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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@SethK - Huh, did I not post about it here? Well, good news! Patreon recently started a beta for an Instant Charge feature, which means your card will be processed the moment you pledge - and I also no longer have to send links out personally! You can pledge right now and get the download link from a recent post in the activity feed right away, then just unpledge.

Radical! I'll do that sometime this month. Danke.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey, things kinda went silent for a while now, but I thought I'll pop by and ask something.

If everything goes well I'll finally get my Patreon set up for payments in a week or so and I hope to finally get my hands on this gem, but I remember there were some concerns about getting updates if someone gets the game earlier.The problem is that I can't find it right now and I remember it being a pretty long and confusing conversation so I don't have the time or energy with my work to look for it.

So could anyone help me out and tell me how does getting updates work again? :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Of all the damn western H-games this is the one I most want to see succeed. C'mon man. Don't let the project die.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I'm pretty sure it isn't dead or dying, just Anon's activity here is intermittent
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Of all the damn western H-games this is the one I most want to see succeed. C'mon man. Don't let the project die.

Don't worry, Crisis Point is nowhere near dead! Work has been very limited over the past few months, as detailed a little while ago in the topic, but things are finally getting back to normal and I've been able to work on the game at least a little bit every day. Thank you so much for being so invested in the project!

@Jesus - Yes, exactly like you say. My activity in general has been very inconsistent lately. It should be a lot more regular from here on out though!

@Gaboris - Things used to be a little complex, because Patreon wouldn't charge people mid-month, and I had to send the updates out manually after a successful pledge. That's not the case anymore though! Instant-charge was added a while ago, and they overhauled creator posts because of it, so now I can just post the download link to all patrons of a certain tier. It should be as simple as pledging, waiting for your pledge to go through (although the wait shouldn't be long at all, it should be just like purchasing something through amazon now), and then looking at the creator posts for the download link!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

What's been added since .22? In fact, what's the current version?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

What's been added since .22? In fact, what's the current version?

v.23 is still in development because of the aforementioned inactivity, unfortunately, so v.22 is the current release still. If I can get everything I want done, .23 will have a new voiced CG game over scene, better gamepad support, and a new powerup, on top of a bunch of bug fixes. I should be able to release it by the end of the month or so if it all goes smoothly.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@Gaboris - Things used to be a little complex, because Patreon wouldn't charge people mid-month, and I had to send the updates out manually after a successful pledge. That's not the case anymore though! Instant-charge was added a while ago, and they overhauled creator posts because of it, so now I can just post the download link to all patrons of a certain tier. It should be as simple as pledging, waiting for your pledge to go through (although the wait shouldn't be long at all, it should be just like purchasing something through amazon now), and then looking at the creator posts for the download link!

Okay cool, but that's exactly not the part I'm worried about. I'd be fine with waiting till the next month, but my problem is with the later updates? So if v.24-25-26 come along after my month ends can I only get the new version if I pledge 10$ again or will the download link I get be the same for all later versions and all I have to do is save it as a bookmark?

Sadly I don't really have the money to pay 10$/month constantly so I'd just wanna know what to expect.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Okay cool, but that's exactly not the part I'm worried about. I'd be fine with waiting till the next month, but my problem is with the later updates? So if v.24-25-26 come along after my month ends can I only get the new version if I pledge 10$ again or will the download link I get be the same for all later versions and all I have to do is save it as a bookmark?

Sadly I don't really have the money to pay 10$/month constantly so I'd just wanna know what to expect.

I wish the $5 option was available, 10 bucks might not be a lot for some people but it's steep for me cause of my mmo addiction. TwT
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Okay cool, but that's exactly not the part I'm worried about. I'd be fine with waiting till the next month, but my problem is with the later updates? So if v.24-25-26 come along after my month ends can I only get the new version if I pledge 10$ again or will the download link I get be the same for all later versions and all I have to do is save it as a bookmark?

Sadly I don't really have the money to pay 10$/month constantly so I'd just wanna know what to expect.

Ah, my apologies for the misunderstanding. When you pledge to play an update, you're pledging for just THAT update - not any future updates. You have to pledge $10 or more for every month you want to receive the playable beta. However, once you've pledged $10 (or more) total, you'll qualify for a copy of the game once it's released at no extra charge, even if you're not pledging when the game comes out. Release day is still a long ways away, but it's something to keep in mind, since the full version will be at least that expensive - more likely $15.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Ah, my apologies for the misunderstanding. When you pledge to play an update, you're pledging for just THAT update - not any future updates. You have to pledge $10 or more for every month you want to receive the playable beta. However, once you've pledged $10 (or more) total, you'll qualify for a copy of the game once it's released at no extra charge, even if you're not pledging when the game comes out. Release day is still a long ways away, but it's something to keep in mind, since the full version will be at least that expensive - more likely $15.
Ahhh, NOW it's clear!
Okay so yeah, we only get the current version of the game for each 10$ pledge, but we'll also get the final game when it arrives. Great to hear.

I'll be sure to make a pledge when I'm all set and can't wait to see what sweet new stuff I've been missing since v.13. :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Okay my Patreon is set up for payments and if nothing goes wrong I'll get my hands on a few sweet games at the start of the next month.

And if nothing goes wrong right now I'll get Crisis Point in just a bit. But just to be safe, this instant Checkout mean that I'll be a patron for a month(about 30 day) or just till the start of the next months? If the next update comes out within this month then I'm fine with the "till the next month" part, but if it comes out a few days after my mid-month pledge ends I'd feel a bit sad. :/

But seriously, just asking since I don't know how these work.

