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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Uhm im not Nyami to explain it more exactly but... Ashley is more close to our mom than us... And Mom if was not in her usual form was then as an invisible spirit... heh, so what could be weird for Ashley? Mize chuckle a little frustrated to dont be able to explain this better like her big sister.

Elizabeth sigh and calm before say something a little against the succubi words. Both of us are human Mize, there shouldnt be anything rare coming out from her as that bright.

Well... i have a lot of nightmares about my body changing and then my clothes change that other time, even then i dont want to have a tail or anything weird comming out of me. Ashley said making the succubi turn to her and hug her in a friendly way. Oh cmon a tail is cute and useful, it woul make wonders for you in the bed. Of course than these few words werent effective to change Ashley opinion so Mize proceed.

Oh, fine. Anyway Ashley would be able to control her magic and maybe her changes a little if she ends her training, so there is nothing to worry about it. Mize said

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'm not going to deny a tail would be cute, but it's Ashley's body, so she should get to choose what it looks like I think," Angie said after everyone had finished talking again.

"A-Anyway though, I really need to be going now if I'm going to get out to that elven village before the day's too far gone," Angie told them all, preparing to leave, and kissing everyone but Ashley on the cheek, and Ashley on the lips, and then she prepared to go, unless the others had anything to speak to her about.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Heh, or i could choice to dont have a tail. Ashley answer before receive the angel kiss, one than last half a minute at least.

Just when Angie was ready to leave, Mize used her tail to hold her arm and then hugs her from the back and whispered softly loud for the others to heard too. And do you know where is the elf village? Let me try to draw you a map, hon. Of course than Sapphira said something about need to Mize to draw her a map too for another day she could make some "friends" there, but the succubi just made one meanwhile Ashley softly pull her away from Angie, something than Mize loved groping suddenly Ashley's rear as the succubi wink, her tail ending the draw in a magic paper than herself made.

Angie noticed than she could fly direct passing the harpy nests and using a hidden passage deep a tunnel or surround to a side the mountains and get deep inside the forest where she would need to walk for a while as the woods were very dense to notice the village from the sky.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"If that is what you wish Ashley, then I will love you no matter what. I think you're beautiful no matter what," Angie told Ashley, kissing her on the lips a second time before she made to leave.

Mize stopped her though and asked if she even knew where the elf village was, and Angie sighed softly before shaking her head no. After she got her map, Angie thanked Mize and hugged her again before she headed out, hoping that Ashley would be okay in her absence.

Angie flew out, completely naked, as she had forgotten to even get dressed, towards the mountain. She decided that on her way to the elf village, since it took her so close, that she would go past the harpy nests and see if she could get in there and have a look around to try and find some jewelry in one of their nests or caves.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angelique could see how grateful was Ashley for her words, but the angel was in a hurry to leave, not even she take a magic staff or cloth before fly to the mountains, leaving before someone could advise her of her actual condition. It was still in the morning, her wings could enjoy a pleasant breeze not cold at all thanks to be some hours before the midday and only some few women noticed her leave the town, yet see a nude futa was starting to be really usual there thanks to the blue beings.

Her travel was out of problems, for the hour or the work of the many beings in the woods trying to place order against the many new monsters. Soon she get to her destination, between the forest up toward the sky some peaks were hidden between the clouds, the locals could be seen between them and small tunnels used by more creatures than just them. It was a peaceful day in the morning, so seen a winged woman as them nude was not an alarm.

Get close the nests however would be a different story, mostly beds in the high protected of any rain or wind have the shine of the sun causing than the gems on them and others shining objects bright for the delight of the harpies. Theirs childrens were there too and all these precious things for them were secured by armored armed guards, mostly females yet the stronge males few but deadly would be a problem.

Looking at this Angelique could go first to the lower peaks to make some questions to the peaceful winged ones or sneak to check among the nests for the best gems.

[Angie is still high in the sky, but need to go more up above the clouds for get close the best nests.]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Flying onward without much worry, Angie made her way towards the mountains and when she finally did notice her nudity, Angie sighed and shook her head, knowing that she was too far away now to worry about it at this point, so she kept going. Seeing so many of the winged women, and men at some places too, Angie noticed that she would probably have a difficult time sneaking in. Cursing softly to herself, Angie decided to soar down towards one of the nest areas a little higher than halfway up the mountain, to hopefully a more peaceful, yet richer nest.

"Um... hello? Is anyone around? I would like to talk if it's not too much trouble. I mean no harm," Angie called over to one of the larger nests and choosing one with only females there too.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angelique land soon at a small area where some harpy girls were getting ready for start their day, mostly chating and trading some objects earned by them mostly from unlucky travelers or remains of these in the roads.

They were pretty focused in theirs tasks but Angie'swords were enough to call their attention. Hello, sister. I must suppose than you know than some of our males are still affected by the mating season... but that is not reason to be nude at these hours.

Indeed, why dont you come close us, before they try to force you to get their seed? Some of them said as the rest wave to Angie, pretty well friendly with the angel as they suppose the angel was one of them even when they have some differences in their physiognomy and of course they havent noticed her dick.

How you got that shine in yours feathers, sister? its pretty cute, please reveal the secret to us, please. Another add, pretty much all were more focused on her wings than the rest of Angie's body.

Now close them, Angie could see some wearing human clothes as best as their anatomy could allow them, some wears some jewelryand similar objects to increase their beauty.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Actually I didn't know some of the males were still affected by mating season, thank you for mentioning that, I'll indeed be careful," Angie called back, moving over to them and landing.

"And I'm not a harpy actually, I'm an angel. We're divine beings with wings," Angie told the one that was asking her how she got her wings to shine and whatnot. "Also, I've come seeking something that I could give to my soon to be wife for a wedding gift. And, I'm... not just a girl actually, um, see," she went on to say, gesturing down at her dick, which wasn't hard as a rock right now thankfully, and only about half hard, which was about where it stayed most of the time it felt like nowadays.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

So, like a holy Harpy... a harpy priest... or something like that. One of them add, the others not caring too much and just looking still the wings until Angie point bethwen her legs.

