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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

It's already too late at this point but I want to give some suggestion regarding the character design, maybe you can use it in future title in case you agree with the suggestion.
- Legs are too short, minimum proportion for "leg vs the rest of the body" is 1:1 if you want realistic proportion. Legs can be longer than that for exaggerated look but not shorter.
- Her face in sprite mode looks like a dude i think (Kyrieru already gives you an good suggestion about how to fix this in the 1st page). I believe you should be able to fix this because you draw her really good in artwork version (the one in your patreon page where she points her gun).

Edit: Triangulate also gives a good suggestion about her running animation in the 1st page. He has a good point

Good luck with the game!

Hey there! Thanks for all of the suggestions. Luckily, the images in the early pages of this topic are very outdated - Alicia already went through a slight change long ago, and her proportions are a bit better now. It's still not perfect, but it should hopefully be less distracting.

As far as the face goes, I can't say I agree entirely. Kyrieru's suggestion was a massive style change, not just a suggestion for a fix, so it wouldn't really be my work if I used the sprite he showed. I did recently do a slight shading change on her face - I might post a comparison shot of that soon - that makes her look a bit more feminine, though. I also edited the running animation as Triangulate suggested long ago, although who knows, I might end up touching up that animation someday anyway. Some of Alicia's movement animations are a bit stiff and I wouldn't mind improving them later on, when I get to polishing everything. Either way, thanks again for the suggestions!

Sorry for the insane lack of updates lately, everybody. Ever since I moved to my new house I haven't really been able to get any work done at all, whether it was because of bug infestations or more personal reasons, and I've barely spent any time at the computer. I only just got my office set up, and something about all of the change in life has just had me really down in the dumps. I'm only just now starting to crawl out of my funk, so I'm hoping to have some new updates to show everyone - but in the meantime, know that Crisis Point is absolutely still coming out, and I haven't forgotten about the people who aren't donating! You'll get some updates soon! They won't be playable, but I won't keep you hanging forever. Thanks so much for your patience.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

hey annon i sent you a pm bud about a deal i like to offer you.

just help mostly. if your interested. let me know.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sorry for the insane lack of updates lately, everybody. Ever since I moved to my new house I haven't really been able to get any work done at all, whether it was because of bug infestations or more personal reasons, and I've barely spent any time at the computer. I only just got my office set up, and something about all of the change in life has just had me really down in the dumps. I'm only just now starting to crawl out of my funk, so I'm hoping to have some new updates to show everyone - but in the meantime, know that Crisis Point is absolutely still coming out, and I haven't forgotten about the people who aren't donating! You'll get some updates soon! They won't be playable, but I won't keep you hanging forever. Thanks so much for your patience.

And yet, you're making nearly $2500 dollars a month regardless.

This is my problem with Patreon and what these artists do once they have the locked in payment for the next month.

I like you, honestly I do, and I really enjoy your game... But if you're not working on the game, you shouldn't get a dollar...
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

And yet, you're making nearly $2500 dollars a month regardless.

This is my problem with Patreon and what these artists do once they have the locked in payment for the next month.

I like you, honestly I do, and I really enjoy your game... But if you're not working on the game, you shouldn't get a dollar...

Sorry you feel that way. Refunds are open for patrons at any time, people can unpledge whenever they like, and I do plan on doing extra work to make up for the absence - whether it's releasing playable updates more frequently until I'm caught up, or giving some other kind of content to make up for it. Crisis Point's patreon has been proceding with no real delays for almost two years now, and unfortunately I hit a rough spot in life that slowed me down significantly for a while. I don't know anybody who can work consistently without ever letting life interfere, but now that it has, I have no option other than to make it up to everyone once I get back to work - I would be homeless in a month without the donations from people who support me. I fully intend to make things right, given enough time. Any patrons who pledged during the downtime will be getting the update they pledged for (v.23 for April, v.24 for May, v.25 for June) when it comes out, as well, regardless of if they're still pledging or not. Not everybody is trying to scam their patrons.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sorry you feel that way. Refunds are open for patrons at any time, people can unpledge whenever they like, and I do plan on doing extra work to make up for the absence - whether it's releasing playable updates more frequently until I'm caught up, or giving some other kind of content to make up for it. Crisis Point's patreon has been proceding with no real delays for almost two years now, and unfortunately I hit a rough spot in life that slowed me down significantly for a while. I don't know anybody who can work consistently without ever letting life interfere, but now that it has, I have no option other than to make it up to everyone once I get back to work - I would be homeless in a month without the donations from people who support me. I fully intend to make things right, given enough time. Any patrons who pledged during the downtime will be getting the update they pledged for (v.23 for April, v.24 for May, v.25 for June) when it comes out, as well, regardless of if they're still pledging or not. Not everybody is trying to scam their patrons.

