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Are Traps Gay?

Are Traps Gay?

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Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
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Re: Are Traps Gay?

I'm gonna need citations for that study, sir. I'm curious how far down this rabbit hole goes.
Crawddaddy isn't wrong on the matter of research and this rabbit hole goes pretty fucking deep, plus issues of us not exactly understanding everything.
That being said, there is a difference in proving something and forcing something on a level of ideology on whole population.
With that second thing being a dangerous device for very dangerous outcome and should be avoided instead of praised.
Other thing, research in mind, looking at behavioral change and outcomes we see today, it's not working. Trying to crumble something this forcefully which is so deep in our minds, already has tragic effects in many fields.

*No sex appeal in my eyes.*
Meh, not interested, go away.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Are Traps Gay?

You brought up rape as an example and I put in that rape (to the rapist and rapee) can be made into a fetish, similar to feet.
Look up the definition of fetish. I've educated enough people on this misuse of the term.

I also didn't indicate that "gay" and "weird" are mutually-exclusive, and have, for the grand duration of this thread's lifetime, dedicated each response so no such conclusion could be drawn. Whatever you've assumed based on my posts was you grasping at straws. Maybe you're projecting your own feelings about homosexuality onto me?
If you'll look at the quote at the bottom of this post, you'll see that you did in fact link the two terms. And you're the only one that did so. (Please edit your post so I can use the screencap I made PLEASE!)

As for 'projecting', sorry bobbo that's not how it works, go educate yourself on that term too. Re-read this thread once you have, and if you can manage to pay careful attention when reading my posts you'll see that I use gay with neither negative nor positive connotations.

You also didn't "subjected" anything.
I certainly subjected it. What I subjected it to can be up for debate, though I'll remain elusive on that, however it's subjection? Undeniable.

So, where are you getting any of this from, sir? I'm legitimately curious how you drew your conclusions about my perspective on things.
... Your very own words:

Basically, there are levels to one's sexuality and what we find "weird" or, in other words, "gay".
You're not very good at this. Why not just go back to posting pony memes and be done with the charade?


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
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Re: Are Traps Gay?

Crawddaddy isn't wrong on the matter of research and this rabbit hole goes pretty fucking deep, plus issues of us not exactly understanding everything.
That being said, there is a difference in proving something and forcing something on a level of ideology on whole population.
With that second thing being a dangerous device for very dangerous outcome and should be avoided instead of praised.
Other thing, research in mind, looking at behavioral change and outcomes we see today, it's not working. Trying to crumble something this forcefully which is so deep in our minds, already has tragic effects in many fields.
Hence why I wanted to see that study. I'm legitimately curious about how long this has been going on, why nothing was stated about any new developments sooner, and exactly how much they have figured out. Understanding the psychology of how people function and to what degree is real and what is hearsay is important for me. It helps me to empathize with people who aren't politically-motivated, and correct those who are. Or, at the very least, find some common ground with the right people.

*No sex appeal in my eyes.*
Meh, not interested, go away.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

Hence why I wanted to see that study. I'm legitimately curious about how long this has been going on, why nothing was stated about any new developments sooner, and exactly how much they have figured out. Understanding the psychology of how people function and to what degree is real and what is hearsay is important for me. It helps me to empathize with people who aren't politically-motivated, and correct those who are. Or, at the very least, find some common ground with the right people.
I get you, but (always a but, huh?) here is the thing, not trying to be a dick, just lazy.
There is a lot on the topic, those are things I have read that stretch through the years (considering some were done as far as 1948, it's decades old). Giving a list of links is just too much fucking work for a whim of doing something.
Also, you have to be aware that there is no such thing as researcher without bias (or any human), so it's easy to mold data for even such things as personal needs. Proper study tries to keep that to as low as possible.

If you ask shitpedia (See? Bias issue already) you will get rough info that it started around 1970. If you ask me, I would say 1948. Plus, there are really issues of such things like: even if faced with facts, you may not accept them as they go against your own beliefs.
Yeah, I repeated word "bias" quite a lot, because it does change a lot. Data isn't biased, your interpretation will be.
And as I like to say, if you care enough, you will find it all yourself <-- I know, great sentence to say: sorry, I am too lazy to give you that on a silver plate xD

This is not a female anymore... I can't fap to this.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

Yeah, no, now you're just twisting my words and trying to bait me to get a response. I'm done with your childish shit, dude. Honestly, I wanted to see if you could approach a topic semi-seriously with intent to actually discuss it, but all you did was devolve into "Nuh-uh! I'm right cause I say so!" It's not only obnoxious, but draining to even bother at this point. Between our last confrontation, you threatening me with a ban in my user messages, and this, I'm effectively done with you and your childish shit. Feel free to respond, I don't give a damn. You try to leave a message or neg-rep me because you're a petty cunt with issues, I'll report it. All there is to it.