Wow she is like the blue beings than we meet yesteray... Another add poking at Angie's dick. Very well my outsider Harpy, if you want something as a wedding present then you should do as us and hunt for it around the woods or... you can trade with us... yet the price may be high now than we know than you arent one of us.

Uhm, someone with shining wings like yours must have a lot of great things to embellish our nests The many harpies were now interested in Angie and what they could get from her, of course than Angie have not many options in her actual state.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, well not exactly a divine harpy specific being, but I am a divine being of many peoples, and I do my best to protect them from evil when it may arise," Angie replied to the one asking her about being a holy harpy and whatnot.

When the one poked her around her dick, Angie gasped and bit her lip, trying to keep from moaning, as her shaft immediately reacted and twitched a bit. "Oh, well I was hoping I could trade for it, though I don't really have anything on me as you can see. I'm looking for two rings actually, one that's just a plain golden ring with no gemstones, and one that is the most beautiful diamond ring you know of. I really love her, so I want her to have only the best and most beautiful rings possible," Angie told them, looking a little down that she was naked and had nothing to trade, before she remembered... that she had magic. "I can use magics though, if that makes any difference, and I can summon things, and I can try to create things too. It's tough, but possible. Of course, I can also breed with any of you ladies. I mean, you can see why obviously," Angie then said, smiling at them and hoping they would like that and she could trade her services in that way.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im sure than you could had been a good mate, but is a shame than the mating season has ended some days ago. If only a miracle made us need again for a mate Even when the harpy words show their lack of lust at the moment, Angie could notice than they were very interested in be close her and touch softly her whole body with their wings mostly to sattle theirs curiosity about what kind of creature the angel was.

We could trade a gold ring for you and give you some information about the best diamond rings than we know, but we should earn something too~

The attention and touch was getting more focused now on Angie wings, they even softly tried to place the angel to rest on their nest with them cuddling close, Angie was turning on by the attention, but remain focused on theirs words and demands. Ussually when we want something we just go down and take it, so i guess than our attention is at the same object, right? One said turning to the others and they then point to Angie.

How about three or five feathers for each of us? Or if that is much maybe you could accept to do a work for us. The total of wing women was five in the nest and it would be some stressful minutes for Angie if they let them take some of her feathers.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I see, well... that's too bad I guess. And, I'm willing to do some stuff to get both of the rings I seek. But I would be eternally grateful to get both of them," Angie replied to the first two harpies that spoke, before turning to the third and hearing her out, and moving to the nest as they ushered her over into it, taking a seat as she entered.

"N-No I can't let you pluck my feathers. It'll hurt... a lot. I mean it would hurt you if I plucked yours right? So you can only imagine it would hurt me too, plus, there's too many of you for me to pluck that many feathers and not hinder my ability to fly too. I'll consent to do something else for you girls, but that is just too much I believe," Angie told the one who suggested giving them some of her own feathers as payment, looking a bit incredulously.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Of course than it hurts, but as you said than you love someone so much...

Maybe you dont love her so much, at least not much as just some of your feathers. A second harpy end as the five dissapointed harpies tried hard to ponder what could the angel do for them.

The most beautiful diamond ring than we know belong to the most precious nest here, far beyond the clouds... But i doubt than you could have anything than that selfish of our big sister could wish, after all is one of her favorite things...

Hm...hmm maybe i could give you a gold ring if you sattle the needs of all ours males than still want to breed, that would help us to have some few peaceful days.

Out of theirs words the winged girls share some info to Angelique, she of course havent accepted anything and she got some free info about where to find the rings than she was looking for. If the angel wanted it she could just decide to leave and move for herself to find a way to get that precious diamond ring and get in another part a gold ring or ask for it first before made the request of fuck the male harpies and dont do it > >

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I do too love her, with all my heart. But I... might not be able to fly properly until they regrow, which could take quite some time, and if I can't fly, then I can't protect her, so it'd be doing more harm than good for me," Angie replied to the harpies.

After the other one suggested she sate the needs of the male harpies, Angie gulped and blushed a bit. She had at least gotten information about the best diamond ring around, but she wanted to get a wedding ring too, and not just an engagement ring, if she could. Angie thought it over for a few moments before sighing and shaking her head. "I'm sorry, but I just... don't think I could do that. I... I can spare a couple of feathers though, as payment for the information at least. One for each of you," Angie told them finally, pulling her wings around and looking through for feathers that wouldn't hinder her flying capabilities any, and weren't too very big either. She plucked one for each of the harpy girls here, and handed them over, one to each. "I'll go see if I can convince your big sister up the mountain," she then said, bowing to the group in thanks before flying further up the mountain, towards the grandest nest above, where their selfish big sister was at.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The harpies leave her proceed in peace and they told to Angie than if they find her in their next mating season they would certainly gift to the angel something if she accept to impregnate them, as the angel looks to be less rough than theirs males. Once the angel started to remove her five feathers, she noticed her body reacting fully at it, instead pain the needs to recover the magic lost in her feathers get in her mind and that was loving someone or share her seed with a lovely chick later, as her needs werent so high but would stay until recovered.

Said that Angie could fly all the way up to where she would meet the Harpy queen and princesses as also male horny guards. Also of course she could make a stealthy climb between caves to get some clothes and items or use her magic powers too. Of course she could think another idea out these fthree ways to get up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, I wouldn't mind that, but I'm already pregnant as it is, is the main reason I declined letting your males mate and impregnate me," Angie said to the harpies as she decided to leave.

The strange feeling in her as she plucked her feathers was... odd. It made her feel too weird. Shaking her head as she headed up, Angie decided that some clothes would probably be prudent to have, so she conjured herself up a simple white dress before continuing upwards, not trying to be stealthy about it as she went, and asking politely to see the harpy queen of these parts if she was stopped.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The sumoning spell was not what she expected as when she casted it her wings shine and she could notice some needs to mantain the power to create an ilusion of she be dressed, as if the light from her wings painted the same air around her body, a starting point of how the red winged superior angel form her armor with her extra set of wings. As she walk, more harpy girls were in her way doing theirs things and the males were a problem as they tease them and tried to look for a mate, so the females needed to declare many times than they werent required. The harpy girls than got some wings from Angie said than they werent looking for her to get impregnated, just reduce the stamina of these horny muscled winged guys. She could take the main path filled with guards or fly as also maybe find a hiden path from behind
: "I... I'll think about it," Angie replied to the harpy girls as she left, casting her summoning spell... with some odd results.

