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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

this thread has the word bondage in it, and was made by gatorbait

speaking of which, i never got to see those pictures, are you going to get them up again?
Re: Bondage Corner

Bottom of this link has three links for the pics. Like I mentioned before, that is not me ;)
Re: Bondage Corner

poor you the only posture bar ive ever used had a locking collar at the top and to locking cuffs at the bottom for your wrists it forced your back straight no matter wht the hell you did and the wrists were help behind the back in a slightly crossed position. great if you bend your gf over a table because they cant bend enough right themselves by themselves. a very simple but very twisted device that can become fairly uncomfortable if it was used or sized incorrectly. good for quick play if the more complicated ties are outside of your time-frame. My next question, anyone a fan of double-penetration during your bondage play (y or y not) my ex loved it becuz she was slightly masochistic and it made her climax extraordinarily quickly:D wow long post (no its not - love Nunu)
that and there's always the argument of extremely sensitive g-spots put in very strange dark scary places like it was a cruel joke of mother nature. god that bitch likes to fuck with people
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Re: Bondage Corner

Those images are forbidden. And weird that I really prefer uncomfortable positions and always have, even if it's nonsexual, I love being confined in a weird way, but the bar thing, always been something to shy away from.
Re: Bondage Corner

For those of you who wanted pics: Here you go:

I think it goes without saying, but that is NOT me. Sorry fellas ;)

See the links? They might not work but I don't know any other way to make them work.
Re: Bondage Corner

ah, everyone, right click and open it in a new tab (i'm using chrome, firefox hates me)
Re: Bondage Corner

Yay for Dog, clearly a more computer literate person then me.

and Blind, that bar sounds really cool. You don't happen to have like plans or something for it do you? Maybe it was store bought?
Re: Bondage Corner

ah, everyone, right click and open it in a new tab (i'm using chrome, firefox hates me)

Well firefox likes me and I like it. So it still doesn't work.

I'm sure I can find my own way around it, I just don't care enough at the moment
Re: Bondage Corner

computer literate? nah, i just translate it to common speak
Re: Bondage Corner

I plan on having a session tomorrow early afternoon because I can't go to work. The power is still out, some idiot ran over a substation or something, and there is nothing else to do during the day in this bodunk town. Any suggestions on ties?

I'll fill you all in and let you know how it goes!
Re: Bondage Corner

how about a shibari harness with crotch-rope and hogtie sounds like fun and the posture bar was store bought i could give you plans but they would require aluminum welding
Re: Bondage Corner

I didn't get a chance this weekend blind, sorry. Sounds like a good idea though. Karadas are a fun way to do bondage, but it is kind of difficult doing self bondage. I'll do it next time I get the chance to!
Re: Bondage Corner

lol karadas are a personal a favorite and while difficult to perform on ones self it can be done with enough practice although it is so important to keep your release tool close at hand to use an ice-lock to drop something into yourn hands is a little iffy instead u could lock it to something on the ground since a karada wouldnt restrict your ability to move around on the floor (unless u tied it that way) it would be a safer way to keep your release tools in reach just sayin
Re: Bondage Corner

I really wish I had the time, resources, privacy, or just a partner to do this stuff. I've had an interest in bondage but I don't have any interest in people. (No, I don't fuck animals either) Also, I'm broke and my house is extremely populated with people of differing schedules. The closest thing I have to private time is at college, if I memorize a time that my other 3 roommates aren't in, which I would be very fortunate if it's even 3 hours.
Re: Bondage Corner

*Brain droll*
This thread is seemingly quite delicious in the fact that it leads me to question myself as to what people say and or think in their minds. Btw this is an awesome thread rep point to gatorbait!!
Re: Bondage Corner

Well toxic if you ever try it, let me know and I am sure to give you a couple pointers (whether for good or bad heh heh). And Diagas, thanks! I love how popular this thread has gotten. I like sharing my private passion through a setting like this. It seems 'fitting,' if you catch my drift.
Re: Bondage Corner

*Clueless to the drift*
I am a very naive person to certain things.
Re: Bondage Corner

Well just that the forum is kinda "public," it is kinda strange to post about something so private. That's what I was getting at ^_^