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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

As long as you tied the thread up before you jacked it, I have no problem :D
Re: Bondage Corner

Wow, more of this and I'll have to try for 3
Re: Bondage Corner

3 what?! Toxic, are you okay out there?! Your sentence cut off after that number without any form of punctuation! Toxic? Toxic!


(And Gator, if I don't know how to tie many varieties of knots, is it okay if I use paper clips and bubble gum? XD)
Re: Bondage Corner

Haha white text fixes everything :)

Hopefully I can kink someone out when I get back to school, but looks like me and this thread will just have to be friends for now.
Re: Bondage Corner

Good luck Toxic

(posted just as much as a good luck as a bump ^_^)
Re: Bondage Corner

Thanks (for the luck and the bump)

I wish I had more interesting stories. Everyone else is home during the summer so it's hard to try and get anything of a singularly sexual nature and hard to do anything without anyone getting suspicious of my activities :(
Re: Bondage Corner

Well with the warmer months I've been spending much more time outside, and while I've done outdoor bondage before, without a partner to help and be a "look out" I'd rather just soak up the sun. ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

Now there's something me and my farmers tan need to get started on. :)
Re: Bondage Corner

Haha there you go.

There's this little beach about 20 minutes from my place. It's on a tiny, dirty ass river, but since I don't care about swimming and it's usually very quiet it's perfect for me. I like being alone when I go to the beach (by alone I mean not on a crowded loud beach, I still enjoy going with friends).
Re: Bondage Corner

Haha there you go.

There's this little beach about 20 minutes from my place. It's on a tiny, dirty ass river, but since I don't care about swimming and it's usually very quiet it's perfect for me. I like being alone when I go to the beach (by alone I mean not on a crowded loud beach, I still enjoy going with friends).

Oh god, that sounds heavenly. @.@ The closest thing we've got is the river that runs through the middle of the city, which is either mucky mud or pointy rocks. XD *envy envy*

Can't say there's anything extremely exciting in my life. XD I think I've hit a stable period with my SO, which is nice in its own right, but doesn't make for much to share over. I think I'd be too shy to seek out any kinkster club in the city in real life. >_>" As interesting as what I hear going on in there sounds like it can be.
Re: Bondage Corner

OMG im so sorry i hope no one thought i died or anything im like a squirrel i get as many lives as i think i can get away with so apart from being run over and shot at im pretty good toxic sorry to hear your single again although judging by the way you feel you sound a lot like me i have two things to say on that subject 1: there is a kinda girl out there hand tailored by the omnipotent being that may or may not exist just for people like us 2: just like my lady shes probably certifiably coocoo for coco-puffs ;):p:D:cool: O guess wht IM GONNA BE A DADDY *dances around the room like an idiot, lets the statement sink in, Panics all over again and goes over every financial record for the last 3 years, ADHD sinks in again forgets wht i was doing remembers i was gonna be a dad, and precedes to dance all around the room until realizing the computers on* o yea im back and i missed you all <("<) (>")> :eek: lost my cigarettes <("<) (>")> AHAA!!! found em:p
Re: Bondage Corner

Haha, I don't care about that whole thing, I know soulmates. Trust me, I'm a diehard cliche hopeless romantic, so if I'm in a relationship with a girl and I know she's not the right one, I won't care that much when it breaks off.

Re: Bondage Corner

thnx guys i feel the love and TS im a hopeless romantic as well i know how it goes:D
Re: Bondage Corner

GEEZe PEOPLE i come back and my favorite thread dies QQ and thnx wonderboy:eek:
Re: Bondage Corner

I completely passed out at a party and was NOT taken advantage of.. at all

I'm so depressed.
Re: Bondage Corner

Painkillers are great huh