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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After relieving herself, the girl went back out.
She wanted to find someone to talk to, to see if they knew her.
(So... is anyone out at the lobby part of the Inn?)

(( As much as it pains me to say it... I guess Emily would be in the lobby at this point ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Okay, just to get this whole confusion thing out of the way, River is taking her entire wake-up run in one post.))

River looks down at her empty wrist, her watch still sitting on the bedside table in her apartment.


"You know what, this won't take long, give me... Ten minutes." She says to Caitlyn, and heads out the doors.

Outside, she simply ran flat-out in circles around the Apple Inn, even running a hand along the wall for a part of it, feeling the wall slide away under her fingers as the breeze filtered through her hair. She missed running these past few days, missed the simplicity of life before whatever the hell it was that caused all this happened. Jumping between rooftops, climbing the side of a building, Cal's voice in her ear, sounding like he was having as much fun as her just watching her GPS move on his computer. 'Jeez River, did you just do what I think you did? I just spit Jo all over my keyboard!'...

The whole thing lasted about eight or nine minutes. She could go for a lot longer, but the others wanted her on a mission, so she couldn't spend everything she had. She walked back into the building, breathing harder but not yet heavy, and a little flushed from exertion.


"Alright, sorry for making you two wait. Where are we going?" She asks Caitlyn and Vina, quickly checking her knife and gun before following them out.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( Vina is logged off for the night. *shrugs* We coud just go without her, I guess. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((If Vina follows the same schedule she has been, she'll probably be back on in a few hours. Alternatetly, we could just have her tag along for now, and stop to wait if something important happens. Up to you.))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((If Vina follows the same schedule she has been, she'll probably be back on in a few hours. Alternatetly, we could just have her tag along for now, and stop to wait if something important happens. Up to you.))
(( It's 10:30 PM for me so in a couple of hours I'll probably be getting ready to get to bed myself. It's pretty obviously my schedule that is the issue so why don't you two go ahead and do it together since you're both around for more similar hours. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire made her way upstairs, and to the roof. She found a helicopter, and several women peeking over the sides of the building with cheap rifles. One would occasionally take a shot.

Up on the roof, Claire took in the fresh air, feeling moderately secure with all of the gunswomen around her. She glanced at the helicopter, then wandered over to it instead of the roofs-edge as she'd originally planned... she rather wanted to put off looking at what the women were shooting at.

Besides, she remembered now that it had been a helicopter that had picked her up that first night. "She's pregnant!" a woman had shouted.

Claire shuddered, shoving the memory down. Was there a pilot here? If not, she'd simply do a circuit of the large air-vehicle. She didn't have experience with flight (or even with a lot of driving -- though she did have her license, she just hadn't had a lot of opportunity to use it when it had been more convenient to bus!) but she was curious.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Josie aimlessly wandered away from the shop and around the lobby, staring down at her new short swords. She has had previous experience with knives, so getting used to these should be no problem. Finally something she was familiar with, she looked at the door and thought she should start putting them to good use.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire looked around the helicopter, and even got inside it. There was no sign of a pilot, and it turns out this thing operates on an ignition to start. She'd need the key from the pilot if she wanted to take it for a spin. The guard women seemed to know this, as they didn't care at all when Claire got inside to inspect it...

Claire is sitting inside the helicopter, nothing much has changed with the guard women, and the sun is still rising from the sky, casting a beautiful pink shade over the clouds.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris had been sitting around on her inn rooms bed for a while. After a failed looting mission and buying some body armor Iris had gone back up stairs to wait around in her room. Iris had recently found out that the woman in the white dress was still alive and now there was a mission to kill her. Iris was going to try and kill the woman and avange alll the people that she killed, including Shiva. Iris didn't feel ready yet, she needed some stronger fire power before taking that bitch on.

Iris stopped thinking about that damn woman for a moment. Iris suddenly remembered Emily for some reason. Iris wondered how she was doing at the moment...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Curiosity less than sated, Claire never the less slipped out of the cockpit after a few minutes of examining the buttons and dials. She didn't necessarily want to take it for a spin... she was just curious.