Angie tried to ignore what it had done, and move on, though it was tough, when so many male and female harpies seemed to notice her. Deciding to try and move on up the mountain to the queen, Angie flapped her wings, and soared upwards to her queenly nest.
(8:50:31 PM) plmnko: As she fly, she could sense the magic ilusion dress touching her skin and such ilusion would trick mostly any sense yet she know than she was really naked. She start to fly yet she was not so fast as the harpy guards as some were armed with lances yet they dont point them yet to her, a few of them females and in total were eight of them. "Who are you and what are yours bussiness in our Queen resident, sister?" A female ask. As some tried to make memory and remember in vain the winged stranger in front of them
"I wish to speak with your queen. I have a favor to ask of her," Angie replied, stopping once she realized she wouldn't outrun them.

Angie hoped that they would take her in to see the harpy queen, though if they didn't, then she would have to think of something else. She was glad though that there were some female harpies in this group and that they weren't all males.
(9:03:00 PM) plmnko: The males certainly have dirty throughs about her, she could sense their lust yet they hold themselves as some of them were females. And which favor is the one than you request of your queen? A female ask as a male wanted to move to a side at Angie, maybe trying to stop her if she wanted to fly away. "Our queen as is of you and all flying beings in these mountains is often busy... so we must know if is important to escort you to her presence" A male told then, they looks to be more doing their job and dont have still in mind hurt the angel
Sensing the male's lust, Angie squirmed a bit before they answered her request. "I... it's personal. I wish to marry my lover, and I want to give her the greatest and most beautiful ring I can find. I was told your queen has the best gems in the land, so I wish to see if I can somehow acquire one," Angie replied, shifting uncomfortably in her place, as she awaited their answer.
(10:21:01 PM) plmnko: "Its just that!?" One answer in sorprise and of course others continued that amusement with whispers and something close to muffed laughts. "It could be small what you are looking for, but for our ruler would be no more than just a bad joke... She have the most shining objects and certainly would need more than words to think in accept to help you in your need" A female guardian answer trying to feel some in the side of the stranger
"Well, I would offer to do something in exchange for it though of course, and not just ask for it. That was my plan, or to offer something if I can," Angie replied.
(10:53:06 PM) plmnko: There were many against it, the talk lasted for some minutes but at the end some of them accepted some for simpaty yet others just to she how their queen would react and ask for her maybe most beautiful object. "Fine, follow us and dont try anything or we will use the force to take you down" With that they guide the angel dont caring to ask if she was an harpy or something different. After it she noticed a beautiful chamber than nothing have to envy of tthe shine of a palace, with some kind of magic to protect it with a dome from the rains and enviroment. Deep inside the nest have a beautiful winged woman adorned with jewelry and served by others harpies of both sex. Some of the guards get closer and kneel as they ask her forgiveness of bring someone. "The queen of course giggle yet accept to heard that strange winged woman. "So what do you have to offer me? Anything than i wish...really? I m Dapne the ruler of these lands anything than i see is mine... but if you feel to deserve it then maybe i could help you with your search... yet wouldnt be easy"
"Thank you, I appreciate it," Angie replied, letting them guide her inside.

Being led into the luxurious chamber, Angie gasped softly at the mere sight of it. Angie looked around at the different harpies, adorned with their beautiful jewelry, and she almost gasped, but managed to keep from it. As she was led up to the queen, Angie bowed respectfully and smiled up at her. "I... I come with a request my lady. I have been told you have the most beautiful jewelry in the land, or at least, some of the most beautiful. I wish to gift my beloved the most beautiful engagement ring I can find to fit her beauty, and if there is some way I could acquire one of your beautiful diamond rings for her, then I would like to try," Angie told the queen.
(2/28/2016 12:46:33 AM) plmnko: "What you has said is true, i should have the most beautiful jewels and i could give you one for your loved one, but what i will earn from it? The queen ask as she display her wings as she sit in her nest throne and guide the eyes of the angel to exquisite shining teasures each of them only of the queen. "If i give you one, i would get more with the time or would you show me something even great than that diamond ring?"
"I... I'm willing to do a task you ask of me. Though, I would hope that it's not something too great a thing. Is there anything you require perhaps that I, an angel, can give you?" Lena replied, hoping that she could coax the harpy queen into giving up one of her best diamond rings in exchange for a task that Angie could perform, and hoping that it wouldn't be something too hard, or lewd.

(1:13:49 AM) plmnko: "I will test such words, angel" the queen said as she smirk and turn to wishper to some of her servants to bring her something. " I will lend you a map and if you follow it you will find a chamber with diamonds and jewels, this place belong to my kind yet is surrounded by beasts. Your task is fill a sack with beautiful diamonds and jewels and then you would show me what kind of being you truly are, do you accept this?" The queen told to Angelique as the harpy queen sit at her throne and wait for the angel question before bring her the marked map and the sack to fill

Very well my lady. I shall do as you ask. I will return as soon as I can do so with the sack," Angie replied, bowing deeply in thanks, taking the sack and map,

After she was ready to go, Angie looked down at the map after opening it up, to see which way she was going to have to go, and then once she was dismissed, Angie would bow again and head on towards the chamber in question, curious as to what sort of beasts were surrounding it.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The harpy guards guide then out Angelique from the nests, leaving her at the direction marked in the map, the map of course was made quick and so it was hard to understand if she werent so close of the place. So she fly around the mountais as she follow the instructions now alone, she notice than she was going to the back of the mountains where the forests start, there hidden between some pikes and begetation she found roks moved and taking some out she notice wod too sealing a hole

(6:55:32 PM): Listening to their instructions, and the map's directions, Angie followed the path around the mountain. She was alone again and noticed the forest coming up the side of the mountain a bit as she neared the area in question that she was supposed to be heading to. "I wonder what kinds of monsters are in there," Angie thought to herself as she flew downward.

