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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( Hey Raptor, feel free to play out Iris and Emily going to Directors room or whatever. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( That's it? No guards or maids with broad swords? Well ok. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Iris made her way to the door of the directors room she paused. It was going to be awkward, doing this. For the sake of so many things Iris was going to have to do this. Iris knocked on the directors door, not to loud, just loud enough for her to hear.

" ... "

Iris couldn't think of a thing to say. She was going to wait for a response.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Nope, just the Director's door, it's sittin' right there, seemingly unguarded.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The door opened, but it was not the Director who opened it, it was the white haired maid.


"The Director is still not feeling well." she said in the same whisper tone of voice, "Do you need something?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris lightly nodded as the main answered the door and asked her question. She seemed to be speaking quietly so Iris figured she needed to do the same. Iris responded quitly saying to her-

" Yeah we do. We need to see her about... About the woman in the white dress. The one who is causing all of this. "

Iris then waited for a response. Iris looked over the maid for a moment. Her hair was about as white as her face. Her eyes were a light red. Iris wondered what her story was.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily didn't want to talk to these people. She still didn't trust the director. After all that's happened her trust for the director was even less now then when she started. She felt used by her and she knew that the director was keeping things away from her and the rest of the people. She still wondered about how fast these things evolved, how many breeding dens there were, and just what started all this shit. Even though Shiva had told her no one knew how it started she still believed the director knew. The white haired woman interest in Shiva just made it all more suspicious to her. She was grateful Iris talked to them instead of her. Emily would probably just be angry at them and make them not want to talk to her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Without making a gesture of any kind, the woman replied,


"She's still not feeling well." she said as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, "You must understand, the loss of Shiva is causing her much grief, they were very close friends."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was taken aback about what the maid just said.

"I... didn't know that..."
She said this very surprised.

All this time she just assumed that the Director was mad that her best soldier died. She never stopped to think that maybe they were friends or anything. She felt kind of stupid now. Even though she didn't really belief that if the white haired woman had an interest in Shiva she'd let her die she still felt like she just made an ass out of herself for being so mean to the director.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris understood that Shiva meant something to the Director. She had known that sense she saw the woman cry after Emily and her had gotten back from that mission. Iris knew that what she was going to offer the woman was going to get her out of bed, or at least she hoped so. Still looking at the main Iris softly said-

" I understand that Shiva meant alot to the director." Iris replied. Iris continued to speak saying " Look... Emily and I are planning on going after the woman. The director is the only person who can help us. Just ask the director if she wants to avange Shiva or not alright? "

Iris stood there quietly after saying that.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The woman stared at Iris for a moment,


"You are not a very thoughtful person." she said as she turned for the door, opening it, then glancing back at Iris through the corner of her eye, "And a fool for thinking that someone in her sorrowful condition is the only one that can help you. You should be ashamed for your inconsiderate thoughts." she said in her cold tone of voice as she shut the door behind her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was getting angry. The director was so sad that she was locked up in her room and yet she couldn't go out to avenge her friend? What kind of fucking friend is that that would rather sit down and cry feeling sorry for herself? She knew yelling at a door would be a bad idea. Yelling at them would just make her get in trouble, probably Iris as well

"What a bitch... Gonna sit on her ass. I don't think there's anything we can do about the director Iris."
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris let out a sad sigh after the maid shut the door in her face. Iris guessed the director wasn't going to help. Emily and her were on their own. Iris started to walk away from the door only stopping to look back at Emily. Iris said to her-

" I guess I was a fool to think the director could help in her condition... "

Iris then turned back away and began slowly walking. Iris still felt tired. Iris doubted there was much she could do now. Unless someone needed her she was going back to sleep. Iris only wondered if Emily would want to go with her with again or not.
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(If it was night, then all of the girls outside would have been screwed long ago. Literally.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After the encounter with the director Emily was still mad. When she saw Iris walking off she wondered if she was gonna do something else for this coffin.

"Hey Iris where are you going? You wanna help this place out in a different way?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris turned around hearing Emily speak to her. Listening to the girls words Iris wodered what she should do. If there was a mission that had to be done or someone who needed help Iris guessed she wasn't going to go to sleep. Iris looked at Emily and replied-

" Yeah, do you want to see if anyone around here needs help in a mission? "

Iris waited for a reply.