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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Rolls of success are how accurate your attack was, the reason 2nd and 1st seem to have no damage change, is because you need the 2nd level to attack a critical point, also known as the infamous head shot, while 1st means you missed the small point slightly, and in the case of trying to shoot the head, missed the target entirely.

Rolls are the rolling of the dice, those rolls are added to your stats, combining into one integer.

Mine beat the other because my stats combined into a higher number, even though my roll was lower.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay, now we're getting somewhere :)

Rolls of success are how accurate your attack was, the reason 2nd and 1st seem to have no damage change, is because you need the 2nd level to attack a critical point, also known as the infamous head shot, while 1st means you missed the small point slightly, and in the case of trying to shoot the head, missed the target entirely.
okay, so that tells me what a level of success is, but not how you figure how many levels of success you have achieved.

Rolls are the rolling of the dice, those rolls are added to your stats, combining into one integer.

Mine beat the other because my stats combined into a higher number, even though my roll was lower.

i figured as much, where i mixed up was where you didnt add the stats/skills into the roll before you wrote it, and made no mention of doing so until now. that gives you a total of 15, and me a total of 13, which also lets me figure out how you figure out levels of success, you take the difference. one question remains, though: what die are you rolling? kind of hard to get a 5 or an 8 on a d4, which so far is the only die mentioned.

so, out of all my previous questions, that leaves just the ones relating to damage. i will repost for clarity, then try and make it clearer.

Based on the hand to hand attack formula
D4 x (STR + 1)

With 5 strength, I do 12 damage.

But, what if I somehow roll eight levels of success?

With 5 strength, I do 30 damage.

How bout one level?

With 5 strength, I do 12 damage.

ok, so with one success, you roll 1d4(STR+1), totaled 12 this time, right?

and with two successes, you still roll 1d4(STR+1), as you havent hit solidly enough for a critical, correct?

but then you get eight successes, and the formula goes right out the window, as theres no multiplier involved that i've been informed of. the only way to hit 30 that i can tell is using 2d4(STR+1), which would make 30 the average roll. Is that what your doing?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


First, 8 + 3 does not equal to 13, it's = to 11, which means there is a 4 point difference between our scores.

Second, I'm not exactly going to disclose the information about the effects of a well aimed hit, as if I disclosed a little bit, I'd have to say the rest. You'd know of all the possibilities of what might happen based on your roll, and therefor throw my whole plan of using, "hope" that your attempt will succeed, into using, "math". Which I feel I've seen too much of.

Seeing all the numbers available to me has become a tiring thing, even after I used to love it. I just prefer to not see any numbers at all, and imagine the girl fighting for survival, rather than the girl fighting for 'points'
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(maybe a little, i'm also a bit of a math wiz, though obviously tired to mess up 8+3 so badly :\)

okay, so successes are half the difference? i can deal with that.

as for knowing the system and all that, it was mostly out of worry, because there were some things that made me wonder. this system is incredibly close to the d10 system used by White Wolf games, down to some qualities and their point costs, far more so than any version of DnD i have played. I just had a couple general gripes, which were making me start to wonder how far you had researched the system before you started this, maybe you had missed a few things. As it isn't a white wolf system, they are probably moot, but i'll list them anyways...

1) you're assurance that something i wanted to do was incredibly hard. I would have looked at it and said to myself. Okay, the end result is this, how she does it is just flavour. that being said, we are the exceptional people in this city, right? cut us some slack, mayhaps?

2)the whole driving thing. My chick doesn't drive, but that doesn't mean that in a modern day setting that she couldnt hop into an automatic and make it go. In White Wolf (again, probably moot because of this), having a drive of zero does not mean that the character cannot drive at all, it just means that they have no formal training in advanced maneuvers. they can still get to work or the shopping mall without causing a five-car pile up. that pretty much includes every skill. Should a melee skill of zero mean i'm as likely to grip a knife by the blade than a handle? There are some obvious exception, of course. Piloting, for one. you might be able to keep one in the air with no training, but thats about it. See where i'm going with this?

