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Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

A sight that takes the Lolcat captioning pastime to new, erm, heights, by making it multipictured!

Here's a recent fave of mine that makes me lol ^^

Re: Awesome Links

I know some of you read LICD, and others probably heard of this elsewhere, but for those of you who haven't, go here and watch a couple of the videos. They're interesting.

Edit: also, +rep to lurker for finding the source of for me, which I've been looking for for days.
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Re: Awesome Links

I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but this site is pretty cool. It offers remixes of video game music for free download. They have remixes of many classic games for the SNES and before. Definitely worth checking out.

On that note. . .

The title pretty much says it all. You do need winamp and a plugin to play their songs, but for that you get a free trip down memory lane.
Re: Awesome Links

Why did I not post that, haha. It's amazing and I immediately recommend Super R-type as well as R-type 3. I have a folder of 48 of them on my desktop but since the crash, I don't have the plug-in anymore.

Thank you for reminding me so I can re-install and listen to mah favorite snes games again.
Re: Awesome Links


Re: Awesome Links

A site about professional cakes gone wrong. Spelling and grammatical errors, horribly bad taste, and just plain ugly ones. Here's an example: The people decided to write the guy's wishes word for word instead of actually reading them.

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Re: Awesome Links

Sly loves that site. She keeps showing me either horrible ones or the really good ones that pop up on... sundays I believe.
Re: Awesome Links

That reminds me of
Re: Awesome Links

Friend just sent me this. I found it amusing, at least.
Re: Awesome Links

Tales of stupid customers.

Actually some of them aren't stupid, some of them are funny, but most of them are like the Americans who try to buy something in Canada with USD and are shocked that they can't, because America is the greatest country in the world. The couple is then shocked to learn that Canada is in fact not a part of America and then simply disbelieves it as silly Canadians playing make-believe.

This is definitely one of my favorites (despite the fact that the customer isn't really all that stupid):

sptagged for length
(A man comes to my register with a mint chocolate candy bar.)

Me: “Anything else?”

Customer: “Can you break a $100 bill?”

Me: “Actually, I can’t. We just opened and I haven’t gone to the bank today.”

Customer: “Oh, no! Do you know anywhere I can get change? I need this candy right away!”

(At this point I notice his panicked look. Coupled with the fact that he’s buying the most unappetizing candy in the store, I jump to a conclusion.)

Me: “Sir, these aren’t for you, are they?”

Customer: “No.”

Me: “Did your pregnant wife send you out at 8 in the morning to buy this candy?”

Customer: “Yes.”

Me: “For the love of God, man! Get these home to her before you’re in even more trouble! You can come back and pay me later!”

(The customer bolts out the door. He later came back, visibly calmer, and paid.)
Re: Awesome Links

Yeah that was a pretty funny story, and I can sympathize with him. As it reminds me of when I got stuck as rearD NCOIC while I was ETSing. Pregnant girls were the majority of the rearD, it was almost enough to make a man go insane let me tell ya.
Re: Awesome Links

My god, I love that site. Having worked almost 10 years in retail, I can sooooooooo relate to some of those stories. It makes me laugh and sad for the human race all at the same time. Reminds me I need to hit the site today.
Re: Awesome Links

Found this as a source from notalwaysright.

People who have taken shotguns to their computers, people who have run over their computers with construction vehicles, this site is absolutely hilarious for people like me (and probably most of you) who know what the fuck the CMOS is and remember the days of FORTRAN.
Re: Awesome Links

i loled at this soo hard
Re: Awesome Links

I cringed at the middle bit.

Great costume idea for tonight though =P
Re: Awesome Links

I lol'd
Re: Awesome Links


Re: Awesome Links

Will this book be in all capitals? Cuz, if so, I might be tempted to actually buy it.


Well it's got such great reviews

E. Jackson said:
I was sick and tired of my employer treating me like scum, so I decided to teach him a lesson. After knocking him out with a baseball bat, I tied him in his office to this chair. I then proceeded to whip the living crap out of him, and what was funny was that his sweat made him stick to the chair, so I ripped him up off the chair and his flesh was burning. Then I proceeded to give him a real telling off of what I hated about my job, the way he treated my co-workers, and the way he ran his company. Finally, after a hard session with my bondage chair, Mr. Trump promised to meet my demands and I left the building in a happier mood.
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Re: Awesome Links

Too awesome to describe with words. Seriously.