After she spotted the hole that seemed to be partially sealed, Angie moved down and began to uncover it a bit if it was too covered, figuring that was the place she was meant to go into, and going inside once she could.

(7:08:37 PM) plmnko: Remove the rocks enough for her to pass was almost a work of half hour for Angelique if she used just her strenght of course as a mage she could use her magic to get inside faster making a small tunnel to check what was inside. In any way soon or later she would be inside yet the place was completely ind arkness and it looks to be a rustic tunnel leading deep inside.
(7:14:54 PM): It took her some time, but Angie was able to move the rocks out of her way enough to get in, thankfully she was a mage and could use her magic to help move the rocks out of her way without too much effort. Once she was finally inside, Angie sighed at how dark it was, and used her magic to make a small light that hovered over her head, and one that went out about twenty feet ahead of her, and another that was twenty feet behind her, giving her good all around vision and light so nothing snuck up on her that easily.
(7:19:40 PM) plmnko: As Angelique turn on her lights she notice clearly how narrow the passage was in front of her, maybe a max of five feets of width yet in some parts get reduced until three. The tunnal havee some few wood what made it enough stable to continue her walk. It was minutes with nothing interesting to see, some curves around and going down until after a long while she notice a bunch of stones and rocks bloking her path
(7:25:47 PM) : Angie carefully made her way further in, keeping a close eye around and shifting her body sideways to keep from grazing her wings on the walls. She hoped that the path opened up soon, because if it didn't and she was caught by surprise by something, then she wouldn't have a chance to retaliate too much, she knew.

(7:37:52 PM) plmnko: As she was removing the stones some sounds starting to be heard far away from where she has enter into the long tunnel. Still her effort to remove the stones suceed and so she could get inside yet first of course her light iluminated what wait for her what it looks to be a longer passage for she to continue unless she wants to return to the exit before something happens to her
(7:50:06 PM) : Hearing the strange sound nearby, Angie stopped momentarily before going back to moving the rocks, wondering what it was making the noise. Once the rocks were moved, Angie saw the path stretching out before her even further and sighed again. "Well shoot, guess I'm going further in," Angie mumbled to herself as she set off further in.
(7:56:33 PM) plmnko: The young angel decide to continue and not more of three feet inside her new path her body notice some invisible stop it, then wrap all around her causing many tear sounds come out the almost rags now of her white dress, also some pain get to her whole self from her feet to her breasts. Certainly a trap, this one of invisible threads with very small spikes of the size of bug stingers. It was painful yet the damage was almost nule. There was small drops of blood at Angelique body now, but not a single mark in her body
(7:56:40 PM) plmnko: (trapped)
(8:03:03 PM) : "Huh... w-what the... EEK!" Angie mumbled as felt something stop her cold, and then when she heard the tearing sounds and felt the pain.

Angie stopped moving instantly, and looked around, hoping that she could cut these near invisible strings. Summoning up her magic, Angie created a couple of little blades and sent them upwards starting at her feet, where she would hopefully cut the strings without hurting herself further.
(8:16:45 PM) plmnko: Fully trapped in the strings, it was needed some right cuts to make her free without more pain and when that was possible Angie was already loving the feel in her whole body. Still she have the time to cast her spell and free herself of such invisible prison. Her blades leave on the floor the strings remains the ones unluckyly she stop and feel the stings agains in her feets before evade teh remains. This new tunnel was better made and wide, she could go by two directions, both similar yet with some magic she could find the direction. ( north or south?)
(8:19:16 PM) : The pain was leaving her tender, and while it wasn't hurting too very much, Angie couldn't stay there in their grasp. Thankfully, she cut the strings after a few tries, and she was left stepping on the things after a few moments. Once she finally got away from the strings, and reoriented herself, Angie looked around and decided to head down the northern path, figuring it best to check up and down it and then if she found nothing that way, she'd check the other path.
(8:26:58 PM) plmnko: As she walks, Angie could still feel the invisible mark of the strings on her, her white dress has lost most of her fabric and as she walks deep inside many runes suddenly shine all around her for just some seconds before fade away. She could maybe check them yet before try that some heavy sounds started to move far away of where her light could reach, these remain in the distance and stay for a minute or two, she could maybe run to check them before check the stones or wait there
(8:33:36 P: Noticing the runes as she tried to ignore the tingling on her body, Angie looked closely at them before they faded, but was unsuccessful at first. Curious, Angie moved closer and looked as good as she could at the runes, hoping to find out what they were, until she heard the sounds in the distance. Figuring it was the creatures she was sent to get rid of, Angie moved in slowly.
(8:47:31 PM) plmnko: Angie couldnt read these symbols or of which culture come, yet she could detect the magic printed in the stone, it was an harmless magic used to more than just detect who get between them. Once done her scan she move slowly to find out what was making the noise buth this soon end before she could reach at it. Steps later she notice a rock path of the size of a door opened for her to get inside, if she make a peak before get inside she would see two passages one going to the left and other at her right, both would soon reach a wall and another passage in other direction
(9:25:30 PM: Sensing the magic in the stone, Angie tried to determine what kind it was, but was unable to do so unfortunately, and she was also unable to read the runes either. Heading down the northward path, Angie looked around cautiously and heard the noises dying away before she could figure out what was making them unfortunately. Seeing the next path, Angie decided to peek down both before choosing the right path.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Leaving the many options for later, Angelique return to the first intersection, taking the path than she havent taken the first time. As she went to the south path her feet could feel the change of the stone at the floor and the one at the walls she could see than it was worked stone. These good news however ended as her butt receive a sudden sting what make her turn to see an empty dart resting in her butt. More ahead she noticed than the worked stone of the walls lead to an abandoned pick axe

(dart effect will be revealed in (???) turns)

Feeling the change in the stone under her feet, Angie knew it was strange, she hadn't been told that it was worked stone and whatnot. This worried her slightly though, but she hadn't the time to think about it before a pinprick struck her right butt cheek, making her yelp softly. Pulling the dart out of her ass, Angie looked at it before she headed to the pickaxe she saw in the distance.

