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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, RJ is kinda busy, so just put your char up on the creation thread and he'll get to you.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I just popped mine in there. I hope the appearance works...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

yay burglar escapage for the win. your post is quite fine RJ i feel no need for editing unless ya want me to make some cool action post
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay, I would like to address this whole car thing, but first, a question: how exactly is success determined? I have my suspicions, but I would rather just find out than start guessing.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay, I would like to address this whole car thing, but first, a question: how exactly is success determined? I have my suspicions, but I would rather just find out than start guessing.

Success is determined on many things, but I try my best to base it on common sense.

Here's an example, would it make sense if someone who had 1 Intelligence, outwitted someone who had 5 at a game of logic? Simply because of a lucky die roll?

No, so common sense applies, the one with the vastly superior intellect cannot be outwitted by someone so stupid.

About the whole car thing, if you don't know how to drive a car, you probably couldn't get your license. Therefor, you probably couldn't get a car.

Make sense?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Makes sense. But that isn't exactly what I asked, unless your telling me that the entire system is dice-less, and whoever has the higher stats wins, which is obviously not the case. Say there's a combat between two evenly matched characters, with no situational modifiers (fear, etc..), just to keep it simple. What goes on in a round?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Not dice-less, but when it's obvious that someone has a superiority, they usually take the cake.

However, there are cases where people have been known to summon a lot of strength at desperate times, which is what the dice will determine.

Or when the other person has a "Chance" at winning, dice are taken into account.

I just don't use dice when common sense prevails.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay, I completely agree with you on that, that is one of my biggest peeves about dice-based systems. I have not, nor will I, argue that point with you.

Now, forget about the cars entirely for a moment. If I were to attack an evil clone of myself, legend-of-zelda style, how would a turn of combat be resolved?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whoever initiated the violence, or in terms of a good old, honest duel between you and yourself, chance.

Just like how the rapists almost always attack first, they started the violence.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright, that's how a turn of combat is begun, that's a start. Can I have an example of the system itself, what die(or dice) are used in say, an attack, how stats and skills factor into account, and how an enemy opposes the roll, please?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think what RJ means is that if a person goes against equally good person, most of the action depends on luck, like a coin flip or in other cases, the coin stands and you flip again till one or the other got luckier.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think what RJ means is that if a person goes against equally good person, most of the action depends on luck, like a coin flip or in other cases, the coin stands and you flip again till one or the other got luckier.


Also, Monsters have a character sheet of their own, complete with Primary attributes, as well as skills...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh, and glad to know you made my character insane and in college, I mean wth???? Insane people don't go to college!!!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lin didn't do well in school, her intelligence is below average.

3 <--- Average
2 <--- Lin
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Why can't I shake the feeling that I am being treated like a petulant child who wouldn't understand the answer to their question if they were told it?

All I ask, is that I see an example of the system at work, what actually goes on when you put [attack check] in you post. For example:

If this were DnD and you wrote [attack check] in you post, you would be rolling a single d20, with your base attack bonus and likely your strength modifier added in. The number you would be aiming for in order to hit is determined by the target's armour class, which is generally 10+their armour bonus+their Dexterity modifier, among other things. If the roll plus its bonuses exceeds the target number, that's a hit, and damage is rolled on a die determined by the weapon used, with your strength modifier added in.

Any questions?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Why can't I shake the feeling that I am being treated like a petulant child who wouldn't understand the answer to their question if they were told it?

Because I love to surprise you. I felt that not seeing things such as 'numbers' might enhance the experience, make it seem more real.

Well, as much as it can be in a PbP game. :)

All I ask, is that I see an example of the system at work


I have 5 dexterity and 5 brawling.

You have 3 dexterity and no acrobatics.

I roll an offensive roll of 5

You roll a defensive roll of 8

My attack hits, with two levels of success.

Based on the hand to hand attack formula
D4 x (STR + 1)

With 5 strength, I do 12 damage.

