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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

On another note, no I am not a secret Iris x Emily supporter *shifty eyes*...

And the propaganda posters under my bed are lies. LIES I TELL YOU.

It's too bad Shiva + Emily never kicked off of the ground.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Drowning yourself is one of the worst ways to go. The panic you suffer from lack of oxygen makes drowning oneself a very undesirable way to commit suicide, in my opinion.

True enough... Although I think at that point, Luna didn't even care enough to panic. Anyway... should I have Luna hang around is Jesse's room? Or just have her exit?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

True enough... Although I think at that point, Luna didn't even care enough to panic. Anyway... should I have Luna hang around is Jesse's room? Or just have her exit?

Whatever you think she should do. Jesse would be more than happy to have a guest. *Wink*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*cough* I think I'll just have her lounge about in Jesse's room or something until she gets her own clothes back. Seeing as walking around in these clothes would be a tad... odd. (Especially as Luna's about the farthest thing from motherly as possible.) Of course, I'm not responsible for anything that happens while she's in the room. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I like to make it loose to give the players the option of choice.

Azure wasn't asking the right questions, you were asking me OOC to make them just blurt out everything, which is not how I roll, son. Although the questions she did ask were answered, the NPC's themselves answered in a way they thought was appropriate, and not based on a die roll.

I think I'm starting to get an idea of how you do roll, RJ, and I'm just wondering... XD If a line of questioning doesn't work, is there anything else that we can do to get bits of information and build NPC relationships; or at least have NPC's warm up to us that doesn't stretch beyond the character's IC tendencies? X3 What if our characters aren't quite so extroverted or willing to pile on the drama to get something done? Or should I just plunge into cheesy drama mode for the giggles?

I like choices, and I know that trying to maneuver characters into IC things based off of OOC knowledge is lame, but I'd been having trouble kick-starting a direction for Claire to go, unless you'd rather just have us players interacting with one another. ^^; I think the setup of this game is just different enough from everything else I've played before that I wish I had a hint guide on hand.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think I'm starting to get an idea of how you do roll, RJ, and I'm just wondering... XD If a line of questioning doesn't work, is there anything else that we can do to get bits of information and build NPC relationships; or at least have NPC's warm up to us that doesn't stretch beyond the character's IC tendencies? X3 What if our characters aren't quite so extroverted or willing to pile on the drama to get something done? Or should I just plunge into cheesy drama mode for the giggles?

Well, it depends on the NPC you're talking to. Some, like Jesse, don't hide very much from people, as they disagree with lying. Others, like David, are so wrapped up in their own solitude, that the most they're willing to say is, "Yes, no" answers. It really depends on how your character acts towards the person they're talking to.

Although this is a game, I did have the desire for this to be a role playing game as well. Yes, that means cheesy drama. :p

It helps build character involvement, rather than just saying, my character is all like, 'tell meh where teh goods R.' which kinda kills the mood for me, and has often made me pass up the post entirely, as I cannot possibly think of a response to such a bland, emotionless action.

I like choices, and I know that trying to maneuver characters into IC things based off of OOC knowledge is lame, but I'd been having trouble kick-starting a direction for Claire to go, unless you'd rather just have us players interacting with one another. ^^; I think the setup of this game is just different enough from everything else I've played before that I wish I had a hint guide on hand.

As far as a good direction to go as far as kick-starting something, all I can truly recommend is missions. You can interact with the NPC's as much as you like, talk with them, have sex with them, or do the same with other players. But, if that bores you after a while, given the situation presented, the most else one can do is partake in a mission.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Going to move Luna's continued actions to the actual thread for Jesse's room *cough*. Shouldn't flood up the shop/missions thread with such drama.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It helps build character involvement, rather than just saying, my character is all like, 'tell meh where teh goods R.' which kinda kills the mood for me, and has often made me pass up the post entirely, as I cannot possibly think of a response to such a bland, emotionless action.

The problem with this is that whenever Azure goes out of her way to try to interact with characters and roleplay out preparing new missions or coming up with ideas, like the Inn's newspaper or most recently, she went to the chatty member of the group they ran into and tried to get the girl to tell her something about the jail...


It feels like you reward players who avoid roleplaying and interaction. Our choices are:

Player said:
"Hey NPC. Train me to shoot better." I go train guns for a few hours.

TehGM said:
"Yeah yeah, okay, here's how you shoot."
The NPC trains you, and you gain a level in guns.


Player said:
"Hey. I need a little help with my idea. I want to gather a group to go hunt down a portable generator to see if we can get some spotlights for the Inn, to make nighttime defense easier. We'd keep the lights off until we need them, then if anything bad happens, we'll kick them on.