Gathering the dart on her butt, she notice than it was moments before filled with a liquid, the one has been inyected to her body before she could turn to see it. She of course could just ignore this, in any choice she move to where the pick axe was resting on the floor as if someone has just leave it fall without care of it. The pick axe was in acceptable conditions yet it was not of the best quality. Before she decide to take it, some noises started to sound around her yet she was unable to spot anything

"Damn, stupid dart... probably filled with poison," Angie muttered to herself as she saw the dart had been filled with liquid moments before. As she stepped over to the pickaxe, Angie looked around as she heard the noises coming from nearby, but she didn't see anything yet. "Who's there? Show yourself," Angie asked, demanding that whoever, or whatever was there reveal themselves as she hefted the pickaxe up in her left hand. No one answer her words but as she recover the pickaxe from the floor this made than the sound grow and call her attention to the walls, many vines moving toward her and in seconds would try something "unknown" to her if she dont act soon

Taken by surprise, Angie gasped as the vines began moving towards her, and immediately swung her pickaxe out at them to try and drive them back. "Back you fiends, begone with you," Angie cried at the vines, trying to force them back. The vines maybe werent expecting it or Angelique have a very lucky moment there, in any case the vines looks to had been wounded the enough for Celine to get some space between them. the wounded ones draw away not liking the pain placed on them. Meanwhile, others at the angel back slid and wanted to stop her moves deep inside the south passage.

Seeing the vines seemingly wounded, Angie breathed a little easier as the things pulled away. She noticed the rest coming in though, and she swung at them too, as well as hurled blades formed from her magics, to try and deter them further. "N-No please... stop this, I don't want to hurt you," Angie said, driving them back as best she could. The angel casted her spell forming swords ready them all to attack if needed, of course what wished Angelique never happened as they even if they sensed her magic jump toward her. Many wrap around the pike axe as a few at her hands, pulling and and trying to remove her arms of her weapon/tool.

(Angie has been hold in place partially)

Angie gasped as the things kept coming, and even as she cast her spells, Angie was thrown for a loop as many of the vines made to knock the pickaxe out of her hand and then began bind her. "No, stop it," Angie said, struggling.
The vines and Angelique have a good time struggling yet finally the angel managed to escape tehir hold what was mostly thanks for the lack of new vines trying to hold her. As she was free of them she notice the pike axe being draged by the vines which were aiming to hide tehmselves in a hole in the wall. Angelique would lost her pikeaxe if she dont stop them, yet most of the vines looks to dont be acting and just return to theirs walls

Struggling with the vines for a bit, Angie managed to finally get free from their hold, but her newfound pickaxe was being taken away from her, and Angie went after it, hurling a blade of magical energy at the vines, and forming a cork like piece to prevent them from being able to draw back into their hole. Angelique wanted so badly her newfound pikeaxe, unfortunately for the few vines going to the hole. They were easily taken off guard and some of them were trapped by the second spell casted by Angelique. She could easily take her pikeaxe and continue her path yet must do it soon as the vines of the others walls looks to be in rage by her last actions.

Seeing them taken by surprise by her cork like spell to block their escape, Angie quickly moved over and retook her pickaxe before they took it away from her. If the vines kept coming at her, Angie would use fire and burn them as much as she could to keep them away, where she would move down the other path.The vines were pretty focused on go toward her now, but she have the time to go more deep inside the south tunnel or return to the north one. As she decide this, somehow she was unable to cast her fire magic this time yet she know than maybe she could get to use her powers giving it another chance

(vines will reach to where she is in the next round)

Fumbling with her words as she tried to cast her fire spell to keep the vines from getting away, Angie didn't manage to get the thing out and fry the damn vines. Hoping to keep the things from closing in on her to much, Angie cast her fire spell agani and tried to force them back once more, grabbing her pickaxe and swinging it at any that got too close if her spell didn't do the trick.Angelique casted her spell, small flames of fire were placed between her and the vines yet these were smaller flames of the ones she was thinking to cast. Fortunately for the angel it was enough for calm the vines and soon these returned to their starting place, mostly sure than Angelique was too much for them if she can burn them as these jump to her. (unlucky sad vines retreat sobbing to theirs hideouts)

Casting her spell to keep the things at bay, her smaller flaming balls hovered between her and the vines, and it seemed to be working and drove them back. Seeing that they were falling back for now, Angie calmed her flames down and let them go, moving onward cautiously as she did.
With her road free of vines for the moment, she walk deep inside the south path, her white dress remains fighting to stay in place as she get to a next chamber than her light was unable to iluminate. It looks like some kind of spell was placed there to make any weak minded creature decide to dont go deep inside. Angelique know than this kind of laborious spell would dissapear if she break the vessel of such power than must be in the same chamber. Of course she could venture herself all the way placing her luck in game as who placed this spell should easily walk in the shadows withut risks. Looking down her feet she noticed some kind of lines in the floor, five of them than do deep trhough toward the dark passage. she could use her tact in her feet or crawl for the path than she choice.

Feeling her dress in tatters and barely remaining on at this point, Angie pulled the remnants off and tossed them aside. After that, she headed towards the next chamber, and felt the magic in there, preventing her lights from shining around to give her the ability to see. "Hmm... maybe if I do this then," Angie mumbled to herself as she cast a spell directly on her own eyes to allow her to see in the dark, hoping that would work and allow her to go past without worry.

If that didn't work, Angie would follow one of the lines through, choosing the fourth one in the set of the lines, hoping it wouldn't lead her astray.

Angie decide to try her spells to take some advantage in this test... she of course as experimented spell caster could avoid any potent light with her new increased dark vision. She started ging inside teh chamber but it soon was visible than the magic was as a deep mist in everywhere giving her at max a feet or two around her head. Completaly naked the cold mist magic could be sensed in each inch of her yet the cold escense looks to act hardening her dick.

Choices were done and she could see the lines soon moving away of the others, their guide to anyone taking them unknown for Angie as she follow the fourth one. In her way she found a small spiky object with her left barefeet hard and small with a square shape of not more of an inch

(Her spell work partially even with great success. She can see two feet around her head)

Moving on in after performing her spell, Angie could see in the dark, but alas, the magics at work prevented her from seeing too far in front of her. She could sense the magic around her, and the cool feeling of it was... slightly arousing to say the least. After choosing the line to follow, Angie had to kneel down and crawl on her hands and knees to maintain her sight of the line, so she didn't lose it and walk around blindly in the dark, after finding the spiky object with her feet that is.