But, what if I somehow roll eight levels of success?

With 5 strength, I do 30 damage.

How bout one level?

With 5 strength, I do 12 damage.

There's an example, but this is only a fraction, there are many more.

Any questions?

You don't like my system? :(
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lin didn't do well in school, her intelligence is below average.

3 <--- Average
2 <--- Lin

Okay, this is bothering me to the point that I had to get out of bed to say something: Unless the average for at least one other stat is at one and most of them at two, the way you are interpreting the point cost of abilities and skills makes it to where it is impossible to build an average character.

You have as your 'average' character a template with 14 stat points. The best character you can build with this would have two abilities at 3, two at 2, and two at 1. Thus the average stat level for any given stat should be two.

Taking this into account, if the book lists that the average for all stats is 3, then either the correct interpretation of the line about it costing two
points for a 2 in a stat and 3 for a 3, etc. actually means it costs two points total which, while it still doesn't make a 14 stat point average character able to have average stats, but a 20 stat point hero character could be average, or you need to set the normal template to have at least 30 stat points because to get a 3 or average level in any stat requires 5 points multiplied by 6 stats means that it costs 30 points to purchase all stats up to three points.

What I'm trying to say through my half-awake state is this: unless you are interpreting the stat system wrong or something bizarre is happening and the average stats vary depending on the stat, 3 cannot be the average level of a stat.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay, first off: Phoenix is absolutely right, and he beat me to saying so. now, on to the last post you made, RJ.

Because I love to surprise you. I felt that not seeing things such as 'numbers' might enhance the experience, make it seem more real.

then please, PLEASE say so, you were making me feel like you were avoiding my questions cause you thought i was stupid.

I have 5 dexterity and 5 brawling. I roll an offensive roll of 5
Okay, so theres a total of ten points worth of stats/skills, five each, giving a roll of 5. sorta wierd, but i can figure that out. Until this...

You have 3 dexterity and no acrobatics. You roll a defensive roll of 8
so i have a total of three stat/skills, and i end up five over that total, when you end up half?

My attack hits, with two levels of success.
But i have a higher roll, how does that work?

Based on the hand to hand attack formula
D4 x (STR + 1)

With 5 strength, I do 12 damage.

But, what if I somehow roll eight levels of success?

With 5 strength, I do 30 damage.

How bout one level?

With 5 strength, I do 12 damage.
okay, this is the first mention of strength in the entire post, several questions here.
1)What are levels of success, how are they determined?
2)i assume 8 levels f success are if you max on a d4 roll in your formula above, as a max potential kind of thing, but the math doesnt sort itself out any way i can tell.
3)Speaking of fuzzy math, how are you determining damage? both one and two successes deal 12 damage, and eight successes fails to do even three times that much, despite the fact that it's four times over the next highest successes?

You don't like my system? :(
I am having troubles trusting how it works is all, which is why i'm asking this.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You are indeed correct that 3 is not the average stat of all beginning players, but the book's definition of "in between the best and the worst of humans" is 3.

Another thing to consider is, have you ever seen someone in life who was completely balanced? Someone who was completely the middle ground guy?

The average people I've met usually excel at something, like they're pretty strong, but not in any way smart. Or very smart, but not at all strong willed, or strong.

Or, even the case of being stupid, weak, weak willed, having a slow reaction time, and being about as tough as a cotton ball. Yet he sees things almost everyone else misses, no matter how hard they look.

I know it doesn't make sense that you can't make an Average Jane, but the scale is more a representation of a human's limits, with 5 being the highest you can go, the smartest you can be, the strongest you can be, the most perceptive you can be, not exactly a measure of the average levels of humans on a scale.

Of course, certain gaps can be breached, having 1 strength is enough to get around, but what about 0? This will likely be the case if a toxin is placed in your system, or you lie in a bed for years without moving, causing your muscles to be utterly useless.

Long story short, I suppose you can call 2 the average of all human beings, with three being in-between brilliant and dumbfounded.