Basically, I want nothing more to do with you and any and all efforts you attempt to continue this argument or start a new one will go ignored and most likely end up reported. Just a fair warning.

I get you, sir. I mean, before asking, I should have cited the referenced material myself. More than that, though, it's also a great opportunity for everyone to get an idea of the study that was performed, what was discovered, and how far they've come as a result. Basically, an opportunity to subjectively observe the information available and participate in a civil discourse on the material available.

That said, you do drop the word "bias" a bit and to that, I also must agree. Unfortunately, when something becomes highly politicized and/or money is involved, the views and results can become eskewed based on what is more beneficial for the researchers in a given field. An example here (inb4 someone calls me uneducated or claims I'm a denier), the "climate change" community. I'll never deny that Human's as a species are contributing; but, as a skeptic of all things since 2012, I'm disinclined to believe our contribution is so substantial that our planet will be destroyed in 20-100 years. Climatology is also currently a highly-politicized field, so the scientists in that field have more to gain than they do to lose by "adjusting" some of the results to fit the narrative.

Basically, I get where you're coming from with the bias thing and before I go further off-topic, I'll end it with "be lazy, but I want that silver plate" and go do some research on my own.

This is not a female anymore... I can't fap to this.



Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

I get you, sir. I mean, before asking, I should have cited the referenced material myself. More than that, though, it's also a great opportunity for everyone to get an idea of the study that was performed, what was discovered, and how far they've come as a result. Basically, an opportunity to subjectively observe the information available and participate in a civil discourse on the material available.

That said, you do drop the word "bias" a bit and to that, I also must agree. Unfortunately, when something becomes highly politicized and/or money is involved, the views and results can become eskewed based on what is more beneficial for the researchers in a given field. An example here (inb4 someone calls me uneducated or claims I'm a denier), the "climate change" community. I'll never deny that Human's as a species are contributing; but, as a skeptic of all things since 2012, I'm disinclined to believe our contribution is so substantial that our planet will be destroyed in 20-100 years. Climatology is also currently a highly-politicized field, so the scientists in that field have more to gain than they do to lose by "adjusting" some of the results to fit the narrative.

Basically, I get where you're coming from with the bias thing and before I go further off-topic, I'll end it with "be lazy, but I want that silver plate" and go do some research on my own.
I do remember shit I read (content mostly), just like that stuff about marriage happiness in other thread. No fucking clue what that research was named, took me long enough to find it then for charts, wasn't that long ago and I already forgot xD

Literally how it can go: me, toilet, bored, phone, searching for books/studies on topic, sharing if I find ones I was looking for xD
Or, I could call a friend and ask all the titles of books I need, but... I didn't contact her in quite some time, so I don't want to go with all this "hey, how are you?" bs to get what I need.

Funny thing about climate change (I agree that humans don't do enough damage and actual changes are something natural, drilling holes in ice proved that), is that few years ago there was a leak of certain e-mails showing that they are pretty much lying to us. But, as unconfirmed as those were, it should be held as possibility and not a fact until proven.

Skepticism can go both ways, there are points where serious questions and problems can do a turn and people question proven things just because they can. To the point of no point and can affect morality or ability to question anything at all.

Kinda back on topic, if you ask me if I think that being attracted to traps is gay, I will say: gay as fuck. That's my personal opinion, but according to knowledge we have, it's not that simple. Technically, being attracted to traps is not gay, rather it's quite the opposite. Traps often posses female traits, with face being a huge, huge factor. Shit, I would even argue that being attracted to traps have more to do with our minds not being capable of processing fast enough and literally being confused.
Like, futa: it's a female with a dick, what I do??? Cognitive bias, fast response: Be attracted/don't be attracted. Give it more time and that answer may change, but first quick response will probably stay the same.

