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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"In the apartment building. We came upon a threesome from the prison, they had us pretty heavily outgunned, and we weren't exactly trusting of them at that point. Quick Question, do you remember what the women that found you in the mall looked like?" River explained, still looking a bit unsure of herself, doubly so when she asked her question.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David blinked at the question, adjusting himself where he stood.

"... I'm not good at filing police reports, but one that stood out was a little blond squirt, she was pretty much the only one that tried to attack me. Not really to harm me, I think she just wanted to... Uh... I don't know exactly." David admitted, shaking his head.

"The other two... One had dark hair, I mean really dark, with green eyes. And the leader of the three, she had dark red hair, kinda like yours. She seemed to want me to come with them. After I refused, the little one tried to jump me." he told River, blinking a little, as if reliving the memory.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, thats not raping ._. or attempt rape. but then Lin is NOT like Daisy)
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((So it was the same threesome then? I recognize Daisy, but I forget the descriptions of the other two :/ ))


"Yeah, I think those are the same three I met then, or at least that squirt was. She seemed hyper, but not overly... Sexual, I guess would be the word. Did you see them in the apartment with us? One of them was out on the balcony with me for a moment."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

( The "leader" he mentioned matches the description of Regina, but the other one with black hair and green eyes was not Rosemary, Rosemary had orange hair. )

David nodded,

"Only one I didn't recognize was the one with orange hair. I think I dodged a bullet last time, if I hadn't fired a warning shot at that little squirt, I'd probably be at their mercy right now, and not here, shooting these buggers to pass the time."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That's... Odd." River says, turning and looking out in the direction of the prison, collecting her thoughts. "I spent a night in the same bed as the 'leader' of that group, and I think Lin did the same with the short one. I was left completely alone, even though the woman came right out and confessed that she wanted me. Maybe they were just man-hungry, though I honestly can't see that happening so fast, or you would have a lot more company up here, I think." River chuckles a bit to let him know it was a joke and continued. "They seem to have it pretty good over there, I've been considering getting everybody to pack up and move over there. If we can get along, it would be more effective on the resources."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David shook his head,

"Bullshit," he insulted River's suggestion, "I bumped shoulders with a patrol, and there's no way I'm going to a whole fucking city of them. Maybe they're soft on girls like you, but they didn't take the same liking to me."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"And that's why I came here. I figured if anyone would have a negative opinion, it would be you. There is something that just rubs me the wrong way about that place, but I'm choosing to take the long term view of things. This city's resources are too limited. If whatever the hell caused this goes on for too long, we will run out of stuff to eat, clothes to wear, and ammo to defend ourselves with. The way it stands, we have two places competing over what there is, and any extra wasted is doubled from that."

River sighs. "I came up here to find someone to play devil's advocate, but I don't know which of us is actuallyt playing the part..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David laughed,

"You actually think we're going to survive this?" he chuckled, "Sorry, but it's only a matter of time before we do run out of everything, like you said, and then those freaks will walk all over us."

Taking a look at River, breaking away from aiming for a second, he addressed her, "And I'd rather die here, fighting, than in the clutches of the rapist women from outer space." he claimed, both joking, and serious.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You ass." River states plainly, getting up and walking over to him. "I think we're going to make it because that's what keeps me moving, what keeps me fighting. Because if I don't, I may as well lie down and let them take me, because that's the end result, isn't it? In fact-" she spits out, moving herself in front of him after his next shot and grabbing the barrel with her hand, keeping it centered on her chest. "-if you are so certain that the end result of this is our loss, what are you even killing those things for? There is just going to be more of them, right? If you were so self-righteous, you should be saving your ammo for me, and all the other women in this very building. It would save us from them, right? Surely we'd rather die than live out our miserable lives trapped in their clutches, right?" She glares at him, jaw set and hand unmoving, waiting for him to make a move.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David chuckled,

"As you wish..." then he pulled back on the trigger...


It was out of ammo.

"Ha, ha, ha!" he laughed as she couldn't help but jump when the trigger clicked, "I have my own reasons as well, but let's be real, we're not going to grow old, telling our kids all the stories of how we stopped the great invasion. Whether it's tomorrow, next month, year, or decade, we're not gonna last forever, and they'll just keep coming, so long as there's at least one impregnated woman. We'll never see the end of it."

David pulled the barrel away from River's chest, and aimed it back over the ledge, and strangely enough, fired a round...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(1. Wouldn't the barrel be hot?
2. I like doing the trick where you drop the ammo out then pull the trigger, it's hard to pull off tho)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River jumped when he pulled the trigger, but didn't make a sound. She just glared at him all through his speech, and throws the barrel away when he goes to move it, taking a couple steps before he fires, which just makes her jump again, and she stalks off without another word.

((EDIT: yes, the barrel would be hot, but he wouldn't let it get too hot, or it might get damaged, and she is wearing gloves))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Gloves huh? Dunno what kind of gloves you are wearing...)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Fingerless, but fairly thick. She'd still feel it, probably to the point of being painful, but for the three or four seconds she'd be fine. Also, we have a discussion thread for a reason, please?))

River heads right down the stair, back to the main lobby and out the door again, taking her morning run in laps around the inn, doing a lot more than usual as she tries to burn off her steam.

((Till about 50% stam, if you please ;) ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(River's stamina status: Yellow)

David simply stared into the city after she left, looking at the building he remembered seeing her in.

Reaching his hands back, he adjusted his ponytail, and chuckled a little.

"Sorry, but the truth is always hard to accept. And it's not my fault you can't accept it." he said aloud, directed at River, even though she was not around.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River went back to the inn, going to the lounge and sitting down heavily. She was fairly flushed, and breathing harder than usual. She got back up for a minute to grab a drink from the fridge, then sat down again, spping it as she looked around the room.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The lobby was fairly calm, and quiet. A couple guards were talking with each other, and a purple haired nurse was reading what looked like a romance novel, while slouching on the couch, occasionally adjusting her glasses with her middle finger.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin had fallen asleep again in that cozy armchair right outside of the doorway into the shop, she never looks like she's sleeping as she never snores and always props herself just right that she looks like she's only closing her eyes for a couple of seconds.
(Shrike........ go bother Lin!)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River spots Lin in the chair near the Shop entrance and drags her own over to her.

"Hey." She says just loud enough to be heard. "Can I ask you a question?"