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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Errrrr........ Quick logical question... given that Iris didn't even get raped really, the fact that is was mainly a minor encounter, the fact that the encounter with the Goddess herself would probably leave more of an impression on her memory... why would Iris try to 'make peace" with them/really care about the futas (ignoring the fact that those futas in particular were mindless drones without any real personality)?... I could understand if she was raped by one of the prison futas, Selena, or Mina even, but...

I don't mean any real offense, but such an action is a tad too forced... >.>

Edit: On a new note, if you really wanted Iris to apologize/make peace for something, how about apologizing for blowing their friends to kingdom come in that mission?... Of course, we'd need some buildup to the point where the futas find out that Iris is partially responsible for it but... yeah.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Keylo. I'm not trying to make Iris head over to the Prison and try to make peace with them. I was sorta saying that I should find a reason, although I wasn't actually going to have my character run around looking for a purpose to go.

If the chance comes like someone asking Iris to go to the prison with them or something then ill take the chance. In doing this hopefully my character will see that the futas aren't all bad people and wouldn't have a negative view of them. She has this view mainly because one almost raped her and and three almost killed Joseph.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Uhm.. I'm willing to sign up for a mission (Wild Animals, I guess); Anyone else interested?

If not, I'm just gonna have Kaila go on a supply run later tonight.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*points to Zero and Toxic*

Oy lazy bums, get your arses moving. Tis mission time :3.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion


*cough cough* Oh my goodness, *cough* I seem to *cough* I seem to have come down with something *cough* I'll just be... over there. *cough cough*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*grabs Toxic by the hair and drags him/her/it back*

Get your ass back in here.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But I just want to unlock something, I don't want to die :(

I gotta say, I thought the jellyfish would be more rape-heavy, i didn't think they'd EAT people.
Hell, the egg at the museum would swallow people and fill them with eggs, not digest them :eek:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I gotta say, I thought the jellyfish would be more rape-heavy, i didn't think they'd EAT people.
Hell, the egg at the museum would swallow people and fill them with eggs, not digest them :eek:
...the impression I get, is that the acid bit merely destroyed Luna's clothes.

It wrapped her up in its tendrils, it pulled her inside so she's got somewhere to breathe when it dives, it dissolved her clothes, and is positioning a tentacle to pump her full of eggs.

A'course, with two pistoleers popping bullets downrange, there's a good chance it won't get to the actual rape part.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm hoping it doesn't get to the actual rape... Otherwise, enjoy your "beast"/"rage" Luna for a while.

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh good, my mind was too much on the current topic. So the second I heard "acid dissolving her clothes" I not only imagined that she'd still be sitting in it, but I imagined that the tube would be towards the same purpose.

Sickening thought, but in all fairness that's not unpopular in some hentai scenes, with tentacles to almost dissolve the person on the inside. ..Of course, it never actually happens cuz the heroine escapes, but it's mentioned.

Plus, there was the fact that, in the museum's case, RJ didn't get specific about what was going on inside the egg, so now that he was getting specific, I thought Luna was gonna be jellyfood :(

I iz scared, hold me
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*Holds Toxic*

The acid, having got on Luna's skin, and not dissolving, but making a slight burning sensation, is only strong enough to dissolve her clothes, not her outer layer of skin. So don't worry about that. The acid is just my excuse to get her naked. :D

And, provided Iris and Emily don't save her in time, Luna just might be a mommy! :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If you call beating a "kid" to death or trying to coat hanger it being a good mama... then maybe. >.>;;

Conclusion: Luna is not meant for motherhood.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Conclusion: Luna is not meant for motherhood.

Motherhood seems like something Iris would be better at out of the two sisters, in my opinion. Although it would be interesting to see how a human child of Luna turned out, lol.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

There wouldn't be one, given the current Luna. And if that child was a result of Luna being raped, she'd choke it to death with her own hands ;X.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If you guys say it that way, it makes Luna feel like a lesbian.
Because thats like saying Luna would never fuck a guy.
Edit: Current Luna I mean.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Uh, current Luna doesn't fuck anyone period (unless forced). >.> She's "disinterested in such carnal activities"...Reformed Luna can be coaxed into sexing, but will probably start out with a similar mindset.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Uh, current Luna doesn't fuck anyone period (unless forced). >.> She's "disinterested in such carnal activities"...Reformed Luna can be coaxed into sexing, but will probably start out with a similar mindset.

So nobody could get into Luna's pants without force? Not even Jesse? How about Iris?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Current Luna, no. For one, she's not interested, period. It's probably the furthest thing on her mind, if it's in her mind at all. (Or in short: No sex desire without the use of drugs to change that.) You could always use force to get in her pants of course, but then that lovely mental self defense mechanism kicks in and...well... you might as well be fucking a corpse, cause she gives no reactions once she pulls the emergency mental "shutdown". So no, unless you use an aphrodisiac... not even Jesse or Iris could actually get Luna to willingly engage in such activities/respond.

Transformed Luna?............ Let's just say, that in a mock scenario, Jesse managed to turn our favorite psycho killer into a docile "Kitty" in a short space of time... and perfectly trained at that >_>;;;