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Re: Hate Thread

I hate the PC port of RE4. It takes a fucking miracle to make Leon move correctly, aiming involves pressing 50 million keys, it's laggy as hell, looks like shit, and after I save the game and exit and boot it up again, my saves are gone.

I have 3 GB of RAM and a fucking Dual-Core processor. I can run most of my Orange Box games with High or Medium graphics with motion blur enabled. This shit with RE4 PC should NOT be happening.

Thank god I just torrented it and didn't pay for it.
Re: Hate Thread

Thank god I just torrented it and didn't pay for it.

[RedGreenVoice] Dere's yo problem! [/RedGreenVoice]

Seriously, I find Pirated games seem to have problems, especially ones in torrents. I found a copy of one of those Jurrasic Park games, and it kept glitching out on me laptop, which is one of the best computers in the house.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the PC port of RE4. It takes a fucking miracle to make Leon move correctly, aiming involves pressing 50 million keys, it's laggy as hell, looks like shit, and after I save the game and exit and boot it up again, my saves are gone.

I have 3 GB of RAM and a fucking Dual-Core processor. I can run most of my Orange Box games with High or Medium graphics with motion blur enabled. This shit with RE4 PC should NOT be happening.

Thank god I just torrented it and didn't pay for it.

I heard the control in the PC port was god-awful.
Re: Hate Thread

I went and looked up the problems I'm having... It's not that it's a pirated copy, but that the PC port is worse than I had already heard. It doesn't run well under Vista and wasn't really made for it, despite being released in FUCKING 2007. Hell, it runs poorly even under XP from what I read.

It's just so unplayable. You're supposed to use the number keys to do stuff, but none of my number keys work. It's ridiculous. Reload and run are bound to the same key no matter if you change it, so while it may be easier to press one key to reload in battle, it may be a pain in the ass to hold down that key while fleeing enemies. The whole thing just makes me RAGE. :mad:
Re: Hate Thread

My suggestion: buy a gamecube. It's the best version with the possible exception of the Wii version (haven't played it.) The PS2 version was almost as bad as the PC version, except the controls weren't quite so bad.
Re: Hate Thread

I hear good things about the Wii version, and will likely be picking up a copy later this week or next.
Re: Hate Thread

Wii version = GameCube graphics + PS2 exclusives

So if you don't mind using the Wiimote, that would be the best choice.
Re: Hate Thread

I already have the Cube and Wii versions. I downloaded the PC port thinking it wouldn't be that bad and that it could cure my gaming cravings for when I'm away from home.

How wrong I was. T_T
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have no more cheese dip... I want moar!
Re: Hate Thread

I have never played Resident Evil 4. Whatcha gonna do.
Re: Hate Thread

I already have the Cube and Wii versions. I downloaded the PC port thinking it wouldn't be that bad and that it could cure my gaming cravings for when I'm away from home.

How wrong I was. T_T

Re: Hate Thread

I hate badly done ports in general. Whether its crappy controls in a PC>Console or Console>PC port (happens both ways), or freakin ancient PS2 hardware dragging down graphics for every platform out there.

I'd never played a Resident Evil game before the RE5 demo, which is probably why I found it so strange. You move so slow in this game. After a few tries I got the hang of it, but not being able to simply walk back whilst aiming just seemed strange. As did the fact they use 10 round civilian low cap magazines rather than the standard 15, but that's just me being pedantic.
Re: Hate Thread

resident evil 4 and 5 are completely different from the other games in the series. best resident evil so far is the 1 remake.

not saying 4 is a bad game by any means, but i hate when they take a concept that works and do something completely different with it.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, but if the completely different concept turns out to work, would you still hate it?
Re: Hate Thread

i dont hate what it turns into, i hate the change.
Re: Hate Thread

yes actual...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how bad game controls and hate have become so synonymous.