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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

A nearby Guard woman pointed out.

Guard woman: "There's lotsa beer up for grabs in the Employee's Lounge, in the refrigerator."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Liquor, huh? I don't drink much but I think that sounds like a great idea right about now!" Christie said, still standing close to Claire. She seemed to be back to her perky self now, and was even bouncing up and down a little at the thought of having some fun with the other two women. It seemed like an eternity since she'd gotten to do anything really fun.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"It sounds like none of us drink that much," Caitlyn laughs. "We might get into trouble tonight. But I think it's justified." She smiles at Claire, "Sound good to you, too?"

She stands up, preparing to head up to the lounge that the guard indicated.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"This is the kind of trouble that I can handle," Claire responded, feeling more bolstered all along. Moving in a gaggle somehow felt more comforting, she'd decided, though she'd often felt more comfortable by herself before the last couple of nights had passed. "I might even be made a fan of beer."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin heard the words. It rang in her ear.
"Beer?!" Lin yelled in surprise.
"Hey can I come also? I haven't drank beer in a while." Lin wasn't crazy about beer, but after being raped, it's what she needs.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River walks back into the lobby from the shop section, wearing a pair of jeans and with a one-peice suit under her arm. She spots the group of women talking off to the side, and considered joining them, but she had to get changed and bring her borrowed par of pants back first. She did wave to Lin and anyone else she knew if they noticed her though, no sense being rude after all.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn doesn't know either River or Lin yet, but seeing River wave she smiles back and returns one of her own. She turns to Claire and Christy in response to Lin's question, "I'll let you two decide if you want more company. I'm just flattered that you're letting me come along."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Btw RJ, Lin's wearing her spare clothes.)
"So where's the beer at?" Lin asked.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River looks surprised at someone she doesn't really know answering her wave, but shrugs and continues on to her room.

Closing the door behind her, She quickly strips down and begins putting on the suit of armour. Jesse was right, the suit is quite supple and flexible. Once it was all on and done up, river starts going through a series of stretches and excersized to test how her range of motion and speed is affected by the suit. It will take her a bit to get used to the extra weight of it, but she is happiy surprised at how little it hinders her.

She straps her knife back on to her thigh and puts her shirt in the closet, then grabs her gun, ammo, and borrowed pants and heads back out towards the shops again, passinga bit closer to the group in the lobby this time to attempt to hear some of what they were saying.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie turns to look at Lin with a big smile.


"Sure, you can join us as long as you're buying!"

When she sees River walk through the room, she waves her arm over her head and calls to her.


"Hey River, us girls want to go have a drink! You want to come? The stud can come along too, if he thinks he can handle us all!" She laughed and looked around. This was turning into quite the party. She wondered if maybe she should go ask the Director to join them too. She was their host, after all.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River looks cofused for a minute.


"Stud? Oh, Cal. I'll know, He'll probably beat you guys there, knowing him. I just gotta drop off these jeans, I'll meet you all there, alright?" She says, holding up the pair of jeans in her hand, then jogs on down the stairs and heads out the doors towards the shops once more.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

"We have to pay????" Lin asked, she didn't want to pay for a drink at all!
"By the way River," Lin started, noticing the armor River's wearing. "What is that you are wearing?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie grinned evilly at Lin's question, looking at the girl with a gleam in her eye.


"Oh, no! No, no, no! YOU have to pay, like I said. Here, I'll make it easy for you. You give me the money, and I'll go buy it for you. What do you say?" She held out her hand, expectantly, a gleeful smirk still on her face.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

"I have no money." Lin said simply.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn laughs at the interplay between Lin and Christie. "All this teasing is getting in the way of our drinking time," she observes. "Besides, I don't think any of us had a purse when we arrived. At least, assuming that you all arrived in the same state as Claire and I did." She tries to play it off as a joke, but is honestly curious about the other girls.

"I'm Caitlyn," she says, offering her hand to Lin.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin took the hand and smiled at Caitlyn.
"Hi I am Linne," Lin replied deciding to use her whole 1st name. "You can call me Lin though. And I agree with you completely. Lets go drink!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


“Haaaaa…uwah…” Terry let out a yawn as she awoke from her slumber looking left to right at her surroundings.

“This isn’t my room…” Was the first thought but then memories emerged what had transpired yesterday which made Terry grit her teeth in frustration.

“Ugh Damn it I’m going to kill that Rex when I see em again!” She stated angrily jumping off the bed and heading for the shower to clean herself off. Afterwords she did her best to try and wash her school clothes although they were still in one pierce the encounters she had been through made them quite withered.

Putting on her clothes she was given a brief speech about what goes around here and handed some money. Afterwards she moved on observing the area.

“Lovely a collection of monster hunters sounds like one of those fantasy novels” She sighed folding her arms across from one another as she started walking toward the weapon shop.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera comes downstairs, she'd been helping fix up the place the last few days as she looks around the main areas to see who all is here, wearing the tough black catsuit and her twin swords on her back "New people, huh..?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Sounds like fun," Caitlyn nods. She stops for a moment on her way out of the room and looks at the well-armed woman in black. Her eyebrows arch and she gives a small smile, "Um. . . hello. Are you one of the Director's other guards?"