Next she wandered over to one of the guardswomen, finally confronting the edge of the building as she looked out over the neighborhood. "Morning," she greeted, casting a glance and a smile at the woman. "Anybody get any lucky shots yet this morning?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris was sick of sitting around her bedroom. For hours she had been just been sitting around. Emily had been on her mind most of the time. After what Iris had been through with Emily within such a short amount of time Iris felt... Very close to the girl. Iris finally got up from her bed and left her inn room. After a quick walk from her doorway and down the stairs Iris made her way to the inn lobby, where she saw Emily sitting on bench. Iris awkwardly walked over to where Emily sat and began to speaking to her. Iris said-

" Oh umm... Hello Emily. How are you doing?"
After being raped and impregnated Iris could only wonder.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily saw Iris approaching. When Iris came up to her and asked how she was doing she smiled at her.

"Hey Iris haven't seen you since..."
Emily trailed off on her line of thought. She just felt like an idiot now. "God dammit now I'm gonna make her feel bad..." she thought. She then tried to change the subject.

"Hey why don't you sit down next to me you don't have to stand."
Saying it really fast because she was nervous. Also she was hoping Iris would just forget about the first part.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris saw how Emily trailed off when she started to bring up when they last saw one another. The last time they had seen one another was when they had givin birth and escaped the grasp of those slime things. Thinking about that time Iris was embarrised beyond words on that blunder and hoped to try and redeem herself to Emily. Lastly Iris had become a weak and emotional fool and was trying to stop being so pathetic.

Iris took Emily up on her offer and took a seat next to her on the bench. Iris wondered what she was doing. It seemed like she was waiting for something. Iris decided to ask about it. Iris said-

" So Emily, what are you doing? "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily sighed in relief. It didn't seem she upset Iris but she could never be sure. Still if she did upset Iris at least Iris was better at hiding it now. When Iris sat down Emily said to her-

"I'm waiting to go rescue a sniper. If I do he'd probably teach me how to use a sniper rifle. Wouldn't that be awesome...?"
She said a bit dreamily. She trailed off again but this time she was imagining herself sniping monsters from a high rise building where they couldn't reach her. When she snapped back to reality she saw something was wrong with Iris' clothes.

"Hey... Iris what happened to your clothes...?"
She said a bit concerned.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

So Emily was going on a mission? Iris wanted to go with her. There were many reasons but the main one was she wanted to help keep her safe. Hearing Emily ask about her outfit Iris answered, with a little bit of embarrisment she tried to hide.

" Ohh uhh... I went on a mission and some crab monster ripped them up. But that's not important. If you're going on a mission I'm coming with you. "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was mad they ripped off her friend's clothes. "Fucking monsters," She thought, "Too bad I wasn't there to fuck that crab up for her..." Oh well there wasn't much she could do now, and if Iris saw her mad she'd probably just feel bad again. Emily went back to the present and thought about what Iris said. She smiled at her.

"Yeah, another mission with you would be awesome. Plus it'd ensure I don't get stuck with complete jackasses or useless people. You know how to handle yourself real good as well."
She said to Iris enthusiastically. Having her on board felt like an instant success to her. Also she would have a friend so it would be more fun that way.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris nodded at the approval Emily gave her. So now began a long wait for someone else to sign up for the mission. Iris didn't feel like waiting around the lobby while they waited. She would if Emily insisted on it but she wanted to see if she was willing to do something else while they waited for someone to sign up. Iris then said-

" So Emily is there anything you want to do while we wait for someone else to sign up? "

Iris asked that without thinking of that it could imply.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily thought for a second. She realized that Iris didn't know where her room was yet but she knew where hers was.

"Well I could show you where my room is.... You don't know where to find me if you want too."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris Thought Emilys idea was better then sitting around the lobby waiting for someone to sign up then waiting to get a briefing on the mission. Besides it would be nice to know where her friend was staying. It was funny, Emily knew where Iris's room was but Iris didn't know where Emilys was. Iris then got up from her seat. Looking at Emily she said-

" Sure. Show me the way. "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily showed Iris the way to her room. She thought it would be nice to for Iris to be able to know where she was. Now she could come get her and they could kick monster ass together.

"Don't be afraid to come in anytime to get me and help you out with stuff."
She said this and looked at the ripped spot on Iris clothing. She wondered how she could have helped her if she was with her.