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An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Stealth: Success
Perception: Failure

Following the flow of the river and remaining as stealthy as possible, Mithras made good time. The riverbank was fairly clear of large trees and bushes, making hiding while remaining along it a little difficult, but she managed quite well. Moving along with great agility, Mithras finds her progress unimpeded. As she moves along, she notices that the noises of the forest and of the river don't change, remaining equally scant. The lesser wildlife, such as rabbits, mice, and fish also seem to be absent almost completely.

After about an hour of traveling, Mithras came to a large pool formed by the river flowing into a cove, the pool apparently having little current. The water flowing out through a small creek seemed to be of greater volume than what was going in, and Mithras was unable to see the bottom of the pool, suggesting that this might be a spring of some sort that joined with the river.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

As Mithra follow the flow the scant noise make her think than the situation was worse than she expected, what kind of demon could generate an aura than could affect this great zone of the forest. Maybe she will need to return after complete her quest and inform her town about this demon invasion.

A little tired after reach the poll, she decide to stop a moment to rest, Mithra search for a high place (big tree) to climb over it, in a attempt to have a better perspective of the area, also in the process she look around for foes than could interrupt her .
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Perception: Success.

Looking around, Mithras located a large tree, and swiftly proceeded to climb it. Her agility made the task simple, and when she got a good look around, the sight didn't exactly make her spirits soar. She couldn't spot anything moving, either in the town or in the forest, and she could tell from the way the trees bark fell off in clumps as she scaled the tree that it was in poor health. At least there weren't any foes nearby, not that she could see at least, but she knew that demons could be a great deal trickier than that.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

As Mithra climb the try she start to feel pity for the whole forest, if this continue the whole landscape of this area will be just a desert. After don't see any foe she decide to look a little more in an attempt to find any kind of civilization (even smoke) or a place than could be a best shelter than the dammed town (like a mountain with caves).

To make that she use flight (15) to reach an even high place, an look around in an attempt to a better perspective of the situation, also to check the full image of the Forest
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 22/40, Flight 15

Flying high up into the sky, Mithras looks around for any signs of civilization. First scouring the forest, she spots nothing of note, other than more of the same, with much of the forest being completely still. She does see a few strange trees with red leaves and black bark, but they hardly look hospitable. The nearby mountain is too far away for her to see anything on it, but she doubted that anything that would welcome her would be on a mountain like that anyway.

Surveying the town, she spots numerous instances of smoke, but many of them were too large to be camp fires, suggesting that parts of the town were burning down. She did spot numerous dots of smoke collected together in a few instances deeper in the town, however, but she had no idea what was causing them. Even if they were camps, she also couldn't be sure of what exactly might be camping there. She did know, however, that her energy was dwindling quickly, her flight having taken a great deal of power to achieve.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Looking from the sky Mithra decide to make a map on her mind, "Those trees look dangerous, so i only have that far mountain and the city. I'm not sure but that smoke could be from the mercenaries than i heard talk before in that relate or could be a camp of demons...why the town is on fire? maybe they are fighting maybe if i fly more high, maybe i could go to the mountain after look what is happening...uff i must return i have wasted so much energy" she though to herself,feeling than her energy was not be enough to stay there to much time, she return to the big tree trying to don't damage it more and use it to protect herself until she restore her energy.

Once again on the top of the tree she take a little of the food than she take from the inn and eat it while she try to spot any intruder than could surprise her in her critical state

Action: rest on the tree and turn off flight
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Returning down to the tree, Mithras carefully lands on a branch before letting go of her power. Then, settling down for a good rest, she eats a quick meal while her spiritual power restores itself. She keeps vigilant during her rest, but nothing comes toward the tree or the pool beneath it. She does, however, notice that something seems to be very strange about the deep pool of water. She can sometimes see flits of movement beneath it, and her spiritual sense pick up something living towards the bottom.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

When Mithra end her meal she find a strange move in the pool, Mithra throw a little piece of the trees bark to the pool and look trying to find what is there "maybe is just a fish...or something like that"

If nothing happen
After go down the tree Mithra follow the same road from where she come, she was expecting to use the river in her advantage in the same way to go to the town.

Action: try to return to the town in an attempt to find someone or at least know what happen use Perception and Stealth rolls
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

Mithras, deciding not to investigate the movement in the pool, heads back down to the side of the river. Unfortunately, she had seen that the river continues for quite a ways without any bridges, so the only way she was getting across was to try and swim, or use her powers to fly back across.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

In her way to the city Mithra must pass again the river, she decide to use flight 7 again to cross it. It was a low cost to avoid an unfortunate accident than she could have if she fail to swim.

(flight is really useful XD)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 30/40, Flight 7

Flying across the water, Mithras lands on the opposite side of the river, which has a multitude of small docks and shacks forming a maze on it. She doesn't lower herself to the ground completely, however, as a strange blue slime slowly oozes out of a hole in the wall of a nearby shack. The strange creature seems to spot her, and slowly begins moving toward her, getting right beneath where she is hovering.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

As Mithra was ready to land on earth she note how a strange blue was trying to intercept her "Sigh...i was expecting to don't have another encounter until reach the city. First lets check if he have friends" she thought to herself while she go more high to avoid an attack.

In a defense stand she active battle aura in an attempt to look around trying to find another foe and don't loose visual contact on the slime.

action: reduce flight to 2 to try to be out of range, then active battle aura 1 while use a perception roll in a defense stand (10 points to increase defense)

Its possible do all this?
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 24/40, Flight 2, Battle Aura 1

(Yes. The only thing you're actually activating is the Battle Aura. The perception check comes for free, as does changing the level of an active power. And since you're not attacking, you can add whatever you like need into defense.)

