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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

River still doesn't know any better, so she won't avoid her. However, I remember RJ saying that Jesse manages to find everyone's secret kink, right? Quick, we need to figure out River's! I'm thinking... Suspension? Jesse probably has a rig set up in the closet, I'd bet money on it! XD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Seeing as how Jesse is a god of anything sex related, and how she could probably outdo Luna in bondage techniques (do note that Luna isn't into that particular kink, she just has an extensive knowledge of it...)... I'd say she probably has a rig.

My question is... will Fleur be turned into a scary loli sadist/masochist that is also just as capable/almost as capable if she continues to be exposed to her?...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I can see Fleur and Luna falling in love due to Jesse now.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Right... I also see hell freezing over.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey, you need a good imagination to work stories.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Fell asleep three times in the middle of that post... another two-three more posts, and I'm heading off to bed. (That or if RJ heads to sleep first, then I'll go immediately after.)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If you want to sleep go read my story!
and vote when you finish!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Nunu has informed me that someone is (or someones are) complaining about the amount of negative reputation I've given certain members instead of bringing up my complaints to them in a way that would cause another explosion on this section of the boards.

(See "More Survivors?" thread where ZeroSpace bitches me out for making an OOC reply to help wrap up Azure's involvement and retire her for good.)

So here goes:
Yes, I've been neg repping (And positive repping) a lot of people lately.

You want to fight about it, please take it up with me, since I've made no show of hiding when I've had issues with anyone.

I took the fight away from the threads and behind the scenes so that it would not cause the kind of drama that the last few fights have caused.

But if certain members would rather have another huge bitchfest here that's going to make RJ want to quit running this once again, please, by all means, take it up with me right here and right now. You're only hurting the other players still trying to have fun.

Personally, even with RJ preferring that I not continue his game, with any character, I'd still rather not destroy the game for everyone. Which is why I quit. I'm putting everyone else ahead of myself.

I suggest those of you who want to fight in the open ask yourself if your fragile ego is important enough to ruin it for everyone.

Edit: See crappy icon I had put on me. Nunu is obviously a fan of drama and fighting. So let's see how long this PbP continues when everyone insists on fighting this long after I've stopped trying to bother RJ with it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

@Kayi ... And you thought making that post here would help the matter how?... You're basically declaring that you want to pick a fight with the people who have been complaining that you're neg repping them, thus starting another public conflict. I believe YOU, are the one instigating drama in this event, and bringing things out of the shadows, thus YOU would be the one attempting to ruin it for everyone.

@Everyone Else: Don't take the bait. Ignore the post, hell, even ignore the negative rep. We don't need ANOTHER stupid fight. Best way to avoid drama that no one wants is either not to instigate it, or to ignore the instigator.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

um... ok number one.
I did not mean the comment in More survivor as a insult or anything of the like, I was merely commenting on the fact that you are still posting in that thread instead of making a new character. So I suppose I should be sorry if it hurt your feelings in anyway.
And if you feel like talking to me in PM, you are welcome to, I do not wish for you to stop playing but neither do I wish for your continued derepping lol, so if you have something to say I ask you to try to bring it up with me via PM, I guess you could still derep me as I am in no position to stop you from doing so.
And right now if you said that you would like RJ to continue please, feel free to continue this with me on PM.
EDIT: Did Nunu mention that this forum is for fun so please try to not take the rules too seriously I am sure Nunu would cut us some slack if it's funny XDXDXD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If I want a title it would be... something Witty.
EDIT: Like just the word Witty.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That Nunu is a genius?
You know what?
Nunu should just put that somewhere on the sign up sheet so everyone would know.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

First of all, for telling everyone else not to "take the bait", if my goal was baiting, I already win by you posting on it.

Secondly, I wasn't the one who started this bullshit with involving Nunu. I quit the game and put my anger into legitimate neg repping, not breaking any rules, and certain whiners ran to the admins.

I was told by RJ that I wasn't welcome in his game anymore, so I was making a passing comment on Azure as part of her being removed once and for all.

I've had a new character sitting around for a while now if he wanted me involved still.

oh, and, if I actually took that Drama Llama stuff seriously, I wouldn't still be posting, I'd run off and make my own forums like so many hundreds of other people have done in other forums.

You want to see trollbaiting... here it is....
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sounds like a PM war invitation to me!
This is gonna be fun!
EDIT: And can someone delete that post? And when you delete that post delete this post also.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Great, you two have fun, don't blow each other's head off too much. (And on that note, I was referring to others who would chew your post out more than me, but meh. Believe what you want.)

On another more interesting note... Are we going to have a storyline mission involving sieging the prison/defending from a siege by the prison futas, etc? :X I smell potential...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion



Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I vote we leave the prison alone.
After all, having two places could be nice in case any of the other needed help, and I certainly wouldn't want the futas to feel the wrath of Jesse.
and Loli, a good defination of me would be Smart Ass.