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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Cal laughed, holding onto River, "No ya don't! That's enough for one night, c'mon, let's get to bed." he said, trying to direct River's movements towards their room.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Whaddaya mean, 'that's enough for one night'? How could it possibly be enough for the night when it isn't even afternoon yet? Lemme go!" River says, fighting against him to head back downstairs.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Had taken some time to rest after being tended to by the doctors but she wasnt ready to just stay in her room the rest of the day and made her way downstairs to take a walk around and just get moving.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Cal sighed, and put one hand behind her thighs, and the other behind her back, as he easily lifted her off the ground, and began to forcefully carry her back to her room.

Cal chuckled, as she fought in vain against him, opening the door to her room, and closing it with his leg as he took her to the bed, and laid her on it.

Smiling at her as she continued to throw a fit, he laughed, "You need to loosen up, babe." he claimed, as he began to run his hand up and down her leg sensually, "Say... How 'bout we remedy that problem?" he asked, leaning in and kissing her on the neck, just like he did when they were together.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River wanders back down from the rooms, meandering over to where her and Violet were sitting. She finds her half-empty bottle, as well as Violet's barely-touched glass, putting the first in the fridge and downing about half of the second, before dumping the rest in a sink and washing the glass out, putting it away after. That done, she simply takes a seat in the lobby and looks around, unsure what she wants to spend the rest of the day on.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The lobby was pretty much the same as she had left it. There were some female guards having a conversation, and Jesse was sitting at her counter, barely visible from the main lobby with the doors to the employee's lounge opened.

During her sit in the lounge, she saw David heading down the stairs, with his overly large sniper rifle strapped to his back, as he seemed to be headed for one of the couches in the lobby.

Taking the rifle off, he set it next to the couch, and in one swift movement, landed into the couch, resting his arms and head along the back of it, staring at the ceiling as he slouched on the comfortable couch.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River watches David intently, trying to discern a reason for his being in the lobby instead of on the roof. Doubtless there was someone else up there covering for him, that wasn't the problem, she just didn't think he would ever take a break.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David slowly closed his eyes after he had sat down, and didn't make any movement asides from his slow breathing as he rested comfortably on the couch.

Two other women, guards, were watching David as well, and one seemed to make a joke, pretending to hold an invisible sniper rifle, and making fake gun shot noises, then commenting on something River couldn't hear, and her friend seemed to giggle at what she had said, occasionally glancing at David, likely to check and see if he was looking at them.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Leaving David as is for the moment, River gets up for a glass of Water, going and sitting in a different seat, one hopefully close enough to the gossiping women that River can hear what they were talking about.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Upon taking a seat, River tries to remain undetected, as she tries to listen in on what they were saying...

(Stealth check)

River easily goes unnoticed, not even making a sound, she couldn't even hear herself.

The girls talk to each other back and forth, like a tennis match, as their whole conversation seemed to revolve around David.

"It's fucking weird, that's all." one states, "I've never seen him reload, and he's fired dozens of times!"

"What about bullet casings?" the other one asks.

"Nada," she answers, "It's as if that freakish thing doesn't even fire bullets!" she sighed, shaking her head, "I'm telling you, he never sleeps, that gun is strange, he doesn't talk to anybody," she shakes her head some more, "That guy freaks me out. Just having him in the same area as me sends shivers down my spine, hell, I shake just knowing that weirdo is in the same building as me!" she exclaims quietly, trying to remain unheard by David.

Her friend shrugs, "I never pay attention to him. As long as his ass is mostly up on the roof, away from me, I'm totally fine with having him around. Actually makes me sick to consider he might be one of the last men alive."

Changing the subject, the one that complained the most about David whispers, "Well, there's always that handsome bald guy, he looks hot!" she giggles.

Her friend shrugs again, "Yeah, but I think he's taken with that red head that he showed up with."

She shook her head, "Nope! I saw him chatting with Jesse, and you know how much of a sexual deviant she is!"

She was taken aback, "Jesse? Well, I suppose that does make him available."

Then, she taps her friend on the shoulder kindly, "Hey, I've gotta go, being in the same room as that guy is starting to make me shiver, I'll see you later." she says walking away, and her friend does the same, walking off, towards the stairs.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River's face gets dark. Still undetected, she walks up behind the second woman as she left, the same one that mentioned Cal talking with Jesse. Tapping her on the shoulder lightly, she speaks up.

"Hey there, can I ask you a question?" She asks mildly.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The girl lets out a shriek as she didn't hear River walk up behind her, then the blond, blue eyed girl with naught but a side arm and the very same armor River wore looked to her, recovering from shock.

She put a hand to her forehead, "Jeez... You scared the shit out of me..." she told River. She let her hand fall to her side, lifting her head to look at River, "Yeah, what is it?" she asked.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River laughed gently, trying to put the girl at ease.

"Sorry, habit. I just overhead you talking about Cal and Jesse, when was it you saw them talking, and have you heard any other rumours flying around about them?" She asks, still in that mild voice, trying to act like it didn't matter.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The woman cocks her head, and then smiles, "Say, you're that red head he came in with, aren't you?" she laughs, "Well, I haven't heard or seen them do anything yet, but you've got a lot of competition! And it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Jesse wants out of that relationship they've got going!" she laughs.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River laughs along.

"Yeah, no kidding. Hey, thanks for the time." She says with a smile, giving the other woman a pat on the shoulder before going and sitting down again, downing the rest of her water and staring off into the middle space.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Some time later, River saw Cal walking out of the employee's lounge. After he looked around, he saw her, and started walking towards her, "Hey, Riv, what you up to?" he asked, a smile on his face as he walked towards her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River smiled back, her face looking maybe a little predatory.

"Just wasting time. How's Jesse?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Cal shrugged.

"She's doin' real bad." he said remorsefully, "She didn't tell me what's up, but I can tell she's been having a real bad time lately."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River snickers a bit, hooking her foot behind his knee and pulling him towards the seat beside hers.

"You know, I'm not surprised, getting people to open up isn't exactly your strong point. Think it needs a woman's touch?" She says teasingly, grinning at him.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Cal shrugged, shaking his head as he took a seat next to River.

"I don't know," he claims dismissively.