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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin woke up, but kept her eyes closed.

"Yes?" She whispered in a quiet voice.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River takes a moment to consider her words carefully, trying not to sound offensive.

"what happened your night at the prison? You spent the night in Daisy's room, right?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin, still answering in her soft, sleepy voice smiled.

"Aside from some hardcore video gaming, and some moans from the nearby cells, nothing. Why? Did something happen at your end?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Movies, sleep, and Regina confessing her undying lust for my body, but that was about it. It just seems like everybody around here has a fear or suspicion of that place, except the ones that have actually been there, and I can't seem to figure out why..." She trails off, taking a swig of her drink, which Lin will notice as a mickey of whiskey once she opens her eyes.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin yawned and streched, but still continued in her sleepy voice.

"Well, everyone has their own fetishes, some just wouldn't like to intrude on others's way of doing things as long as it doesn't bother them. But talking about undying lust for your body, did you see that poor girl get carried away by Jesse? It's kinda like that. You wouldn't want Jesse to do whatever she's doing in her room to you, so as to not get yourself be dragged in, you stay away."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just shrugged, taking another swig of her whiskey.

"I don't think Jesse likes me, she was awfully rude to me last time I paid her a visit. What's this about dragging a girl off to her room? I've been running laps for a bit, I haven't seen anything."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin laughed, and returned to her normal voice.

"You missed a great show then. Did you see a little blonde girl with Jesse before you left?" Lin asked.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Nope. I had a chat with Freyda, Jesse was alone then, and then went up to talk to David for a minute. Been outside ever since." She explains, just starting to over-enunciate her words as she takes another swig, the mickey nearly half empty now.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Well there was this blonde girl when I was getting a 1st aid pack, and Jesse was practically raping the little girl already, she is kinda cute I suppose, so Jesse lifted her up and carried her off to her room, and well... you DO know what she does with people in her room right?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River coughed a little in surprise.

"Well damn, I guess I do now. She never seemed the type..." She says slowly, still coughing. "She always seemed so docile every time I've seen her..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Well looks can be deciving, just don't get her in the 'mood' and you should be fine."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Off for 40 mins to drive home after this.))

River just finished clearing her airway, and downed a couple large gulps of her whiskey.

"Huh, no kidding. It's only been what, Three, four days since this all started? I'm starting to feel like nearly everybody who made it past the first in some kind of sex-crazed maniac..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"People change when the world around them change."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Forgot I had to gas up the car XD ))


"People change no matter what the world does, I just thought that something like this would turn people more celibate than horny..." River mutters before downing the last of her mickey. "Hey, I'm gonna grab another from the fridge, you want something?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hm, I AM starting to think that maybe the monsters's method affect what we think sexually, but I guess we are just over thinking it, and I will take some rum if they have any, otherwise I will just take something non-alcoholic, I am not feeling for anything other than rum today."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Rum sounds pretty good actually. I remember grabbing some Captain Morgans, I'll see if there's still that forty in there." River said, pulling herself out of her seat and going to the fridge, coming back a moment later with the rum in hand. She cracks it and passes it over to Lin. "You don't mind sharing cooties, do ya?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That depends on how good the Rum is." Lin answered before she take a huge swig at the alcohol.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((It's Captain Morgan's Original Spiced Rum, pretty simple stuff...))

"Heh, well I'm pretty sure the alcohol content would burn off anything we had, if that's what you mean." River says with a laugh.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Well, it wouldn't be good if we got drunk so early in the day."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River scoffed at Lin.

"Hey, I'm a big girl, I can get absolutely smashed by midmorning if I want to. Come on, pass it over." She says seriously, reaching out for the bottle.