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ACT Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

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Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

well we can count on one mofo, DirtyC101. His game looks pretty good. Just don't hope he pussys out like the others.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

mm I may be fucking wasted, but I still make sense, and that allows me the opinion to make fun of these guys more. Therefore, I will do so with absolutely no actual logical sense when I officially say....


*ahem*.... that is all, and you may quote me on that.
(I'm toxic and I [and bacardi] approve of this message)
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

The day the legend of krystal people finish a game is the day the world shall come to an end due to it's sheer shock at them finishing one!!!:mad:

...And Toonpimp will be loved by everyone on this forum.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

...And Toonpimp will be loved by everyone on this forum.

Toonpimp finishes... just the quality is always less than an actually finished game. It's his personality that rubs people the wrong way specifically.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Which is why I said he'd be LOVED. I know he finishes his games. He's just hated.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Which is why I said he'd be LOVED. I know he finishes his games. He's just hated.

Lately he hasn't even done that, just diddled about with people throwing 750+ USD at him for a game that he takes months to do, and only releases about 20% of the content then gets 'bored'.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Alright, no more off-topic posts here and now for Luppi. Had enough of getting yelled at... -_-

So, I enjoyed this game, although it suffers from the fatal flaw of almost every Playshapes game, the gang-rape. "Oh! You got caught! Escape! Oh, whoops... there's still three enemies standing on you. Invulnerability Frames? What's that?"
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

well we can count on one mofo, DirtyC101. His game looks pretty good. Just don't hope he pussys out like the others.

The funny thing about Dirtyc101 is that
1. K-Fox and the magic sword was his first flash expirience
2. Never heard of the LoK forum until several weeks after he published K-Fox
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

The funny thing about Dirtyc101 is that
1. K-Fox and the magic sword was his first flash expirience
2. Never heard of the LoK forum until several weeks after he published K-Fox
Isn't he using different/modified sprites compared to the playshape ones too?
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Isn't he using different/modified sprites compared to the playshape ones too?

K-Fox and the Magic Sword, I believe he used just like Playshapes.

His second game "Beta on the Beach" (From what I call "Test Project") uses the same sprites. (Maybe change in some characters, I'm not sure.)

And his new project is pretty much new sprites
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Should we just create a new thread for Dirtyc101's game? I think it has alot more promise than all of the other LOK forum games put toghter.

As for all the unfinished games, many designers believe that once they have the basics of the game and the first level is finished, the developing is going to get easier. Unfortunatly the reality of the matter is that it never gets any easier and pretty much the same about of workload is required throughout the entire project. After that it seems like too much to bear.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

i personally have my hopes pinned on gorepete. He's done some amazing work with metroid game, than disappeared for a while, a now comes back with new awesome looking project ("Rush" thread).I hope he will work on it for a while before dropping :).
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Regarding the hack program for Legend of the twin orbs, it did an install, where's the removal tool? Or at least where is it sitting now? Winxp.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

I never used that, but you should be able to uninstall it by going to your add/remove programs and finding it on the list.

Just in case you don't know how to get there, click your start menu, and open the controll panel and you should be able to find add/remove programs in there.

Hope this helps.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Thanks. Was finally able to see the player dominant position with the vixen & minion duo. I've gotten the meter up that high before, but at that point it was more I was looking at the buttons more than I could see the action. Made the body stat 100, spirit 1. Each 'tick' made the bar jump appreciably towards player side by itself without exhausting the enemies.
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Dirty's site is down, well, so much for that one :(
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Maybe he just forgot to pay his bill? Or maybe someone took the site offline for a silly reason?
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

His site is back online now. Apparently it was a problem with his account or such. It explains better than I can on his blog.

Also, huzzah for first post!
Re: Area 52 (aka: Krystal and Magic Sword project 2)

Technically speaking, there is that one finished game by Gorepete that came from the forums. Dusty's Castle, yeah it's small-ish, but it is complete.
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