The strange little object looks to be some kind of material fragment than someone found time ago in this mine. Angelique continue following the line in the floor, pretty good marked than she ould follow it touchin it. It was some feet's maybe when suddenly the stone where she step sank a little... nothing looks to happen ... yet there was suddenly a breeze in the place what called her attention for a second and them... as she move a little she notice some suction from the floor and catch her dick. She couldnt see completely but a small hole was now between her legs and something has taken her dick and pull it deep inside trapping her in the place. She could heard the suction as her dick get bigger until press more and get more struck in the hole, suctions and licks at her point were making her need for a release soon, she could let this continue and see if this stop or try something
(dick trapped) (4/10 AP)

Not knowing what the spiky object was, Angie kept going along the line, following it onward through the darkness. As she followed the line, Angie suddenly felt a floor tile sink down a bit as she set one of her hands down on the thing, but nothing happened at first, so Angie ignored it. The wind blowing softly through the chamber got her attention a little bit, but she didn't know where it was coming from, so Angie kept going, trudging onward.

Before she could really move anywhere though, Angie felt a strong suction grab her cock and she stopped dead in her tracks, moaning softly as she felt the suction. "O-Oh goddess yes... t-that's so good," Angie moaned softly, unable to resist doing so.

Feeling her cock already getting as hard as iron, Angie felt her hips thrust down deeper into the strange hole that had captured her shaft, and a strange licking sensation came across her length, urging even more the need to cum. She tried to pull away, but the pleasure was incredible, and she had to struggle with her mind to find the strength with which to move away. "C-Come on Angie... m-move," Angie whispered aloud, trying to pull away, though her attempts were feeble.

Angelique beg to her body to follow her orders but instead her hips continued pounding at the floor, making her cock get even more trapped inside almost reaching her base in some times. Her struggle however made her hand press another false rock and soon some cold and of strange material went all direct to her cunt, making it get deep inside as she thrust at the floor. Her nipples get soon harder and her whole body started to sweat in pleasure as her own moves looks to be fucking her own love hole by maybe a mere toy.

It wouldnt be so long for her to moan happily if this continue, the licks all over her lenght continued as her dick throb with needs to in maybe less than a minute it would release her seed inside
(still trapped 6/10AP)

As her hips thrust forward, pounding into the hole in the floor, Angie felt herself becoming even more trapped by whatever was holding her in place. The pleasure was just too good, especially after she felt her own folds parting for what could only have been a dildo, Angie thought. The pleasure was causing her body to react accordingly, and Angie was soon thrusting happily into the hole, hilting herself with every thrust now, as she gave in to her desires. Surely letting herself cum a couple of times before she encountered any of the actual monsters in this place would be okay, Angie thought to herself.

Giving up to her carnal desires, Angie let the trap work on her, moving happily her hips she started to lost track of time as she moan happily unable to think in the possibility than her sounds would call a moster what fortunately for her never happened.

Not much time later with her pounds increasing in speed and such talented trap licking all of her shaft the angel got finally a release feeding what was sucking at her dick... yet if this was something with live was really intensely hungry, the meal only increase the suctions, passing the pleasure inside her dick with some kind of magic, the dildo even get warm and meaty as a dick of a beast pierced inside the love tunnel, fucking the angel sensesless, her hips went faster and her moans cut as another come out. Her breasts lactated by her babies and this strange magic all over her. Angie slowly lost her mind and get fucked silly for a while until in an intense scream of pure pleasure she cum in a huge load and some strange substance get inside her cunt.

Angie fall on the floor exhausted and still in need, the trap release her maybe in middle of another high to reach a peak. But finally free Angie could decide to continue or retreat now than sehe can

The thought that her voice would call a monster to her position never crossed Angie's mind, and as she increased her thrusts, thumping against whatever had captured her poor overworked cock. Even as she came, squealing softly as she lay limply on the floor, the only thing still moving being her hips, Angie felt the suction feeling growing stronger and stronger on her poor cock. Angie couldn't help but keep going, the pleasure growing so much that she nearly lost her mind, but only just held on as the thrusting in her own folds forced her hips to thrust faster and faster into the hole underneath her.

"N-No please... I... I'm losing m-my mind. It... it's t-too much, I c-can't take it anymore," Angie panted softly, shaking her head as if to deny the pleasure, even as another climax built.

Angie could feel her milk leaking heavily from her breasts even as she went, and then, as her pleasure peaked again, Angie cried out loud, tilting her head back a bit as she came so hard she nearly fainted. The intensity of her release was so great that Angie collapsed as soon as she began cumming, After she released all she had, Angie felt the thing let her go, and she shuddered as she wearily pulled herself back up to her hands and knees, and continued onward, trying to keep going and push forward, not wanting to turn back just yet.

Angelique continue crawling, her hard painful cock wag and shiver softly every time than she advance, leaving drops of her pussy nectar and milk creating a small trial behind her and for a time this only made her need almost to wish for a new trap to sattle her needs. It was then than she get to a wall and a hole where she could fit her head, the line looks to end there getting inside the wall as pointing than Angie could find something there yet it must be deep inside for her to reach to see it from the outside

Crawling along, her poor cock wagging like crazy with each movement, Angie moaned softly and kept going, trying to force herself to keep going. She couldn't help but imagine crawling right into another trap or something, or maybe even a harpy girl waiting to be bred, or something like that... maybe another kind of woman wanting to be bred or just anything. When she reached the hole in the wall, Angie peeked inside to see if there was anything within, though knowing she couldn't see too far without something to help, Angie would reach inside and feel round with her right hand, hoping to find something of value, though if she didn't, Angie would crawl back along the line to the beginning, unless there was another line leading out from there.

