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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What about Fleur's damage capability with her level 5 brawling? Would that be higher than Luna's, or lower?

If someone was unaware of Fleur's presence (No dodge roll), She could easily make a weak point attack (Similar to a head shot with a gun) and kill a normal human being easily.

So do we have any evil inspired in our story right now?

Goddess and her accomplices, as well as Melanie's contact.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

And with a dodge roll?

It depends on how quick the person is, someone like River would just break away if Fleur tried to snap her neck (Not that you're actually able to do that, just an example), while someone like Josie would be easy prey.

For brawling, it helps if you get the opponent (Monster or human) in a grapple, taking away their luxury of movement, making the finisher attack that much more easier before you try it, while they can't simply back away from your attempts.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Did Loli request for her character to become a futa? If not, Selena is fucked. Unless these girls coming after her are really weak...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It depends on how quick the person is, someone like River would just break away if Fleur tried to snap her neck (Not that you're actually able to do that, just an example), while someone like Josie would be easy prey.

For brawling, it helps if you get the opponent (Monster or human) in a grapple, taking away their luxury of movement, making the finisher attack that much more easier before you try it, while they can't simply back away from your attempts.

So Fleur would actually be most effective against humanoid opponents in opposition to tentacles/monsters? Since grappling them tends to result in rape :p...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Bah, this isn't looking good... by "this" I of course refer only to my own situation, obviously. I mean, sure, nobody even noticed I was missing yet... but that's no reason to not rescue Jenn. :p

More to the point, I'm afraid that I have to join the "leaving for a week starting on the 20th" group. I'm taking my laptop, but:

a.) I don't exactly plan on using it much on a vacation at the beach and
b.) it's a family vacation - ~12 people in one house.

In the mean time, I think Jenn's developing an irrational hatred of centipedes, fear of slime, and desire to murder selena. Well, at least for a few hours, for the last one.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So Fleur would actually be most effective against humanoid opponents in opposition to tentacles/monsters? Since grappling them tends to result in rape :p...

Only certain monsters, like the slime, cannot be restrained in a grapple, but other monsters, like dogs, centipedes, crabs, and even gargoyles may be held in place.

They can't rape if they're not dominant, as the woman in question will be holding them down.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Bah, this isn't looking good... by "this" I of course refer only to my own situation, obviously. I mean, sure, nobody even noticed I was missing yet... but that's no reason to not rescue Jenn. :p

More to the point, I'm afraid that I have to join the "leaving for a week starting on the 20th" group. I'm taking my laptop, but:

a.) I don't exactly plan on using it much on a vacation at the beach and
b.) it's a family vacation - ~12 people in one house.

In the mean time, I think Jenn's developing an irrational hatred of centipedes, fear of slime, and desire to murder selena. Well, at least for a few hours, for the last one.

Try to have fun! ;)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Only certain monsters, like the slime, cannot be restrained in a grapple, but other monsters, like dogs, centipedes, crabs, and even gargoyles may be held in place.

They can't rape if they're not dominant, as the woman in question will be holding them down.

Kk, gotcha then.

On another note... You/Jesse are having fun torturing poor Fleur aren't you?...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lol replace and with then.
It sounded familiar and I did NOT have a good sleep.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Holy crap, there's actually a 'leaving on the 20th' group! Am I alreadt in it? I have two weeks off from work, during which I must move into the city, go visit my bf's hometown, go visit my hippie mom, and buy myself a replacement necklace. It's about 17 hours worth of driving, all told :/ I probably won't completely disappear, but my post count will drop dramatically, especially at my hippy mom's place, no cell reception without driving 45 minutes...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I am, as well as Shrike and thetwo?...

On another note, upon reading the "Need to Feed" thread, I've managed to create a basic "first impression" of Aya for Luna, which surprisingly enough, wouldn't be that she was a "monster". Of course, she believes her to be something else but... yeah.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alrighty ladies and tentacle fiends, I've been declared, once again, to be the person responsible for making dinner, I'll be back on in about a couple hours.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well that's perfect, I'm heading off to take a shower and to do some stuff...

@"Jesse's Comment": Is it just me... or does Fleur have something that makes people want to shape her into things? Jesse wants to make her an apprentice and eventually shape her into a dominatrix... Luna is attempting to turn her into a killer in a sense (given by the fact that she's goading her to kill her.)... Yeah.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Jesse officially scares me now. I'll be sure to have Jo avoid her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I won't avoid Jess since she's only having some 'fun'
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If that "fun" means somehow managing to get one of the most emotionally dead and dangerous characters to submit to her sexually and mentally without the use of mind control drugs or the like, I must concur on Jesse being one of the scariest characters in this entire roleplay.