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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@MacDakka - Glad to see you're excited man, but there is one miscommunication there - the CGs aren't animated, they're static images. The GO scenes are set up kind of like a visual novel so there are screen effects, and the image shakes around sometimes, but they're not fully animated. Hopefully that doesn't kill your buzz :p

@Ayra, rock41t - Thanks to both of you, I'm glad you like the art :)

@Elusi, Jesus - No, there aren't any other ways to support the game as of now, sorry. As far as Alicia's swearing and attitude - well, she's a bit of a hardass. She's going to swear and she's not one to mince words - my apologies if that's a turnoff, but I don't really plan on changing her character. However, don't worry too much about her swearing up a constant storm - it wouldn't make for a very good script if she was throwing out swears left and right, so all things in moderation. In addition, there will be some scenes where she's.. much more willing than others. If it does bug you too much though, there will be an option to turn the voice acting off.

@Judael - Fanart is always allowed, I love to see it! But uh, the image you posted is just Alicia's sprite? I'm not seeing any other pictures there.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I'm fine with swearing as long as it's used in believable situations - there's at least one other English game I've seen where the protagonist swears at the most random times and it makes them look like a child who recently learned that swear words are naughty. What really rubs me the wrong way, though, is when the girl has to say fuck or oh god every other second she's getting screwed - that's what turns me off (and for some reason, almost all of the English-made hentai games I've played do it to some extent, whereas the Japanese ones often don't - must be a cultural thing, or at least a thing in the community that likes/makes hentai games). I've heard that a lot of guys like that, but luckily I've never had a girlfriend who did it - it'd probably start making me laugh in the middle of things and completely ruin the mood.

I hope that with the voice toggle, we can still at least hear moans and things of that nature, though I don't know how difficult that would be to implement.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

When you say that there will be variations of the CG, do you mean like the state Alicia is in when she loses? BE/not, Aroused/Not or something else?

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

There are changes within the CG that progress in the Game Over sequence as the dialogue and voice are running. It's standard practice in most H-games, unless I learn another visual technique.

If you guys don't have access to his Patreon demo, the 1st GO content has vaginal and anal penetration. Every CG I draw will be mostly dependent on the Sprite content. That means the "quantity" can vary a lot. I'm working on the Slime GO, and it has green + blue variant, vaginal + face cover.

p.s. The 1st GO I finished was actually based on a mistake. I only planned on vaginal penetration, but the sprite shows that the tentacle is penetrating her anal hole (so it was a little more work than intended).
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

There are changes within the CG that progress in the Game Over sequence as the dialogue and voice are running. It's standard practice in most H-games, unless I learn another visual technique.

If you guys don't have access to his Patreon demo, the 1st GO content has vaginal and anal penetration. Every CG I draw will be mostly dependent on the Sprite content. That means the "quantity" can vary a lot. I'm working on the Slime GO, and it has green + blue variant, vaginal + face cover.

p.s. The 1st GO I finished was actually based on a mistake. I only planned on vaginal penetration, but the sprite shows that the tentacle is penetrating her anal hole (so it was a little more work than intended).

Aww shit man. Getting even better.

When I heard you joined, I was like. "Bruh, this just got 10x better." And the actress? Awww shit my cracka! This is just getting better. This game is shaping up to be one of the best to get released, if it does get released this year. :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@Judael - Fanart is always allowed, I love to see it! But uh, the image you posted is just Alicia's sprite? I'm not seeing any other pictures there.

Sorry..album was set to private. It should be visible now...nothing relevant anyway.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sup, i was wandering if there's some kind of gallery to see all the animations. I know it probably sucks for someone that makes a game to see someone trying to entirely skip it and just watch the animations but hey, shit happens lol. Idk if you already answered this question, but there's 74 pages, cant really check them all. Thanks in advance
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sup, i was wandering if there's some kind of gallery to see all the animations. I know it probably sucks for someone that makes a game to see someone trying to entirely skip it and just watch the animations but hey, shit happens lol. Idk if you already answered this question, but there's 74 pages, cant really check them all. Thanks in advance

Game isn't even out yet.......
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Game isn't even out yet.......

Well ye i know, but still, there are incomplete games with galleries out there.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@MacDakka - Glad to see you're excited man, but there is one miscommunication there - the CGs aren't animated, they're static images. The GO scenes are set up kind of like a visual novel so there are screen effects, and the image shakes around sometimes, but they're not fully animated. Hopefully that doesn't kill your buzz :p
I was being imprecise, I know, but that is the exact kind of animation I was understanding from your post before - I mean, the point was the game over scenes' being CG-based, after all. If they were full videos or sprite animations now, they would not be CG-based* anymore, would they? No worries, the buzz remains unkilled. :p

Voice and sound is more important to me, anyway. Static images, but with (good) sound, beat the best silent animation.

