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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It would've helped if the promise actually meant more than sex to Iris at the time.

Tell Jesse the truth, tell her what's wrong with Iris, why she's acting the way she is. And for goodness's sake, try to make it more than a one-liner. I think that's the biggest problem you're having, is Iris's statements and words are too simple.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It would've helped if the promise actually meant more than sex to Iris at the time.

Tell Jesse the truth, tell her what's wrong with Iris, why she's acting the way she is. And for goodness's sake, try to make it more than a one-liner. I think that's the biggest problem you're having, is Iris's statements and words are too simple.

*Scratchs head*

Well... I could have Iris cry (again) and have her tell Jesse that she never forgot her promise, that the items she was trying to give the woman were meant as a gift and that she got confused and scared when Jesse started yelling at her and got so angry. She could bring up that nobody has cared about her as much as Jesse sense her father and that she has never felt like this towards anyone but Jesse.

Honestly, do you think that would work?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sure, but don't word it exactly like that, because even that will only take her so far, and that's not far enough.

If what you have Iris say is tantamount to what you've written here, it's not going to have the desired effect. Word it differently, think of how you, or some girl you know would word it, as emotionally and passionately as possible. Don't have her just stating facts like, "I got confused and scared when you got angry," when I say it aloud, it doesn't sound very convincing. Add other words that add emotion to it, while they don't contribute to her point, they do contribute to how she's feeling.

My greatest tip, is to, "Feel," use your emotions as you type, and the answers should come to you.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright. To bad I suck badly at this kinda stuff. If anyone feels like giving me a suggestion on what Iris should exactly say, feel free to say so. I need to get offline now so uh, try not to move ahead without me.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Geez, man it's simple.
Here I will give you this classic clichéd one liner:
"You need 'love'."
And RJ? Is Rin up and about yet? As in can I cue her waking up?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Meh, sure.

Heh, it may be just me, but it seems like AWMBI is losing interest... I wonder if it's eventually going to come to a close due to the lack of players?

No skin off my nose, I suppose, Nightmares Unnamed seems like it's going to be great, anyway! ^_^
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

my interest kinda got curbed when every single mission requires combat skilled characters over general skilled characters..
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

With Letris, a combat focused character added taking up the combat focused missions, you may just get the non-combat portions you desire.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Look, it's a lost cause, break down and apologize. Tell her how you feel about emily and say that her feelings for her prevents love. If Jesse would still like a fuck session, she's ready to give that, but love isn't up for her to give and she's sorry if that's something she can't bring herself to give her. She realizes how naive it was, and she never wanted to set jesse up just to let her fall, she just was doing what she felt would make her feel better. Reassure her that there's still plenty of people for her, but she can't expect them to just love them with a promise.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Meh, sure.

Heh, it may be just me, but it seems like AWMBI is losing interest... I wonder if it's eventually going to come to a close due to the lack of players?

No skin off my nose, I suppose, Nightmares Unnamed seems like it's going to be great, anyway! ^_^
Tch. It'll hit the same speedbump as AWMBI, I'll bet, with the combat-oriented characters gaining an edge over the non-combatants.

I think everybody's just kinda waiting for the day to be advanced, so their stamina/essence can be recharged.
my interest kinda got curbed when every single mission requires combat skilled characters over general skilled characters..
Hey. Stick around, will ya? Melissa plays "obvious bait marching down the street", while Kali plays "sneaky backstabber waiting for the bait to be attacked", eh? I'll admit there's really nothing out there to be pickpocketed... but we can put some of Kali's other skills to work.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I've noticed that the role play has lost speed. We have been going for six weeks and four days now. Before the role play dies I think we should end it, then make a new one that takes place in the future.

Maybe have that final battle with the goddess or something. Or just have the happy ending where the goddess fails because of something.

And about Jesse and Iris. I think I should give up on it, Emily is kinda better for Iris anyways. If there was a way to just end this with them both being friends again I'd take it quickly.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Meh, I suppose I could advance the day, it's just that there were a few things that were holding my decision back. But I'll go ahead and switch it over if there aren't any complaints within about the same old 24 hour period.

As far as the Jesse-Iris situation... It's not entirely a lost cause, but Jesse will always hold that grudge if something doesn't happen to make her reconsider her disposition to Iris.

Also, DeMatt, what would you have happen with Melissa's current situation? Maichan doesn't seem to want to play...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

As far as the Jesse-Iris situation... It's not entirely a lost cause, but Jesse will always hold that grudge if something doesn't happen to make her reconsider her disposition to Iris.

* Slams head into desk *

I'm so dense right now. My mind is having some writers block or something. I just have no idea what to write. I've tried a few times but nothing... D:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Personally, I'd love it if there was a way for Iris to tell Jesse that she did love her, but like the mother she never had and that she didn't want Jesse to hate her, that's why she did all of the stupid things she has been doing for the past few days.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Also, DeMatt, what would you have happen with Melissa's current situation? Maichan doesn't seem to want to play...
Miachan seems to have vanished, hopefully temporarily, from the board. I'd say that when the day advances, we "fade to black" and split up in the morning - the 3 M's heal and head their separate ways. Or not-so-separate, in Mina's case.:p

Personally, I'd love it if there was a way for Iris to tell Jesse that she did love her, but like the mother she never had and that she didn't want Jesse to hate her, that's why she did all of the stupid things she has been doing for the past few days.
Why not just say exactly that?
Iris sinks back on the bed. "I-I don't know how to say this... you're like - a mother to me, what I think a mother should be... I-I thought those things I did would make you happy, I don't want you to hate me..."​
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Why not just say exactly that?
Iris sinks back on the bed. "I-I don't know how to say this... you're like - a mother to me, what I think a mother should be... I-I thought those things I did would make you happy, I don't want you to hate me..."​

I was wondering if you were going to pass me any more words of wisdom. I'm just going to try to use something like what Dematt said.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Would sneaking into someone's room surprising them while naked make a mother happy?
I am sorry about screwing what would otherwise be a great idea, I am just saying.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Just keep in mind that Iris is confused and dense about these things.