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ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)/)

Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Is this game still being worked on?
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Well, if you were even moderately intelligent, you could extrapolate that because his last update post was three days ago that:


Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Thank you Pakars.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Yeah, I didn't quite feel up to it today, as much as I usually am on a righteous crusade to purge the stupidity from the hentai games section.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

So, a question to fellow testers out there or Cyrandl him/herself: Has anyone found how to make a cut scene, so players can't skip it?

Also, I'm having trouble getting an ending event to fire. Here's what I have it set to:

Click 'Debug Tool' - Slave Maker's stat 'Health' drops from 100 to 0.
Event should fire when Slave Maker's stat 'Health' = 0.

However, after pressing the 'pass time' button to fire any events queued up, the character's health does drop to 0, but the event doesn't fire.
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Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Well, if you were even moderately intelligent, you could extrapolate that because his last update post was three days ago that:



sozzar :p

Also, a small problem, when I install 1.10 it only installs 2 pictures. Meaning I only have the "heart" and "heart creater" avatars, no programs or anything. Any thoughts on how to fix this? xD
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Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

There's two different downloads. One is just the engine/creator without slaves, one includes the user-created slaves. You probably downloaded the wrong one.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

There's two different downloads. One is just the engine/creator without slaves, one includes the user-created slaves. You probably downloaded the wrong one.

The heart icon thing is happening to me from downloading the install with slaves from Megaupload, so that certainly isn't the problem. Going to try one of the mirrors and see how that goes.

EDIT: Same problem with the new copy. I checked if it did something stupid like install to the default directory regardless of what you tell it, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
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Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

There should be a sub-folder called slaves. Are there any files in it?

You are running the Aslave program right? That should pop up and give you a few slaves to choose from.

And you do have the .net installed?
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

I have .net installed. However, when I try to install, the installation directory I pick only has two files in it - heart-shaped icons labeled "aslave game" and "aslave creator". These are simply icons, not programs.

It seems that the program itself always installs to program files/aslave regardless of where you want it, which is where my confusion came in. Now, however, it's given me unhandled exception errors when I start it, and when it gets to the game screen it says it can't access the .sav file when I try to load something.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Sounds like you might be having an issue with the installer. I've never used it so really couldn't tell you.

You could download the stand-alone which is just the files, then manually download the slaves and drop them in. Or wait for Cyrandl to give a hand.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Sombody at FutanariPalace also informed me that you have problems starting the creator from the initial Program(x86) directory on win7 so I'll probably redo the installer for the 1.1.
So to fix the problem, please move the files to somewhere else!

If you can't find the exe, you could also look in the start menu or otherwise use the standalone file!

In the Startmenu it should be:
Start -> Programs -> Aslave

I'll try to speed up the development a bit for the 1.1, but as I said on hongfire I'm a bit busy at the moment with RL and work, sorry. :(
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

The separate program and slaves worked.

Now I just need to wrap my head around the cause and effect triggers (never was good with math and programming) and maybe I can produce something worthwhile. I had a good idea for a slave in Slavemaker, but Slavebuilder isn't refined enough yet for someone who knows nothing about Flash to pull off.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

The separate program and slaves worked.

Now I just need to wrap my head around the cause and effect triggers (never was good with math and programming) and maybe I can produce something worthwhile. I had a good idea for a slave in Slavemaker, but Slavebuilder isn't refined enough yet for someone who knows nothing about Flash to pull off.

I'm doing much the same. Had this idea for Yuna for a while, but couldn't rap my head around flash and the slavebuilder doesn't do anything for custom events.

It really doesn't take that much programming or math skill. Knowing a bit of logic to set up if/then chains and conditionals is all the event system really uses.

A few hints
-Never hesitate to create invisible attributes. For every one visible attribute (stat) I create, I make 3 more for counters and event trackers. Really how you create a chain of events that take place over a few days.
-Use textblock priorities to simplify your event structure. I generally use a 100 priority scale, and put a new event at 100 unless I have a specific place for it. So if you want to have a special text fire the first time you fuck her, just have that textblock require [fucking=0] plus whatever other requirements. Give it a high priority (low value) so when the event happens, it checks for your special event first, then goes onto the rest (Just make sure to increment your attribute so it doesn't happen every time)
-Fail events (event attribute) happen when there's no textblocks that fire when the event is called. I typically use it for refusals. So if none of the situations where she'll fuck you happen, it reverts to a generic refusal. You can also do the same by setting a low priority (high value) event with no requirements.
-Have a text file that tells you what certain attributes mean, which events are enabled at certain values, and general plot-lines and event chains. When you're deep into creating events, you will ask yourself "Will she blow me at 30 or 40 obedience?"
-3dcg is a modeling program that can be very nice for creating images.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Thanks for the tips. The fail event thing was something I stumbled on myself; only thing I don't like about it is I'll need to make a custom fail event for each type of refusal, but I suppose work must be put in if something is going to be awesome.