*'CG' in the traditional sense of still images, which itself is technically imprecise on so many levels, I know, but accepted in the H-game scene, so what the hell ... ;)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Oh my. This game is getting better every time I come back to it. WHY must PayPal torture me with not allowing the support of "fun" Patreon projects.
So much promise of glorious boobie enlargements... TT_TT

Seriously though, there has to be a way to get that thing to cooperate with just a bank account... -_-"

Anyways I WAS wondering a bit if there are any gallery modes planned? Personally I like the game and I respect how much work you put into it, but it's still a fact that I kinda get annoyed if I constantly have to run through the same levels just to get my favorite scenes. :/

So just in case it hasn't been brought up in the past 75 pages are there any plans to add end game stuff like in LAB -Still Alive- with all the monsters being showcased in little "cells" because that thing would be the BEST!! O_O
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I would also support if it were possible without a credit card. Love the BE implementation in the game. My only suggestion would be to make the reversal of it a voluntary action, and let Alicia jump while buxom as hell. More like a small hop of course :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@Elusi - Well, most of the H-scene vocals are just moans and grunts. The actual dialogue mid-H (for Game Over scenes, for example) will have her swearing at times (example from the Tentacle Game Over scene: "Ahh, fuck.. Don't tell me you're.. Cumming..? Just.. Don't do it inside.."), but it's not like every sentence will be like that. I do plan on giving the moans and actual voiced clips separate toggles, but hopefully the writing won't be a turn off anyway.

@angelspit - Like Lustfire said, the CG variations are basically sequential images with a small 'story' behind them, so to speak. With the tentacle GO scene, there are 6 total images - Pre-penetration, vaginal penetration, vaginal climax, post-vaginal climax, anal penetration, and anal climax. On top of the CGs there's narration, voice acted dialogue, and Visual Novel-like effects going on to paint a scene of what happens to Alicia after she's defeated. (There's no implied injury/death or anything though, so no worries about that.) As far as your second post about BE, I do plan on doing both of those things. BE will no longer weigh her down, just make her more susceptible to getting KO'd (so BE won't ever stop progress again), and you will also be able to go back to normal by masturbating. It will probably take a while before I can implement both of those things but I DO plan on doing them.

@Zodiark - I don't have any announcements on a release date right now, but I don't think 2016 will happen unfortunately. The game is probably about 50-60% content complete, but there's a lot of polish stuff I want to implement before a final release.

@shish - Asking about a gallery is fine, but for future reference, saying "it must suck for you but I don't care" doesn't really come across well. Might want to just skip that next time you want to ask someone a question like this. Yes, there will be a gallery. No, there is not a gallery right now - it's probably not coming until the game is nearing completion.

@MacDakka - Glad to hear that. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to be disappointed :p

@Gaboris - Like I mentioned to shish earlier in this post, there will definitely be a gallery mode later on. I'm still deciding exactly how I want to set the gallery up, so no announcements on that yet - it probably won't just be a menu where you select a scene, though. I too am a fan of "interactive galleries" like the one in LAB. As far as supporting the game - you might be able to get something like a pre-paid visa card. I'm not sure if you can order them online or not but they're functionally identical to a debit card.

EDIT: Hey everybody, just wanted to leave a quick announcement letting you know that Crisis Point dev streams will finally be starting up again. Myself and Orexius will be streaming Sunday (tomorrow), Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 1-5pm EST. I'm not sure where the schedule will go from there, but I'll try and either come up with consistent times or at least post a schedule every week. Hope to see you there.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

@Gaboris - Like I mentioned to shish earlier in this post, there will definitely be a gallery mode later on. I'm still deciding exactly how I want to set the gallery up, so no announcements on that yet - it probably won't just be a menu where you select a scene, though. I too am a fan of "interactive galleries" like the one in LAB.
SWEET! You're the best! :D

As far as supporting the game - you might be able to get something like a pre-paid visa card. I'm not sure if you can order them online or not but they're functionally identical to a debit card.
Yeah this idea came up back on the stream I also watched, but sadly I have absolutely NO idea how those stuff work, where to look for them or even how to know if a place accepts them since my own card is useless for me because these vendors just don't accept my card's "provider"(?) or something. :confused:
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

When you publicize the new version? ^^
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

he wont you have to pay for the next version

give it a few more years till the full version is done thats when we get it

What an infantile comment to make. He's been working on this, BY HIMSELF, for under two years. This thread was opened in May 2014. That's pretty damn good -- as in, almost unprecedented for a project of this scope -- for being by himself and having never done this before.

Keep your pouty shitposts to yourself.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

A few more years? o_o I can get my artworks done before Summer ends. (There, I created unnecessary hype and pressure)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I can get my artworks done before Summer ends. (There, I created unnecessary hype and pressure)

*Unnecessarily get hyped by the unnecessary hype*

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

It's already too late at this point but I want to give some suggestion regarding the character design, maybe you can use it in future title in case you agree with the suggestion.
- Legs are too short, minimum proportion for "leg vs the rest of the body" is 1:1 if you want realistic proportion. Legs can be longer than that for exaggerated look but not shorter.
- Her face in sprite mode looks like a dude i think (Kyrieru already gives you an good suggestion about how to fix this in the 1st page). I believe you should be able to fix this because you draw her really good in artwork version (the one in your patreon page where she points her gun).

Edit: Triangulate also gives a good suggestion about her running animation in the 1st page. He has a good point

Good luck with the game!
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