Same goes for social norms. If we were living in society where majority of people had far homosexual leanings, straight people would be seen as weird and out of place. But we aren't so it's other way around. Problems start when there is a forceful agenda in shoving something into society that isn't the norm. Sure, it can get accepted and just be there, but that requires both sides to agree on it. To completely shift norms, people need time, or more like, generations. Effects of that will be shown after even more generations.
But unfortunately, we already see negative effects of some things.
If I start talking about what we can already see, this will turn dark, really dark and uncomfortable for a lot of people. This can cause anger and need for an enemy to fight, especially for people that have different beliefs. Continue this long enough and on much bigger scale and it can turn into ideology war, which is some scary shit. Mostly, because "enemy" can be easily dehumanized and with such image in mind, people tend to do most fucked up shit. We have seen it many times in history.

I am not saying some topics should never be talked about, but there are places and time for everything.

SEE THIS SHIT? And it's only barely seen tip - of a fucking iceberg xD

This I can fap to.
Crossed the line? Pff, not really. Just not fappable pic, that's all.
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Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

This is still going?

I'll just leave this here then



Demon Girl
Jul 7, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

*sigh* oh I wish for the days when the word "gay" was just someone being "happy" and not a point of contention for many people of this blue old rhomboid (or flat) earth...

aye there's the rub...

it ain't important what ye rub between thy legs...

as long as ye enjoy thine own rubbings...

without impinging upon the rights of thy fellow to rub themselves verily...


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

Weird, it feels like every thread I post in, gets derailed in some way...
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Are Traps Gay?

Yeah, no, now you're just twisting my words and trying to bait me to get a response.
Oh, okay. I get it. When you're doing it, that's fine, but when it's done to you OMG SUCH A MORTAL SIN!!!!

you threatening me with a ban in my user messages,
You started messaging me guy. And yes I certainly alluded to the possibility of you being banned because you act like users that have been banned previously.

You try to leave a message or neg-rep me because you're a petty cunt with issues, I'll report it. All there is to it.
And it'll fall on deaf ears QQ , haven't you wondered why no-one's jumped in to side with you yet?

Basically, I want nothing more to do with you and any and all efforts you attempt to continue this argument or start a new one will go ignored and most likely end up reported. Just a fair warning.
Awww, you're taking your ball and going home? And I was just starting to have fun too! Here's a hint guy: There are plenty of other porn forums.
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Demon Girl
Jul 7, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

ohhhh the drama...two big boys playing a dick-sizing contest...can we all just be civil and keep the drama to a minimum?

get a room you two LoL:D

Kina Skynight

Jungle Girl
Oct 5, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

ohhhh the drama...two big boys playing a dick-sizing contest...can we all just be civil and keep the drama to a minimum?

get a room you two LoL:D
Want some popcorn ma girl? What flavour ya want?


Jungle Girl
Sep 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

Are traps gay?

Short answer yes with an if, long answer no with a but.


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

Think it depends on if the individual thinks it's gay or not, being a social construct like someone said before. Also, nice gif XSI :eek:

Weird, it feels like every thread I post in, gets derailed in some way...
* *

*checks tags* Yuri orgy? Yes please, who's up to join?
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Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Are Traps Gay?

-snipping all that shit.-
I'll probably have something more philosophical and shit for you later on, but my brain legitimately does not want to process and cut all that up. Nothing against you, either. I honestly admire how in-depth you can get about a subject you want to weigh-in on.

This is still going?

I'll just leave this here then

I feel his pain. Femboii foxes are a problem more than fluffy tails. At least, with fluffy tails you (mostly) know what you're touching and with what. Femboii foxes are just confusing as fuck.

I mean... yeah! Totally gay! What a friggin weirdo, amirite?

I forgot how fucking weird Monogatari is.
Every Friday night I play MtG with friends. Now and then, we talk about anime and some of the shit we've seen. I namedrop Monogatari and get "what is that?" in response. I only need mention the infamous toothbrush scene and everyone understands. I then explain that, even in context, the scene is some weird shit. I swear everyone at SHAFT is high 24/7 and it only makes sense to them as having some kind of deeper meaning.

I still love the series for what it is, though. Been thinking about marathoning it in chronological order if the final book has already been made into a multi-part OVA already.

* *
*checks tags* Yuri orgy? Yes please, who's up to join?



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Are Traps Gay?

You know what, I'ma gonna save peoples time. This is all of you:


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Are Traps Gay?

Too late there pervy, I've already had my fun badgering someone in this thread. Better luck next time ;)