Hang in there and don't let a single non constructive critic get you down.
I get papanomics' point, because most of the people using Patreon as a money source for their work tend to conveniently disappear after reaching a goal.
However you've been doing excelent work, with almost no stops at all, as you so well putted and if you have the need to stop at some time because of life problems, I at least, will not blame you for anything at all.
For others, I would suggest to think about the following. Imagine that you have a job, that you work pretty much 365 days a year and you have vacations to use, isn't it fair to get paid even when on vacation?
Yes, this isn't the case, but that's a way to see it and in my life everytime I go on vacation I still get paid and it makes perfect sense, because you're pretty much obliged to use them, this at least on my country.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sorry you feel that way. Refunds are open for patrons at any time, people can unpledge whenever they like, and I do plan on doing extra work to make up for the absence - whether it's releasing playable updates more frequently until I'm caught up, or giving some other kind of content to make up for it. Crisis Point's patreon has been proceding with no real delays for almost two years now, and unfortunately I hit a rough spot in life that slowed me down significantly for a while. I don't know anybody who can work consistently without ever letting life interfere, but now that it has, I have no option other than to make it up to everyone once I get back to work - I would be homeless in a month without the donations from people who support me. I fully intend to make things right, given enough time. Any patrons who pledged during the downtime will be getting the update they pledged for (v.23 for April, v.24 for May, v.25 for June) when it comes out, as well, regardless of if they're still pledging or not. Not everybody is trying to scam their patrons.

Eh, I get papanomics' point as well, since it's incredibly valid; I personally don't like Patreon and don't support you there. However, it's not because I don't trust you--hell, IMO you've been working on the game for 2 years with substantial and continual progress--it's more because I like paying for, and playing, the full game when it's released. I'm just gonna encourage you to keep it up. As the last poster said, we all have our setbacks even in IRL work. I wouldn't think of your leave as a 'paid vacation' of sorts, but maybe as a sort of time to do some extra work as you may need to catch up. If anything, the very nature of Patreon means that you need to work in order to maintain your patrons, who likely already have your trust anyway, if they've been loyal.

In response to papanomics, I'll just give my own two cents on others who are against Patreon or against slackers (e.g. Akabur): If you don't like it, don't support it. Nobody's forcing you to pay either way, and you can hate the system and laugh at patrons for, in your eyes, throwing their money away.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I understand. Thanks for your time.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I like this artist in particular. I just don't like the monthly charge.

I refuse to support most projects that require a monthly.

The bulk of my projects are paid based on content release, or updates. As it should be.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hang in there and don't let a single non constructive critic get you down.
I get papanomics' point, because most of the people using Patreon as a money source for their work tend to conveniently disappear after reaching a goal.

Be very careful making generalizations like that. All it takes is one person purporting something like that for nine more people to read it, assume it's credible, and then re-assert that same conjecture to more people still.

You do tangible damage to Patreon's credibility as well as Anon42's wallet by saying that. If you want to make an assertion like that, it's irresponsible to do so without providing a source; we can't take you at your word.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I like this artist in particular. I just don't like the monthly charge.

I refuse to support most projects that require a monthly.

The bulk of my projects are paid based on content release, or updates. As it should be.
Great, you don't want to pay monthly, nobody's forcing you to. You will be able to buy the game once it's completed, you can pledge for a single month and after it's been processed, cancel so you're not charged for next month. You get the game "for free" once it's completed, as well as the game in its state for the month you pledge, which is really no different for paying "per content update" because Anon42 has updated it since starting the Patreon every single month without fail. In other words, people paying per content update would still be getting charged at the same rate.

I don't get the sense of entitlement people have around this. Patreon is there for people who want to contribute to the game's development by financial investment, while receiving incremental content updates as it's completed as a thank-you. You have the option not to and can wait til its completion. What's the problem?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I don't get the sense of entitlement people have around this. Patreon is there for people who want to contribute to the game's development by financial investment, while receiving incremental content updates as it's completed as a thank-you. You have the option not to and can wait til its completion. What's the problem?

People being salty that small indie teams are making enough money to barely keep afloat despite working 80+ hour weeks, yet don't get upset whatsoever at the gross amount of people being screwed over by huge corporations for billions.

AKA, illogical people, lol.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Even Jesus is confused!

I'm just happy to hear you're all well, Anon42. :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Even Jesus is confused!