Edit: Okay found the Patron info page on it. So yeah we get charged on the day of the pledge and then on the 1st of the next month. That's not too ideal and since the next month is barely more than a week away I'll make my pledge in the next month.
Creators get a bit more direct info on the "rules" of upront payments, but at least it's easy to find from the pledge page as well.

Last edited:
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

(This is a direct copy/paste from Patreon, where the update went live last night)


So v.23 is finally finished. After I finish writing up this post, I'll be sending out a manual link to everyone who has pledged at the appropriate tiers since v.22 came out - just in case people stopped pledging during this period. To those of you still pledging, however, I'll post a download link to the game in another post shortly that you can access it from as well!

The changelog for this update is a lot smaller than I would have liked, considering how very long it took. Unfortunately, most of that time I wasn't able to actively develop the game - thus this update isn't quite the culmination of several months of effort. However, I tried to prioritize some of the more substantial elements, and hopefully you guys will still be able to find a lot to love about it (like the new voices for sprite sex scenes)! In any case, I'll have a full month of uninterrupted work to develop the next update, since things in my personal life have calmed down. I'm confident that it will be a much more substantial update than this one.

-Warped Soldier CG/Game Over scene added
-Implement new powerup (flamethrower)
-All of Alicia's ingame voice clips replaced by Alicia's official voice actress
-Fix more minor issues

As for next month..

-Finish BE H-animations for Warped Sentry
-Finish gamepad menu controls and options
-Warped Scientist CG/Game Over scene added
-Implement new powerup
-Allow enemies + certain environment pieces to catch on fire via Flare Shot
-Add extra polish/more variety to new voice clips
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

As you can probably tell, my plans if nothing else are definitely a bit more ambitious. I feel like I need to make the dead air up to you guys though, so I'm gonna try my best to get it all done.

Well, that's enough from me for today. Thank you all so much for your support, as always - and I hope you enjoy v.23!

-Alicia can no longer kick beyond room boundaries
-Alicia can no longer remove status effects by briefly masturbating
-Alicia should not longer get stuck inside low ceilings during certain actions
-Riding a moving platform into a wall should no longer cause Alicia to get stuck
-Being mid-sex animation while screen transitioning no longer locks Alicia's animations
-Opening and closing the map underwater should no longer reset Alicia's in-water state
-Insect BE scenes should be functional again
-Jump key to end the boss' GO scene should now function properly
-Holding down while jumping will allow you to pass through ghost platforms without landing on them
-New logo added to menu
-Pausing and unpausing will no longer cause nearby doors to close (possibly on top of Alicia)
-Pausing and unpausing should no longer cause certain breakables to be destroyed

That update is available now for anyone pledged $10 or higher. There are a few minor bugs in it, but nothing too gamebreaking has been discovered yet.

As for everyone who hasn't been a patron recently; now that I finally finished this update, I'll be posting a recording of the Tentacle GO scene soon - I wanted to focus on getting this update out first, but I wanted to post that afterwards so you all know what to expect from the GO scenes. Every enemy will have one, and they're all fully voice acted (not including the hellhound scene, which will unfortunately not have voice acting per Diana's request), with CGs by LustFire. For those of you worried that a Game Over scene will give the player incentive to die against every new enemy they encounter, don't worry - in a future update, you'll also be able to access the scenes by killing that enemy type ONCE, and then it'll pop up in a gallery accessible from the pause menu. No need to even go back to the main menu; once implemented, you'll be able to kill the enemy, watch the scene from the menu, and then continue on right where you left off no worse for the wear.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

WOO! Finally! :D

Okay I'm trustin ya man, I'm going for a 10$ pledge right after this post. :)

It pains me to see that the next update is planned to have an extra BE scene, but I guess there's not much point in waiting another month just for that.

Also I'd like to ask if these later versions also have a walkthrough "in the box" like how the public demo had back in v.13?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Also I'd like to ask if these later versions also have a walkthrough "in the box" like how the public demo had back in v.13?

Yep! The download for the latest versions all come with an updated walkthrough just in case. It won't take you to all of the collectibles, but it'll get you through to the end of the demo!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Yep! The download for the latest versions all come with an updated walkthrough just in case. It won't take you to all of the collectibles, but it'll get you through to the end of the demo!
Yep, found it and it's cool. I'm not looking for a game walkthrough just a list where I can get all the juicy H-scenes. :3

I play the game itself by myself so I don't want to spoil it right at the beginning. :)

Anyways so far it's pretty SWEET! It would be nice to have a list of all the H-scene combinations that are currently implemented, but as you said that'll be implemented in the final game so it's cool.

Oh and before I forget:
- Insect BE scenes should be functional again
Does this mean that there should be a different insect H-scene in BE mode or just that the normal scene can happen? I'm asking since I got the normal "non-big boobies from behind" sex scene in both cases.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Alicia's voice actress sounds a lot like the girl used for magic match up.

She's becoming the Laura Bailey of hentai games, lol.

I just wish she'd change her voice a little to try to sound like a different person.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Alicia's voice actress sounds a lot like the girl used for magic match up.

YES! I KNEW I hear her voice before! XD
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Can't wait to try this out
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Alicia's voice actress sounds a lot like the girl used for magic match up.

She's becoming the Laura Bailey of hentai games, lol.

I just wish she'd change her voice a little to try to sound like a different person.

Is she the same voice actress as the one in Future Fragments? I haven't checked out the voices for this or played Magic Matchup and I know I'll likely get lambasted for it, but I wasn't a big fan of her voice in that game (mainly didn't like how the erotic voices sounded a bit forced to me).