As she peek inside, Angie notice than something large as a phallus was waiting there trapped in a next wall, she could easily get to it placing her head deeper inside, as her lips already touched the start of its point. Inside the strange figure she could see a small object so bright than the marble pennis cant hide the shine. But it was inside teh pennis, so she should find a way to remove it from there without break it

Peeking inside seemed to have been the better idea, as she saw a strange figure of some sort, and as her vision cleared a bit, she saw the phallic shaped object inside. Spotting the shining object inside the marble penis, Angie wondered how she could get it out, figuring that it might help her see in the dark. An idea occured to Angie, and she reached inside with her right hand and began stroking the marble phallus, wondering if that would work, and being sweet and gentle, her firm enough to give pleasure to the thing, if it could feel it somehow.

Angelique decide to try her best to get that small object inside the strange dick, she was a little worried to get struck, yet her head and arm could get inside with some struggle. But first tried to use only her hand, giving a lovely threatment on the dick. She could sense some change in the cock at the other side of the hole, but after some minutes she get the idea than using only her hand would maybe not be enough or it would take a long time. After all she havent pleasure a man in this planet and only Saphira has been the most close than she has for a futa here.
(dick got 2/10 AP)

Sensing that her handjob wasn't getting the job done as quickly as she'd like, Angie sighed softly and maneuvered around again to lean just her head in, where she would open her mouth and begin sucking on the thing. Swirling her tongue around the tip of it, Angie sucked on the cock and slurped noisily, making certain that she pleasured it more properly this time around.
Changing of tactic, Angie remove her arm and get her head deep inside the hole in the wall, the texture of such dick was not bad at all, getting used to pleasure it even by her lack of blowjobs in her life, placing her hands soon in the wall to have a better support and help than her butt raise the enough for her to continue doing this without too much effort. The whole place was in complete darkness behind her and in deep silence, meanwhile she continue her work the mist made the same, making wag her hips softly needing to have someone do the same to her, slowly the precum of the cock start to sproud making taste so sweet liquid, her moves increased after such signal than this was working than her tongue was driving mad this dick and soon if she do it better it would maybe release the shinning object for her to use.
(Cock 6/10 AP)

As she was sucking and slurping on the cock in her mouth, Angie steadied her breathing, and soon she felt that this thing wasn't all that bad. The darkness spooked her, but the pleasure from before, mixed with the pleasant feelings of the moment, were calming her down. She couldn't help but wiggle her hips enticingly, hoping that someone or something would reach down and begin giving her a blowjob too, and or for something to slide into her pussy, as it was wet and dripping her juices.

The dark mist everywhere continued causing more needs on the angel, her body back the hole begged for something and her head worked the stone member earning some lustful joy in her work but also needs to continue. Her muffing mewls and moans started to break the calm deep silence all on the mine and she could not do more than just wet more herself by the sluty noises caused by the work of her suction and licks. As if the mist had hands her whole body was pmapered in soft rubs by the dense magic there, making her close of the verge of beg for anything taking her, she lost track of when to stop and suddenly she get a good load followed by other, the stone move and dissapear of her view as something pinch her tongue. The wall start to make sounds what make her rush to remove her head from the hole, she was worried for had lost the shining little object yet as she opened her mouth some light escape from it. Making her able to see how the light for such object incrusted in her tongue diluted the wall creating a passage in front of her where the line than she was following continue.

(earned sluty tongue magic ring... cant be removed at the moment)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

GM(As an adding note: She now have some items in her hand: a map, a sack, a small stone material, pikeaxe, and her new ring)

Player: (She's sling the sack over her shoulder if she can, and put everything inside of it that she can too.)

The mist was what the lust was coming from, Angie imagined, but she had to keep going, and so she kept bobbing her head up and down the shaft, thanking the gods that her moans were muffled by the shaft in her mouth. She kept going until she felt an eruption in her mouth, and instinctively she swallowed, if only to keep the stuff from choking her. As she pulled away from the marble shaft as it disappeared, Angie looked around and opened her mouth to speak when she noticed the light emitting from her mouth, and the ring that was now piercing her tongue.

"T-That's what that pinch was then I guess," Angie muttered to herself, looking back around into the passage and deciding to follow the line along further to see where it led, and hoping that she could take the piercing out soon enough.
The narrow passage continue, she has seen how the line proceed thanks mostly to the light coming from her mouth, at first time potent to dissipate some of the mist, yet after a moment later the light started to fade, her arousal also even more slowly fade as her wet being decide to give her first step. Angelique noticed two red gems at the right wall of this passage, the face where they are was of a female in a gaze filled of a mind breaking arousal at the peak of an endless orgasm. She could continue her path walking or crawling yet she was not sure how more the light when she open her mouth wane.

Following the line onward, Angie was thankful that the light coming from her mouth was letting her see good, for it was just too dark otherwise. The light began to fade not long after that though, and her lust was only slowly fading as well, about as slowly as the light was fading. After a short while, Angie saw the two red gemstones on the wall and looked around at the face they were the eyes of, at which she noticed the woman's face showing a look of pure ecstasy.

Angie closed her mouth for a few moments to see if that would recharge her light somehow, and as she knelt down to crawl some more, she opened her mouth for a moment or two to see if that had worked before following the line again. Dont touching the red gemstones, Angie get at her four again and crawl for a moment, she opened her mouth to notice than the light havent been recharged, even worse this has faded even more. Bu with these few lights she noticed some kind of worm of a strange shape resting some feet's in front of her in the ceiling

Angie had considered touching the red gemstones, but thought better of it just in case. Moving along, Angie found her light hadn't been recharged any at all, and sighed softly, and decided that she'd just keep the light shining for now. That was, until she noticed the worm like creature on the ceiling. Sighing again, Angie closed her mouth and tried to creep past the worm.
Angie decide to pass unnoticed by the bug, she was focused on follow the line when suddenly something slimy fall at her but and was aiming to move toward her butt or pussy. The cold wet touch made her yelp and turn to notice the bug from before, for what it ooks the thing dont have eyes and certainly the darkness in whole place dont affect it. Angelique could feel than as this thing touch her skin it also warms her insides, so this strange monster bug should have aphrodisiacs in its slime

As she began crawling forward, Angie gasped when the slimy substance fell on her back. She shuddered as whatever it was began moving down her back, making her yelp out before she could cover her mouth. The feel of the worm thing crawling down her back made her shudder, and she couldn't help but reach back to try and knock the thing off of her, where she would crawl away as fast as possible, feeling the aphrodisiac slime seeping into her skin and her cock hardening back up again.

