feeling. Esta the cook, her meals and boastful personality never fails to bring joy and fun to the group. Leena the rival, her cool personality hides a competitive streak that serves to keep her and her friend's wit and skill sharp. Kali the accountant, her calculating mind serves to balance her friend's and the town's finances while catching every last bit of gossip that appears. And finally, Saria, her childhood friend, an important farmer, and another matriarch, the bond they formed as they grew up made her and Tiffania treat each other like sisters, her bubbly personality never failing to brighten everyone's day.

The first destination she went to is the agriculture district, where all the farms grow the crops needed for the winter and commerce. There she asked around on where Saria is. With directions given to her, Tiffania headed straight for her childhood friend. Spotting the farmer, Tiffania enveloped Saria in a hug and groped her butt. "Saria! It's been a while, how are you doing? I had something exciting happen to me while I was hunting!" cheerfully greeted Tiffania.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Alright hon. Have fun. We'll be fine, I think," Liliana told Tiffa, not minding letting her go for now to do what she wished.

Heading first to find Saria, Tiffania was told which direction she was in, and Tiffa found herself on Saria's farmland soon enough, being directed by a couple of the farmhands to where Saria was, at the entrance to one of her barns. "Tiffa! You're back. I'm so glad you're okay. And I... h-heh, well. I was about to get down and dirty with some... work, if you catch my drift, y-you know, wink wink, the naughty kind of work. Chief Telara made a deal with one of the neighboring tribes, some high elves, who want a matriarch for a few days. So me and Ganesha both stepped forward for it, and offered ourselves to breed with the dozen or so of them. Most of them are their rangers and warriors, but there's three or four that are a much kinder and gentler sort," Saria said when she sat Tiffa, hugging her friend back and smiling as she did, while Tiffania remembered Ganesha, the tall halfbreed minotaur/kitsune, with a bit of dark elf mixed in there at some point, who had a libido that practically amounted to that of all the other matriarchs in the tribe combined, and a big horse like cock that was incredibly sensitive yet never lost its erection once she was aroused, and she always stepped forward when these offers of matriarchal trade came along.

"All told, there were fifteen. I'm getting five, and Ganesha's taking the other ten herself. Said she could easily handle them all if I didn't want to. But hey, the chief said these high elves offered to stay and help on the farm some if I agreed too, so I said fuck it, I'll do it. Because I can always use extra hands with the crops and stuff," Saria said, looking glad to have accepted the trade offer, despite the soreness that she'd have in her loins soon.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Well, I'm glad that you got some people to help you out now Saria! How about we get together with the gals later in the day and talk about current events? And that exciting thing that happened to me? Well, an angel hybrid and her centauress guard were running down the road with the hybrid riding the guard. They asked me if Gereth was nearby and I saw that they weren't bad people so I escorted them to the nearby guard post and then to Gereth the day after." Tiffania said to her best friend. "Do you know where the others are or do you need help with anything sis?" asked the dark elf with a warm smile on her face, thinking that she has time for other things before a messenger would come to tell her that she is needed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Sure, I don't mind. Wanna meet at the tavern like usual for some drinks? And an angel hybrid huh? Wow, that's... actually kinda neat. More fun sounding than my day's been really, yesterday, and today both actually. And nah, I think we can manage for today, with the extra help those new girls are offering. They barely know which end of a hoe and scythe to hold, but they're trying their best, bless them. Might as well get as much out of them as I can, right, hmhm," Saria replied, giggling as she finished. "Besides, I'm sure you've got better things to do than help me on the farm here and whatnot," she added with a shrug, not seeming to mind Tiffania not helping her with the farm work.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Alright Saria have fun with the high elves! I'll talk to Esta to seek if she can whip something good up for the meeting cause I want to introduce the two to everyone in the group." Tiffania replied to Saria, then she gave the farmer one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before setting off.

