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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I forget what I was going to say that I hate.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate missing out on the 500th post
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being sick. I'm having a sore throat right now.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate morons. Said it before, I'll say it again.

So I have to take my uncle to the airport to catch his flight at 8:30 in the freaking morning, which I can live with. What pisses me off is I'm heading out and because some guy wants a closer parking space, he puts his SUV into reverse and before I have a chance to back up (I've stopped because, y'know, his brake lights are on) he starts accelerating backwards. Since *I* can't get in reverse fast enough, I lean on the horn and he *still* backs into me! Then he pulls into the spot. "Oh geeze. I'm sorry. I didn't see you!"

Me, before 3pm, and running on less than 4 hours of sleep: "What, ya didn't hear the horn?"

I mean, the fricking ticket lady for the parking lot that was about 20 yards away heard me! I can understand being zoned out and stressed about having to catch your flight, but for crying out loud! So, now my mother's car has a cruched up front hood and I've got the phone number of a guy in New York who's off on a business trip or something.

I suppose I ought to be thankful neither of us was hurt and that there really wasn't a huge amount of damage to the car, but still. Criminey! Oh, and to top it off, because I had to dick around with that, I wound up having to pay for parking at the airport. Blah!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Boxxy and anyone who worships her. Stupid camwhore.
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

Don't know boxxy...

But I do hate smashing my knee off the LAV. It fucking hurts like hell.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay. I now hate Obe.
Re: Hate Thread

Why do you hate her? Sure, she's irritating, but that much? Besides, she's pretty.

I hate having to get up early. I hate having to study Swedish. Fuck.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate her because /b/ loves her.

On another note, I hate /b/
Re: Hate Thread

And that is why I hate Obe. He's an even bigger ass than me.
Re: Hate Thread

Boxxy reminds me a lot of a girl I know. She even kinda looks like her.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Boxxy and anyone who worships her. Stupid camwhore.

According to my sources Boxxy almost single-handedly sent /b/ into chaos - directed at itself for once. That's an accomplishment in itself.
Re: Hate Thread

Throwing the current-state /b/ into chaos doesn't really take much anymore. If she were able to make 2006 /b/ go nuts, THEN I would applaud her.