I've downloaded and am installing 3D custom girl, hopefully it can do what I want done. The current mockup of my project uses pictures of an actual woman, and making the pictures looking cartoony in Photoshop still leaves her identifiable which is what I don't want.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Thanks for the tips. The fail event thing was something I stumbled on myself; only thing I don't like about it is I'll need to make a custom fail event for each type of refusal, but I suppose work must be put in if something is going to be awesome.

I've downloaded and am installing 3D custom girl, hopefully it can do what I want done. The current mockup of my project uses pictures of an actual woman, and making the pictures looking cartoony in Photoshop still leaves her identifiable which is what I don't want.

You can use conditional texts to circumvent some of that. You'll need to still create a custom refusal message for each broad event category, but you can use conditionals to change reasons or for flavor text.

Yuna refuses to have sex with you because
[Lust < 50] She doesn't feel like it
[Obedience < 50] She won't do what you say
[Love < 50] She doesn't love you

If I had any skills in photoshop, I might try using it. But I don't, so I rely on 3dcg heavily.

On my own front, been doing some work on Yuna. Had a few 2 hour train rides with nothing for my brain to do while my body is being carried across state lines. But doing some big changes and getting close enough to a complete version, which is both slowing down a release. Vague ETA 2 weeks or so, but that's more of a guess than anything based on reality.

Added in obedience paths and jobs. Developing a few of the major story elements as well, plus adding in more text for events.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

On my own front, been doing some work on Yuna. Had a few 2 hour train rides with nothing for my brain to do while my body is being carried across state lines. But doing some big changes and getting close enough to a complete version, which is both slowing down a release. Vague ETA 2 weeks or so, but that's more of a guess than anything based on reality.

Awesome, I'm looking forward to the next update. Yuna looks like the most promising project out there to date.

Right now, I'm starting small. I took the Shampoo base and stripped out the Slavemaker stats not applicable to my project. The basic premise is you're a humanoid monster in a land of monsters, and it's your job to train human females to be sex slaves. The girl I'm working on is a captured soldier who definitely does not want to be in her position. This means the stats are all carry overs from Slavemaker, but lack things like refinement and intelligence, because those aren't needed.

I've been using triggers to make multiple stages of events, it's been working out fairly well.

As for 3D custom girl, it looks like a decent tool, but I don't like the fact the only thing about the girl's body you can change is the breast size.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

Awesome, I'm looking forward to the next update. Yuna looks like the most promising project out there to date.

Right now, I'm starting small. I took the Shampoo base and stripped out the Slavemaker stats not applicable to my project. The basic premise is you're a humanoid monster in a land of monsters, and it's your job to train human females to be sex slaves. The girl I'm working on is a captured soldier who definitely does not want to be in her position. This means the stats are all carry overs from Slavemaker, but lack things like refinement and intelligence, because those aren't needed.

I've been using triggers to make multiple stages of events, it's been working out fairly well.

As for 3D custom girl, it looks like a decent tool, but I don't like the fact the only thing about the girl's body you can change is the breast size.

Thank you. It's been alot of fun to work on it, but been wanting more feedback.

Your project sounds interesting, be looking foward to any releases that you put out. Been playing around with making a second project where you play a hunter where you spend the day capturing females (some female monsters, some female humans) and then spend the night having fun with them. Trying to think of a good way to do a combat system within the event setup though. I could just do a set of events that only progress if you select the right option, but want to figure out a more dynamic way where the wrong choice is less effective, rather than not effective. Probably use 3dcg almost exclusively for content creation for that.

If you download the expansions/mods for 3dcg you get a metric shit-ton more options for customization. On a family trip atm, but my desktop is downloading a 44gb torrent that has nearly every mod in it. Should be fun.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

my desktop is downloading a 44gb torrent that has nearly every mod in it. Should be fun.

Hey, I am too!

My project is mostly going to center around misogynistic sexual depravity, because that's what I play Slavemaker for and I'm sure most others do, too.
Re: ASlave Creator - The Slave/Sim Creator| Current Version: 1.1(Grab it, now! \(^o^)

So in Cyrandil's absence I decided to play around with 7 days again. I know have a proof of concept that proves the concept works! Written in 1.2 nightly 1, but doesn't use any planning so should be useable in different versions.

7 days will be a capture sim, where you go out hunting for girls, capture them, and then sell them off. 0.1 is just one girl, but should demo the overall pattern of the game. Planning on adding alot more girls, a item/shopping system, and far more things going on at night.

Please let me know what you think. Any feedback is appreciated, and bugs will be squashed! If there's any girl you'd like to see added, let me know!

I am also restarting work on the latest not corrupted version of Yuna I have. I've added in obedience paths and the beginning of a jobs system. Have a bit of free time this week, hope to have a release-worthy version by next weeked.
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