I'm just happy to hear you're all well, Anon42. :)

I'm just confused as to what there is to be confused about. Anon's getting paid to continue to develop a game that people want and are therefore willing fund. Nothing's held hostage here, what these nay-sayers need to ask themselves is whether they would invest so much of their own time and effort into making a game themselves and release updates every month for free. If so, where they at?

And while we're at it, $2500/mo is close enough to fuck all in this day's economy, not even double that of a minimum wage job for average weekly hours. Would you take even that as a salary to create something off your own back that's being held to (nebulous) standards by its "investors", while also forgoing potential profit made by paying back those investors with a copy of the finished product they funded?

Anyway, Anon, I have a question: If I've already pledged a couple months (not back-to-back), how will I receive the finished game? As far as I know Patreon doesn't allow us to message one another if I'm not pledging. Will it be via e-mail?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

If you like the game support it, if not then don't. Least the person is giving you a reason. Patron is what people need to understand is more like a kick-starter or a donation.
If someone donates to cure diabetes and if they haven't made any progress are you gonna stop donating? Possibly. It's not an obligation, the money does help them with the project but it's your choice. Least you know the cause isn't like south park where they had a kick-starter and made millions just to be lazy and quit school. :D
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

If you like the game support it, if not then don't. Least the person is giving you a reason. Patron is what people need to understand is more like a kick-starter or a donation.
If someone donates to cure diabetes and if they haven't made any progress are you gonna stop donating? Possibly, It's not an obligation the money does help them with the project but it's your choice. Least you know the cause isn't like south park where they had a kick-starter and made millions just to be lazy and quit school. :D

I myself believe that Patreon is more akin to a Newspaper Subscription.
You subscribe to newspapers you like, and receive contents you expected when the time is due.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Be very careful making generalizations like that. All it takes is one person purporting something like that for nine more people to read it, assume it's credible, and then re-assert that same conjecture to more people still.

You do tangible damage to Patreon's credibility as well as Anon42's wallet by saying that. If you want to make an assertion like that, it's irresponsible to do so without providing a source; we can't take you at your word.

Very well then. Your point is taken. I do know a few cases where this has happened and with all the comments about this matter point out for my previous comment to have a reason to be.
However, since I don't want to start a destuctive discussion about Patreon and given the fact that miracles do tend to happen, I'm not gonna mention the cases I know and will not continue to hinder on this matter.
After all, everyone's free to do whatever they like. I just hope people know the consequences and no I'm not mentioning Anon42, as much as few of the others I've been anxiously following.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

If someone donates to cure diabetes and if they haven't made any progress are you gonna stop donating?

I'd address the implication that stating why you're not pledging absolves you from getting criticized for the arguments made to defend doing so, especially when you're going to be a condescending prick about it, but I think it's more telling that you're equating the development of a porn game to curing diseases.

I mean you otherwise make a valid point, you have every right to choose who you support, especially when you can't afford to support every Patreon and kickstarter for things you find interesting, but if you're not going to support someone JUST because they're human and aren't able to work on your precious wank materials 24/7 to the point you're saying they don't deserve any money for one or two bad months, you seriously need to fuck off.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Let me just end the recent discussion here.

Anyways, for the people supporting the Patreon, leave any feedback for my CGs here! I can't show off what I do for criticism, so I'm all alone for the Summer (sad life).
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

When's the best time to donate if I just wanna try the new demo out? I know he has to personally message us the link- and I don't want to get charged up front then charged for next months before he has time to message me xD
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Damn, I leave for the weekend and the thread explodes xD I'm not going to spend a bunch of time replying to every comment made in the debate, but I will say this: I completely understand every point that you all have made. I feel terrible about letting the past few months slip by, and you are perfectly within your rights to let that sway your opinion of me. I'm going to do my best to earn back that trust over the next few months, so hopefully you'll stick with me while I return to form. To everybody defending me, thank you so much for your support and understanding! I do want to emphasize that I don't think anybody should be demonized for their opinions on Patreon, however; it's a service that just doesn't agree with some people, and that's fine. There's no need for either side of the debate to be treated badly for what are just personal opinions.

Now, for the actual replys:

@jesus - I believe that I can still message you even if you aren't pledged to me; however, if that is not the case, I'm maintaining a list of everybody who's donated $10 or more to Crisis Point along with the emails they pledged with. If I can't message you on Patreon, then it would be sent to your email.

@SethK - Huh, did I not post about it here? Well, good news! Patreon recently started a beta for an Instant Charge feature, which means your card will be processed the moment you pledge - and I also no longer have to send links out personally! You can pledge right now and get the download link from a recent post in the activity feed right away, then just unpledge.