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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You will GET smashed by something if you do." Lin said handing the alcohol back to River
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just laughs, taking a small sip and swishing it around for a second, before taking a couple large gulps.

"I'm not too worried, I can run faster drunk and scared than you can angry." She laughs again and passes the bottle back over.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin took a few large gulps, before stopping to reply to River.

"You can probably fall over more times than I would when I had a broken leg."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River laughs raucously.

"Probably." She admits. "But I'll be fast while I'm doing it, dammit!" She says, eliciting another burst of laughter as she holds her hand out for the bottle again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

And after draining most of the remaining bottle in one gulp.
Lin got up and strolled to the door.

"Well got something to do, I will see ya later River~" Lin waved a bye at River as she walkes towards two girls.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River waved back, downing the last of the bottle of rum as she walked to the fridge to find something else, before going back to her seat near the shop entrance, practically crashing back down on the chair.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River's commotion attracted a lot of attention, as a purple haired doctor slouching on a couch nearby took interest in the red haired girl, and strode to a chair near her, then took a seat next to her.

"You're liver isn't appreciating what you're doing to it, I'll have you know." the purple haired woman lectured River.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yeah, well, it needs it's excersise too, can't let it feel lonely. You want some?" River says, taking a long draught before holding it out to the other woman.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The woman politely declines,

"No, thank you. Last time I got drunk with another woman- Never mind. Just remember that it's me who suffers as well if you hurt yourself. So," she began, taking the bottle, and keeping it, "That's why you shouldn't be so hasty to destroy yourself."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(lol, theres a fridge over there full of beer ma'am)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Don't worry so much, I promise not to get alcohol poisoning, so you don't have to deal with me, alright?" She says slowly, making sure to enunciate each word carefully. "By the way, I'm River, nice to meetcha."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The doctor adjusted her glasses with her pinky.

"Violet, pleasure." she greets River, "It's my job to be worried. And I want to deal with you, as to make sure you don't hurt yourself."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just snorted.

"Look, no offense, I'm sure you're great at your job at all, but I don't think being drunk is a good enough reason to go see the doctor. Last time I was in the hospital, I could lick my own elbow, alright?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet adjusted her glasses with her pinky again.

"You're not seeing the doctor, the doctor is seeing you." Handing the bottle back to River, she adds, "I've lost a couple friends to this poison, and I'd rather not lose another, much more so since I've just met you."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River softened a bit, taking a sip instead of a swig this time.

"Look, I'm not going to drink so much that I'll get alcohol poisoning, I'm just... Drinking, all right? I don't make this a habit, it's just a bit of a special occasion. I plan on lvivng a long and healthy life, and to hell what anyone else thinks!" She says, glaring at the ceiling for a moment before continuing. "Sorry bout that, you sure you don't want to join me?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

"... Fine, but I'm going to hate myself for this if it happens again..."

Violet exhales a little, sounding angry, but then accepts River's invitation, taking the bottle, and drinking a little more than a light weight should drink from that kind of drink...

"Ugh!" she spats after swallowing the poison, "How horrid!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just chuckled a little, dragging herself out of her seat and back to the fridge.

"Yeah, you should probably have something a bit lighter..." She says as she rummaged through the fridge, bringing back a tall glass of what looked like soda after a moment. She passes it over and smiles, taking another sip from her bottle and sitting back down rather heavily. "It's called a Barmaid's Root Beer," she explains. "It's rougly one-third Kahlua and the rest Pepsi, you tongue shouldn't complain about that one!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet growled as she took the drink River handed to her,

"Why am I agreeing to this..?" she asks aloud as she opens the drink, and drinks from it.

Violet was starting to sway in place, the effects of the alcohol seemed to start working at her system early...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River chuckled, reaching over to pat Violet on the shoulder.

"Whoa there, looks like that first swig you had of mine is kicking in pretty fast! Have another sip of yours, even it out a little. It has about half the kick of a can of beer in that entire glass, you should be fine." She says easily.

((It's my favourite :) ))