Do you think you could pass the word along that we need some gas cans and maybe a bit of fuel? We'll go find the generator if you could at least help with that much."

TehGM said:
"No. Fuck you. We don't have time for your shit. Go do it yourself."
The NPC doesn't want to help you, you're going to have to do everything on your own.

I know you don't mean it like that RJ. But it just feels like it at times. The harder some of us try to actually roleplay something and interact, the harder we get shot down, then we turn around and look at how easily people who are half-assing their posts get by.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Mainly because, training, in and of itself, is a very simple thing. There's not much complication that can be added to a workout, or a little how-to from an NPC.

The kind of roleplaying I get from people like Burning, Keylo, Shrike, Wallpaper, Janna, DeMatt, and Loli, right off the top of my head, is all the roleplaying I ask for. The emotions, intentions, feelings, and the method of actions is all I truly require, which most of them have successfully managed to capture.

What I need is a visual picture of what you're chatacter is doing, thinking, and feeling, so that I can run the situation in my head.

And with the chatty girl, nothing what you wanted came of it, and there's not much I can do about how you think things should go, other than giving you the reigns as a GM.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

All I wanted was some kind of information about the jail.

*shrugs* Guess I just need to tone it down and ride along instead of trying to have Azure do anything on her own.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lol I'm just fucking around <.<

Besides I don't have much confidence in my RP skills... =P
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lol I'm just fucking around <.<

Besides I don't have much confidence in my RP skills... =P

Only I am allowed to put myself down, you will proceed to gloat about your strong points, or else...

tha squirrel will come for you in the night...

*Thunder sounds in the backround*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Only I am allowed to put myself down, you will proceed to gloat about your strong points, or else...

tha squirrel will come for you in the night...

*Thunder sounds in the backround*

Well this is my first serious RP... Any other RP I participated in didn't involve a dice system and was easy to god mod...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, going to drop a few thoughts on what I think of Azure and her actions so far.

So far, Azure strikes me as one of those people who are over nosy/paranoid for their own good. Now this may not necessary be a bad thing, as it certainly fits her background very well, in that she's a highly inquisitive person, however recently of late from what I've read, the paranoia has started to get rather annoying to some extent, seeing as how she's constantly spinning out conspiracy theories regarding the Director, trying to get people to rebel against the "organization" in Apple Inn, or in general being the person who manages to fawk up unity in a group fighting for survival and getting them screwed over. Now let me just say that this is completely in character as far as I can tell, and I appreciate Kayi's abilities to give this portrayal. I just hate Azure as a character since she reminds me of the type of person who would generally screw a group over by starting stupid internal conflicts when there's a greater threat than some stupid "Omg this person is definitely plotting behind my back because they're being extremely secretive." This is most likely why alot of the other characters don't get along with her that well as I can't think of many people even in real life who likes conspiracy theorists (I sure don't at the very least). What I DON'T like however, is when drama is instigated in OOC because people aren't willing to go along with Azure and her plans whether out of IC resentment/disagreements. It's obvious with the type of character Azure is, that there will be people who don't appreciate her plans/ideas and that they'll either turn her down flat or even try to screw her plans over. Complaining that things Azure try to do aren't to any real effect in OCC, instead of continuing to push for them in IC is NOT the way to go. In fact, if anything, she should try to gather IC support and continue to try for it if the character truly cares/believes that much in regards to what she is doing.

So summary:

  • Kayi does an excellent job in portraying Azure.
  • Azure is an over paranoid/nosy conspiracy theorist (or at least she gives off that feeling).
  • Azure's plans most likely fail due to her failure to get people to support them. Most likely as a result of her personality.
  • Most people probably dislike Azure as she continues to breed internal conflict in the organization when there are already more pressing concerns from external sources.
  • Complaining in OCC/instigating drama in OCC is not appreciated and definitely not the way to go from a RP perspective.

If I offended anyone in this post, I apologize in advance.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm not even going to start on what the mission actually said...(More Survivors?)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Putting my two cents in I always liked Kayi OCC and IC.
I hope he doesn't quit the role play after this.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Putting my two cents in I always liked Kayi OCC and IC.
I hope he doesn't quit the role play after this.

Mainly I just wanted to comment that I disliked the character from an IC perspective. If I was in a similar position as our characters are in, and someone like Azure came around I'd hate her to a certain extent, since I don't like people who pry into the affairs of others or come up with inane conspiracy theories in real life. From an OCC perspective? I personally love Kayi's roleplaying, seeing as he's been giving one of the best depictions of this type of character I've seen in a long time coming. Unfortunately, I just dislike this type of character, although I praise quality roleplaying regardless.