3)My Contact. Yeah, I'm kind of bitter about his one. i had an idea of what i wanted him to be, and you went and turned him into this ass-kicking tough guy that my character wouldn't want to hang out with, let alone live with or befriend. i can live with that for the most part though, if i hadn't dropped points into it only to have it become a walking Deus-Ex-Machina for you to play with. You already have one of those :\

4)Your take on experience. I like the fact that losing something gets you experience, i feel that is a great idea and most systems would benefit from it. However, i think that is far from the only way to get experience, which as written, you are almost turning it out to be. I agree that it is the better teacher, but if i sit there practicing something all day, there's no challenge, importance, or urgency to it, yet I still learn something, don't I?

Alright, i think i'm done ranting for now, sorry...

I do enjoy this, and for the most part i think you're doing stuff splendidly. most of these arent even big snags, they just make me twitch some every time i see them. Please dont hate me...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You can do things that you're unskilled at, but at a penalty.

I think it was Jillian, who took her boss's keys from his body and drove his car to Apple Inn, all while having no experience at all. For the most part, it was first a perception check to see if she watched him while he drove, then her success was added to her intelligence check, which was to see if she could attempt to drive without knowing what she was doing.

You do get experience points for winning, as I've stated. But trying to level strength while bench pressing a beach ball can take a long time, as such, Azure's dragging of the occult victim will add to her strength count. All while she's not failing, but it's indeed a challenge for her body, so if she continues to do things in this manner, she'll find that by tomorrow(Gametime), her muscles will have improved, increasing her strength to 2 and her level to 22.

It's all about what you're doing, how you're using your body and mind, if everything's easy peasy, your body and mind are not challenged, so don't expect to learn much from the situation.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Suggestions! - Partial stats.

Instead of requiring Azure to jump straight up to level 2 strength (and thus level 22 total), if an action is "beneath" gaining two (or more at higher stats) points, give a partial bonus.

So my character's strength could become 1.1 (1 strength, 1 xp) first. Then 1.2 is level up. 2 strength.

Higher stats are still going to be HARD to get even one point for. But this way you don't need to say "okay, you have 5 strength now." and can instead force someone to slowly gather all 5 points necessary to reach 5 strength.

This will also allow players to use all 20 of their status points even if they have unusual stat allocation. Put the "spare" points in a stat they want to continue leveling.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The spare stats that you didn't spend roll over with your other stats, until they're depleted. But, if you only didn't spend one point, the rollover isn't going to equal much.

As for 'partial stats,' eh, it's a neat concept, but It'd be very awkward if I put it in the system, as 1.2 strength would still be considered 1 strength, rounded down, and 4.8 strength would be tantamount to 5, ridding the need of possibly wanting to upgrade it, as well as giving you the advantage of having a higher stat, without actually having it.

I'll look into it, but I'm not sure if implementing it would be easy without upsetting the balance.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Don't count the partials. Okay, decimal point was a bad way to say it. What I meant was more like.

Strength: 1(1xp).

It counts as one strength until you get the 2 points required to make it 2 strength.

Or for example at 4(4xp) you're still only 4 strength until you get that final point to make it 5 strength.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh, a system similar to that has already been deployed, lol.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

oh :p

Didn't know from the discussion, you only said that Azure was likely to reach 2 strength at the end of her day. Guess you thought of it before me.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, not 'likely', but a stat at level 1 is the fastest to raise.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

And by the way, for any of you guys that are, 'just' joining us again, once you complete your first scenario, wait till you see your character show up in the Apple Inn thread, that's when you get to do stuff.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I am here to complain about my char. she only has 2 int because she's lazy so stop being mean to her. "she doesn't like penises" seriously...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Any chance I could edit my stats a little? Like lower my Str to increase my ITL a little bit?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yes, but please make this change final, and inform me of your changes via PM so I can adjust her experience.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What's the difference between the weapon shop and the armory?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Weapons shop has things that you use as weapons, Armory has armor in it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Can't you just combine the weapon shop with the armory?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Both shops will have lots of things later in the game, so this makes me feel a little more organized.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

by the way, what kinda handgun does Lin have? Does she have any spare ammo? How many bullets does her gun hold? And can I save Toxic's character?