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Awesome parody for L4D2

Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

My two favorite things from that trailer:

"Hey. Kill all sons of bitches, right?" "Squeak"

and the machine gun when it squeaked for each bullet.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Ooooh, it's from the video. And here I thought I was being obnoxious and witty. Just obnoxious, apparently..



That's just awesome. Fuck frying pans. They should have showed this shit in the trailers, people would have liked the idea of melee weapons a lot more.

There's also an AK47, speed (okay fine, it's called "adrenaline" ingame, but we all know what it is...) can replace pain pills, and there's a new item that replaces a medkit which can bring a friend back to life. You know, that thingy that's like "CLEAR!" *kssht* "HE LIVES!"

It's pretty badass. All of the paths fucked with me though. I kept getting lost. Also, lmfao at the pistol. Remember in L4D1 when you pistol moved if you moved? Not this one. It stays completely still. Not annoying or anything, I just thought it was funny.

And of course, I can't avoid talking about the new infected. To be honest, I didn't play enough to experience them completely. All I know is that there's something called a jockey which jumps on you and makes you move all over, the spitter spits acid, and the charger charges. And they come with the first 3 special infected. Hunter looks about the same, boomer looks a lot more "what a fatass redneck", and I couldn't get a look at the smoker. My teammates kept shooting him. :\
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Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

So the game is good then? I've seen some good shit about it recently.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

^*Loves guitars, zombies, and weapons.*

Does this mean I need to get a PC that I can install shit on again?
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Unless you want to fail at everything forever and get it on the 360, then yes, most likely.

Though I'm kind of bummed, the demo only had two segments of The Parish. I mean, I expected ONE segment to be available, and it was still a bummer for the experience to end.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Unless you want to fail at everything forever and get it on the 360, then yes, most likely.

What's wrong with getting it on the 360?
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

That and it's on a console. Sure, I'm all for console gaming, I'm mainly a console gamer myself. But for games like L4D you really need to experience them on a PC.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Bad controls. XBOX Live community is awful. Most likely graphically inferior. Did I mention bad controls?
Given how the 360 is basically a computer designed almost solely to play games using a tv as a monitor, the graphics are often better than a computer. Also, the controls are pretty good. You just aren't used to them.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Given how the 360 is basically a computer designed almost solely to play games using a tv as a monitor, the graphics are often better than a computer. Also, the controls are pretty good. You just aren't used to them.

Or maybe you think they're good because you are used to them. The keyboard/mouse combo is indisputably the superior choice for FPS gaming. It can be and has been logically proven. People seriously put that much thought into this stuff.

If you prefer a controller, that's perfectly fine with me. I personally think the GTA series is better on a console than a PC. Just saying, whether you are used to or prefer the kb/m or not, it's still the better choice for FPSs. RTSs too. Dear christ, if you disagree with kb/m being better for RTSs, you are a MAJOR FUCKING console kiddie.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I would think you were joking about the rts for a console, but I've seen demos for them...

A mouse is a requirement for any rts.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Demos? There's a fucking full fledged game. And it's a goddamn Halo title. The day that piece of shit was announced, I just wanted to kill myself.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

The computer version might work. It's just some sort of two-race rts that aims itself at the fanbase of a popular series.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I like my L4D controls on 360. Nice and compact. Then again, I am indeed used to it.

RTS titles. I tried them... three different times on console. Ugh. horrible each and every time despite them saying "we got them good for console".

Keyboard and mouse is just superior for RTS. Other things, like FPS, personal opinion and comfort.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

There is also the thing of extra content, like DLC and free updates.

The computer has the advantage here, especially with Valve games since they always get some good mods. Consoles may have a few issues there, especially since there are still a lot of consoles not connected to the internet at all.

Personally, I can't game at all with consoles, even after I've spend a month or so trying daily I still couldn't like the controls. I like my keyboard/mouse combo, it's the most versatile and accurate. The only exception I've got is the wii, swinging that thing around just the right way can be harder then it looks, and offers things a keyboard can not.

Overall, PC controls >> Console controls
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I would think you were joking about the rts for a console, but I've seen demos for them...

A mouse is a requirement for any rts.

Starcraft 64.

XSI said:
I like my keyboard/mouse combo, it's the most versatile and accurate. The only exception I've got is the wii, swinging that thing around just the right way can be harder then it looks, and offers things a keyboard can not.

Ever played Trauma Center: Second Opinion? FUCK DAMN that game is hard. I had a hard time beating it on easy, and there is Medium, Hard, and one more after that. Motion control has so much more potential for skill than console controllers and even keyboard/mouse that it's not even funny. Definitely pick up that game if you haven't played it. It's a rush when you beat even one level.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Overall, PC controls >> Console controls
That is your opinion, but I still say some games are better on the consoles. If we actually stopped to compare, probably many features of several games that you dislike on a console I might like. It's all a matter of preference.

For example, I like using the dual joystick system for movement/vision as opposed to wasd and a mouse in FPS's.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I hold a controller in my left hand, using the stick to move, while I use my mouse to aim with my right hand.

I have dominated both sides.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Agreed. RJ has won. There is no more room for discussion.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I disagree

For I have this