The creature have a suction not so strong yet enough to give to Angie some needs to effor in remove it. She of course dont wanted to be close this thing and crawl away untill a floor rock getting pressed made her understand than she has pressed another trap, she was not sure what would happen to her when suddenly her back meet the fall of many slimy things all over her, she could see some close her motuh as the weight of these things make her stay in place. Looking close these things have a strange face out of anything except an orifice in the middle of their phallus head. She was getting her body in heat really fast yet she still have time to react. (-2 for slime)

As she crawled along, trying to swat the thing off her back, Angie gasped as another trap pressure plate was activated in the near pitch black darkness, and several more slimy creatures fell all over her. "N-No, get off," Angie whined, trying to wriggle free, but failing to do so as they weighed her down.

The lust was building within her again, and the creatures were being very annoying in that they were preventing her from moving forward. "G-Get off... please," Angie whimpered, trying to roll over onto her back to scrape the things off of her back before trying to move on again.

Angie wanted to end the odd touch of these bugs as fast as possible trying to roll to a side to get them fall of her body, some get to fall and move yet these lasts were going to the south, theirs slimy heads were soon pressing against the wet angel holes and cock, making her sex organs need for something to calm this burning increasing need. Angelique was slowly getting free of them yet still she needed to struggle more with all her might to do it. As she does however two dickworms pressed theirs heads at her lips poking her in need to get inside her mouth, it would be a completely disgusting moment if it werent for that sweet addictive fragrance comming from the slime all over them

A few of the bug things fell off as she rolled around, but some managed to hold on well enough and were closing in on her crotch. Feeling their slimy heads pressing against her lower holes, as well as her cock, Angie gasped as her body ached for the creatures to violate her. Angie felt the creatures coming off of her, and she wriggled around some more to try and get the rest off, but just as she did, her wriggles turned from desperate, to cute, as she slowed her movements down from being powerful enough to shake them loose.

"No please... I... I don't want this. I... it... f-feels so good," Angie moaned softly, reaching down between her legs and spreading her lower lips for the one there to press inside of her, guiding it in with her other hand and reaching out with her tongue to lick the one at her mouth as her body's desires began to give in.

Angie snapped back to reality after a few moments, and began crawling again, spitting out the one in her mouth and moving as quickly as she could, trying to get away from here as she followed the line further, not even bothering to get the remaining ones off of her.

With her shake slow down in power, there was not anything to stop the bugs on move to where they wish, the delicate scent of her cunt attract many yet a big lucky one gets the angel hands attention, warm and slimy was soon getting deep inside Angie's pussy, each small inch going it cause a great pleasure in the angel, turning slowly the sensibility of her clit toward the rest of her aroused love flower. Her tongue meanwhile pamper and love the one closer to her mouth, it was completely different experience far by worlds of disgusting, it was practivaly the opposite, her pierced tongue lick it batthing it in a light than was almost fully extinc yet remain there all the time as she pleasured the bug.

Unfortunately for the bugs Angelique get her will back soon and start to crawl after discart the poor one in her mouth. Crawling following the line as some bugs remain all over her, some tasting her milk, others her dick and lower holes, it was a task... a hard one to continue as her many dirty places started to segregate her lusty fluids, one of the bugs was close to get inside her butt as the one inside her cunt get deep inside and started to vibrate, making her move slower every second. As she lost her gaze by the lust her head hit a wall... yet the line looks to follow below the wall.

Could be maybe the end or another obstacle than she need to beat as she made to the last wall with the false pennis

Moaning aloud as a larger one took the initiative and plunged inside of her, Angie's eyes went wide. The little bit of light that the piercing gave her a chance to look closer at the creatures somewhat, though her tongue was circling around the head of the thing. The light was almost completely gone now, but she kept going, desperately crawling forward as the bug things kept going. Moaning softly as she went, trying to force herself to keep going.

Feeling the bug nearing her ass, Angie tensed up slightly and bumped into a wall, her head throbbing a bit as she did so. Raising her head up to look at the wall she ran into, Angie tried desperately one last time to pull the remaining bug things off of her.

With her road closed, Angelique focus on remove the bugs on her body before that slime could make her lost herself again. She already could feel the precum of her cock being tasted by these vile creatures, so she desesperately aim first for the one poking at her rear, the little critter never expected this sudden move and soon was removed, as a few more follow. However, the one at her pussy went up in its moves to pleasure her, her legs were getting weak and the hold on the bugs was getting weaker. In total eight bugs remain over her, she could only see some of them and the wall behind her could or not be the last of the fourth line. (6/10AP)

Her cock captured and leaking her pre into the mouths or whatever they were of these creatures, Angie moaned softly and squirmed around, managing to remove the one from her ass thankfully. The one in her pussy however increased its pace and pounded her even harder. Moaning even louder as it went, Angie felt her legs growing weaker and her hold on the thing was as well, and she was nearing her climax already.

"G-Gotta... k-keep going. Can't... g-give in just yet," Angie panted softly to herself as she kept crawling.

The few bugs in her body never estoped of feed from her juices, but this not stop Angelique of get moving to try to escape of that place. With a wall stoping her of continue this path even when the four line continue below it, Angie decide to go back, shivering each certain distance and almost losing the strengh in her arms.

As she goes back she could see her own juices as a new decoration in the floor, soon more of her nectar will drench the floor if she dont do something to escape of such harmless yet lustful critters. The creature in her pussy accelerate its pounds and vibrate in her insides in an attempt to wet her even more what easily managed. Then she see them, the dickbugs than she has dropped before were in front and behind her following her delicious lustful scent all over her. These started to crawl over her feet and hands, of course she tried to remove them soon yet then the climax increased faster, her hand slip and she fall all over the bugs than were strong and big enough to dont being killed in the act. Cumming harder from her pussy, all her juices wet the bug inside and then the others close as she arch her back. The creatures were all getting closer and her chances to escape were null unless she cast something against these inocent creatures