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Re: Hate Thread

Untrustworthy Condoms: The Bristol Palin Story
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not having food(in Nethack)
Re: Hate Thread

Untrustworthy Condoms: The Bristol Palin Story

Re: Hate Thread

Okay, you know that old sales addage: "Satisfied customers tell three people, angry customers tell 300"? Well, you guys are my 300...

So, I'm supposed to be taking a trip with friends in April. We decide to pre-book our rooms on the Days Inn website, not realizing that it's Easter Weekend that we're doing this (doh!) Still, not a problem. Book the rooms, nice rate, yadda yadda. Turns out, one friend can't go due to family obligations that week. Originally thought we were okay, now, we're not. But here's the kicker: We can't cancel the reservations. By authorizing the prepayment on it, you apparently agree to pay the charges for the room. So I call the hotel. "You authorized it blah blah blah." Yeah, if you want to book the damn room, you *have* to authorize it whether you agree with it or not. Then, the manager/owner of the particular hotel I'm talking to goes "Well, when people book this way, they usually don't cancel." "Well, I'm cancelling! I can't make it! Even the fricking airline, yeah, there's a penalty, but you still get some credit--" "The airline doesn't do that." "Yes, they do!" (Another friend had to fly in and had to cancel the flight. Got slapped with a 150 dollar penatly, but *still* got 100 bucks in credit to use for a year.) I mean, for pity's sake, what if it were a medical emergency that came up (Heaven forbid. *knocks on wood*) and I had to cancel because of that?

So, on top of our money that they're going to be getting, we won't be in the rooms, which means they can now rent those rooms out to someone *else* and get *their* money, too. Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.

Tried calling the credit card company and they said to see if the merchant will cancel it (which I know they're *not* so I'm not even going to try) and they then said the only other option is to wait for the charge to show up on my statement and then call and open up a dispute, saying I didn't use the rooms and didn't authorize it (which, technically, I did, so if I say I didn't, that'd be fraud and I don't wanna go there.)

So, for future travel arrangements, I can safely not recommend Days Inn (and if all the complaints I was reading about them hold any weight, so can a lot of other people.)
Re: Hate Thread

I never really stay at those big-name hotels. That's just giving me another reason not to.

I recommend those out-of-the-way bed-and-breakfast inns. Their service goes so unappreciated, and they do such an amazing job, I can't imagine why these little buildings aren't more popular.
Re: Hate Thread

I go for motels anyway, I'm too cheap to spring for an expensive hotel when I know I won't enjoy it more than the cheap sleazy motel anyway.
Re: Hate Thread

Yep, cheap and sleazy is definately the way to go, it's not like the big ones offer anything I won't get at small one.
Re: Hate Thread

I never really stay at those big-name hotels. That's just giving me another reason not to.

I recommend those out-of-the-way bed-and-breakfast inns. Their service goes so unappreciated, and they do such an amazing job, I can't imagine why these little buildings aren't more popular.

Half the little motels I go to are fucking infested with rats and ants and shit.
Re: Hate Thread

Half the little motels I go to are fucking infested with rats and ants and shit.

I stayed at a place once called the Red Carpet Inn or something, except the carpet was black and moving in waves.
Re: Hate Thread

I stayed at a place once called the Red Carpet Inn or something, except the carpet was black and moving in waves.

God, I know. I fucking hate hotels/motels/inns/whatever other goddamn fucking name they come up with for these piece of shit establishments. I'd rather just sleep in the damn car.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this weather. It's too warm for the time, and way too humid. Gives me a headache.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have a very hard choice to make... I hate that I can't just get it over with, and I hate that I'm going to be miserable deciding for the next two weeks.
Re: Hate Thread

4 star and 5 star hotels rock.

I went to this futuristic style one in... I forget now, somewhere in the south of Europe, it was AMAZING!

Like literally everything was amazing and perfect and huge. That was back when my mother was a travel agent. It has its advantages.

She once had to go on a week's holiday (paid by her company) to Egypt to "evalute" it before her company started selling the exact same holiday to customers.

You know what, should probably head on over to the love thread... :eek:
Re: Hate Thread

4 star and 5 star hotels rock.

I went to this futuristic style one in... I forget now, somewhere in the south of Europe, it was AMAZING!

Like literally everything was amazing and perfect and huge. That was back when my mother was a travel agent. It has its advantages.

She once had to go on a week's holiday (paid by her company) to Egypt to "evalute" it before her company started selling the exact same holiday to customers.

You know what, should probably head on over to the love thread... :eek:


On that note, I hate seeing other people have epic fail.
Re: Hate Thread

4 star and 5 star hotels rock.

I went to this futuristic style one in... I forget now, somewhere in the south of Europe, it was AMAZING!

Like literally everything was amazing and perfect and huge. That was back when my mother was a travel agent. It has its advantages.

She once had to go on a week's holiday (paid by her company) to Egypt to "evalute" it before her company started selling the exact same holiday to customers.

You know what, should probably head on over to the love thread... :eek:

tl:dr version: Shit was SO CASH!
Re: Hate Thread

Actually I think this sums up my hotel experience nicely.