Perception: Success.

As she glanced around, Mithras spotted another slime wandering the area below her, though this one hadn't spotted her yet. It was in front of a wooden stand covered in rotting fruit, not doing anything conspicuous at the moment. She also spotted a thin, gray skinned humanoid creature, clearly demonic, coming out of a house near the other slime. The demon hadn't noticed her either, fortunately. The slime beneath her, meanwhile, retracted for a second before sling-shotting toward her. The main body stays on the ground, but a little piece of it flies toward her. It doesn't get high enough to reach her, thankfully, and falls back to the ground without her having to do anything.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

(Nice...three post more like the last one and this will be a tutorial XD)

The young warrior decide to check the area, she find than this fight will be more hard than any other in the last day "It cant be, another slime and a demon!. a frontal battle will be nearly impossible in this moment." Just when she was thinking her next move she see surprised how the slime split in two and launch a part to attack her, after know than a normal slice will be not effective she decide to prove a different tactic.

She increase her flight speed and Battle Aura, after that she go toward the slime trying to make a fatal blow to the living fluid after that she retreat to the other side of the river with her last strength of her spirit trying to don't lost of sight the location of the three monsters.

Action: increase Battle Aura to + 8 and flight to 10 then attack the slime (if both slime are close enough use whirlwind) then retreat to the other side of the river to restore energy
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 6/40, Flight 10, Battle Aura 8

(She can't attack and make it across the river, even with 50 movement. Especially since she's 40 feet up. The slimes are also too far apart, as is the demon, for you to use whirlwind.)

To-hit: Automatic
Damage: 2 + 12 + 24 - 8 = 30 damage.

Her blade slashes deep into the slimes body, shaving off a piece of its core, but the creature is still alive and mobile, despite the fierce attack. Mithras tries to retreat toward the river, but the slime has more than enough time to retaliate, and, what's more, the demon and the other slime have both spotted her.

To-hit: 11 + 28 + 4 = 43 vs 43 + 24 = 67 == Miss.
To-hit: 9 + 28 + 4 = 41 vs 43 + 24 = 67 == Miss.
Casting: Success.
Mind vs Body Check: 9 + 24 + 4 = 37 vs 20 + 36 + 3 = 59 == Mithras wins.

Two chunks of slime rush past her as she flies away, missing her despite the fact that she couldn't see them coming. Vines suddenly shoot up from the ground in front of her, entangling her legs, but Mithras manages to pull herself free of them almost immediately. She is free to try and escape, but her energy supplies are dwindling quickly.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

As the young girl slice the slime something inside her told him than this was a bad way to start the battle and she question herself about why she was returning to that town in first place. In that moments thanks to her spirit power some memories remember her how her father train her to avoid confrontations where she have low possibilities to win or how survive when she was in an imminent danger. The doubt make her lost the core of the slime but they make her see than the other two demons have spot her.

She decide to make a "tactic retreat", Mithra rush in full speed she just note the two chunks of slime rush past her "Damn that was close" just when she believe than she will escape easily she feels something holding her legs, instantly she look down an look how some vines try to hold her, but thanks to her adrenaline she successfully escape from the grip of the plants. Feeling how her power was falling she decide to turn of her Battle Aura and reduce the potency of her flight, trying to don't underestimate her foes now than she know than one of them was a wizard she use her sword to try to look behind and prepare herself for the next spell.

Action:Try to escape to the river or any way to get out of sight of her opponents, turn of battle aura, reduce flight to 5 and use 20 points to increase defense (i also update a little the story of the character)
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 1/40, Flight 5

(If she tries to fly over the river, she'll run out of energy and pass out before she gets to the other side.)

Flying away from the slimes, Mithras reaches the end of the pier that jutted over the water before she realized that she wouldn't make it across before her energy supply ran dry. She turned toward her attackers, who were now following after her, though the slimes moved incredibly slowly, and the demon seemed reluctant to leave them behind to attack her.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Just when she was ready to swim to the other side, a tired Mithra note than the wizard take his time to catch her. This make her to start thinking than some trap or monster is inside the water, so she decide to follow the river again running to the other side from where she don't came, trying to maintain the distance of her persecutors Mithra also try to avoid any new encounter trying to found them before they note her.

Action: Turn off flight to recover enough to pass the river, use 20 points to increase defense in case than the slimes try to attack and i doubt than she can use Stealth mode running but at least make the roll of perception.

(sorry 1 week before a great amount of exam in the school, so i have overwork)
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Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

Mithras Status: HP = 49, P = 35, EP = 40

(I've got no problem unless you do.)

Mithras begins running up the pier, and turns to the right, easily getting there before the slimes can even get close. The creatures spew more chunks of their bodies at her, but she has little trouble avoiding them, and the plop harmlessly into the river. She swiftly finds herself out of the demons line of sight, running along the bank of the river, jumping over the fences between the yards of the separate houses. It isn't long before she figures that the slimes and their demon master aren't chasing her, and she has a moment to stop and catch her breath. Her energy doesn't take long to restore itself after that, and she is free to continue on, either through the town or across the river.
Re: An Unwanted Quest (plmnko)

" Damn that was close, i suppose than i must avoid to underestimate them" After recover her breath Mithra decide to go where she go through the town to find what is the cause of the smoke than she saw the last time. In the way she try to spot any non-demon survivor but if she found any monster she will try to attack first if the circumstance is appropriate.

action:go to where the big concentration of smoke is using stealth and perception roll