Heading towards to the tavern the group always likes to visit, Tiffania entered the building and simply took in the atmosphere. The smell, the wooden tables and chair scattered throughout, the chatter, and the maids dressed in scanty uniforms brought precious memories of the time the group spent here. Shaking her head a little, the ranger made a bee line straight to the bar, where the bartender, a catgirl, is currently cleaning a mug with a rag. "Hey Carol! How are you been doing? Can you get Esta for me? I need to ask her something." Tiffania said to her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"You too hon, and that would be great. I'll talk to you later, okay," Saria said, smiling to Tiffa and waving bye to her after giving her a hug.

Heading on to the tavern, Tiffa found that it was mostly empty at the moment, though given the time of day it was no surprise really. Heading to the bar, Tiffa found Carol cleaning a mug, and she perked up at Tiffa's arrival. "Oh hey Tiffa. Just go on back to the back. She should be back there somewhere I'm sure," Carol replied, her cat ears twitching slightly as she smiled to Tiffa, nodding her head to the door to their left just past the bar counter.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Thanks Carol, anyways could you prepare our special drinks for later? We are going to have a group meeting today." replied Tiffania, then she went past the left door and entered the kitchen. Carefully maneuvering past the chefs and greeting them as she met them, the dark elf finally found her friend, who was cooking some kind of stew in a pot.

"Hey Esta how is it going? I need you to do something for me if you don't mind." greeted Tiffania with a cheerful smile on her face.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Sure. You want the usual table in the side room?" Carol replied, as Tiffa walked by.

After she answered and went on into the kitchens, Tiffa saw only a couple of ladies in there. When Tiffa got to Esta and found her making the stew, Esta turned her head at the greeting and smiled at Tiffa. "Hey hon. What's up and what'cha need?" Esta replied, stirring the stew she had in the pot.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Yeah, and could you also make some room for one more person and a centauress? I planning to introduce two new people to the group." Tiffania replied in return as she walked into the kitchen.

"Well my big breasted friend, I plan to have everyone get together later this day so I was wondering if you could cook up a big meal for us. I'm also planning to introduce two new people so could you cook more than usual?" she said to her friend, her appetite being slightly roused from its slumber as she took in the delicious scent of the stew Esta is making.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"A centauress? Well... hmm... I suppose I could set us up an outdoors get together on the patio area out back. If that's alright with you that is. I don't think we got the room for a centauress inside, at least not easily," Esta replied, looking a little unsure of getting Reina in there with them. "And of course hon. I can handle it. I'm assuming this centauress you mentioned is one of those two, so I'll get a bit extra for her, and more vegetables and fruits for her, since centauress's don't eat much if any meat," she added before giving Tiffa a hug and seeing her off.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"Thanks babe, you are the best!" cheerfully said Tiffania as she returned the hug. Grabbing a nearby apple, the ranger left the tavern munching on the fruit pondering on what to do next.

"Hmm, I suppose I could visit Kali and send out messengers to my friends to let them know about at the same time." she decided and then started walking towards the administration building. Throwing the core in a wooden trash bin, the ranger entered the building. After asking the receptionist where her friend is, she maneuvered around the various people moving back in forth with purpose, she found the accountant checking over various scrolls and forms, her mind filled with calculations as she made sure that everything is in place. "Hey Kali how are you doing today? I see you are busy as usual so I'll let you know that I'm having the group meet up at the tavern later in the day is that okay?" Tiffania said to Kali.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Amazonia, a dark elf's tale. (MasterofSuprise)

"No problem hon," Esta told Tiffa, flashing her a wink before Tiffa left.

Tiffa found Kali sitting at a desk, writing on a piece of paper, looking quite focused on what she was doing. "Hey Tiffa. I'm writing out the finalization of our trade deal to sign with the high elf tribe that Saria's gonna be helping to breed with. After I do this, I have to take it to the chief to sign, and then I have to take it to someone to then take to their chief to sign, finalizing the whole thing. Plus I'm balancing the town's budget at the same time. We're... losing money, badly, after those last big storms. If we can't drum up some extra funds soon, we won't have enough to use for trading for food through winter, at this rate. Our biggest source of trade in winter comes from the White and Black Wing tribes, but seeing as we've had no contact with them all season, I'm starting to worry that their trade caravan won't be coming this year," Kali said, looking worried about what she spoke of.