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Re: Birthdays

Though I don't see Silthy around very often. Happy birthday to thee.
Re: Birthdays

Enjoy your Birthday Kusanagi
Re: Birthdays



Happy Birthday!

Now eat yer damn cake.
Re: Birthdays

Happy birthday, K-dawg!
Re: Birthdays


Today hath been a good day to be me.

I got Red Velvet cake and Chocolate-iced double-layer chocolate cake,
Free burger and endless fries at Ruby Tuesday,
Got to see the Disney remake of 'A Christmas Carol' with Jim Carey voice-acting Scrooge (I would definitely recommend you see this. And they will hand you 3D glasses due to the 3D-ness, fair warning),
Got Cage The Elephant's "Cage The Elephant" CD,
Got Mass Effect so I can now see what all the hub-bub is about,
And who wants to go kill some MAGGOTS, 'cause I got The Orange Box.

Yes, today was a good day indeed...

OH YEAH. I also found my Sega Genesis and the games I had for it. I forget though, which Sonic game(s) could attach to Sonic & Knuckles?

I also have the... light gun? or w/e Sega's version is called, along with T2: Judgment Day and a cartridge with a few games on it that work with the gun as well.
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday, Avatar...provided you're still alive to celebrate it. God bless the holidays and working retail.
Re: Birthdays

*jigs* Happy birthday Avatar, is it awesome or terrible to have your birthday followed immediately by Christmas?
Re: Birthdays

awww thanks guys... and Copper +rep at the next available opourtunity. As to how it is to have a birthday followed by christmas... Imagine your relatives giving you one present and saying "This is your birthday and Christmas gift..."
Re: Birthdays

Happy B-day, Kusagani, Avvie and Baby Jesus!
Re: Birthdays

Imagine your relatives giving you one present and saying "This is your birthday and Christmas gift..."

Could go either way. I mean it depends on what the gift is. If it's a kick in the rear, sure, that blows. If it's a hot stripper, well...
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday Avatar.
Re: Birthdays
