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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Looking great...
I'd guess it's LustFire's art, but I only saw his CP related art (damn shame I didn't grab colored spit-roast one when I had the chance), so I don't have much to compare to.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Lasterk, possibly?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Ah, one of the very few things Crisis Point was missing--CGs. Didn't think there would be any way to make it better (other than making it free and instantly completed right now), but I was wrong.

Still, while I'm overjoyed with the progress and development of CP, I'm happier to see you're posting again, Anon. I trust your father is doing better then?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Ah, one of the very few things Crisis Point was missing--CGs. Didn't think there would be any way to make it better (other than making it free and instantly completed right now), but I was wrong.

Still, while I'm overjoyed with the progress and development of CP, I'm happier to see you're posting again, Anon. I trust your father is doing better then?

I wish I could say that he was, but no, not really. Things are still rough over here and I'm not going to be able to go visit him for a few months due to finances. I just can't let that get in the way of my work for too long, so it's about time to start getting back to it. Can't think of a better way to do that than by revealing some new, exciting stuff.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)


She's not ready to go out yet! D:
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Also coming soon to a Crisis Point near you...
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Also coming soon to a Crisis Point near you...

Glad to hear you hired her :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey guys! As you all know by now, Crisis Point is officially getting CGs! As AltairPL guessed, I got in contact with LustFire a while back - who many of you may know from his work with AzureZero in the past - and he's agreed to work with me, creating the CGs for Crisis Point! He's a great artist, and we're working hard on catching up and getting CGs available for every enemy in the game. My hope is to get one or two new enemies a month until we're all caught up.

I'm just putting the finishing touches on v.21 before I send it out, so I figured now is the time to make the first Tentacle CG public! In the coming update, this CG will be available - along with 5 other variations of it. In Crisis Point, when you Game Over against an enemy, you'll be given the option to view a GO sequence. These sequences will be fully voice-acted, and contain a non-animated CG'd sex scene showing what happens to Alicia after her loss. (Don't worry, no death involved!) In the future I may release some more voice clips, or a video showcasing one of these sequences; for now though, welcome LustFire to the team, and enjoy the first ever official Crisis Point CG!

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Aww yiss, this game just keeps going up and up in quality!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

omg yes!

May I share the voice sequence with a censored cover on facebook? Im apart of some pervy groups who would fall in love with this especially the voice actress.

Just meed something that can link them to your patreon and demo.

Im already a member on patreon btw
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

omg yes!

May I share the voice sequence with a censored cover on facebook? Im apart of some pervy groups who would fall in love with this especially the voice actress.

Just meed something that can link them to your patreon and demo.

Im already a member on patreon btw

Absolutely, share away with anyone you think would like the game - just make sure you link to it and all, like you said :)

@Jesus - Thanks man, I'm glad you like it
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just when I thought this could not get any better ...
Animated and fully voiced game over sequences? CG art of this quality standard? More Test Dummy?
You have me salivating in anticipation - even more than before. :p

I honestly am hard pressed to find anything with this project that is not at least close to perfection. Please, please, please continue this impressively! ;)

Only nitpick: Her breasts are a wee slight little tad too large for my tastes, but I am a bit particular in that respect. And very willing to forgive in this case. ;)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Whelp, I got to say that's some pretty impressive art and voice acting...
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I love the CG, to the point where I'm seriously contemplating using Patreon. There's no other way to support/pay for it right now, right? And I know this will sound strange, but I hope the voice actor doesn't swear a lot in the game, or I can at least turn it off; it's actually a turn off for me. I get to hear enough angry people swear at me in my daily life as it is.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

And I know this will sound strange, but I hope the voice actor doesn't swear a lot in the game, or I can at least turn it off; it's actually a turn off for me. I get to hear enough angry people swear at me in my daily life as it is.

Same here, well sorta. Not so much swearing its self but tone of voice and attitude in general
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I love the CG, to the point where I'm seriously contemplating using Patreon. There's no other way to support/pay for it right now, right? And I know this will sound strange, but I hope the voice actor doesn't swear a lot in the game, or I can at least turn it off; it's actually a turn off for me. I get to hear enough angry people swear at me in my daily life as it is.

Awww...looks like someone needs a hug. :)

(Damn...I can't post a bigger image. Consider that a little hug then, haha).
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Tis a sad day for me... not being able to support hard work master pieces such as this :(
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Same here, well sorta. Not so much swearing its self but tone of voice and attitude in general

To be fair, unless a new enemy is introduced, she is getting raped during the sex scenes. It would seem equally odd if her voice sounds like she's enjoying it if she shouldn't be. So swearing or some kind of angry or hateful tone is expected. Though I can see how it can be a turnoff if it's overdone as I feel the same way.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Glad to see that you found an artist.. and a good one.
I did this for fun (didn't finish to colour though). Hope fanart are allowed. Wish you good luck with your project.


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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

loving the art, hope to see more of it