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C.Y.O.A.S DV Style, ended.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Argh. Sorry for late update, was falling asleep at comp.)

Cassy fearing that she was pregnant, sat up and felt something crinkle. Cassy looked at a piece of paper. *Can I read?* thought Cassy to herself. (OF COURSE SHE CAN! I am not doing another choice over this.) Cassy could read and noticed that the paper was signed by Veranda. "Cassy don't worry about getting pregnant, I don't have male organs when I loved you tenderly last night." *Ah, phew* Cassy thought and said that. Cassy then got up and looked around. She found her cloths from which she slept in. She easily put them back on. *Ok what now?* Cassy thought.

Upper Body:
Top of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk bra.
Middle of the Deep purple nightgown.
Lower Body: Hem of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk panties.


1.) Wait a bit in hopes of getting some different clothing.
2.) Go downstairs dressed as you are.
3.) Other (Grow a dick perhaps and suck yourself off and die perhaps?)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

3) Poke around in the room looking for her equipment. Not everything needed cleaning/sharpening...
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(2 votes is enough.)

Cassy looked around the room. Her nightgown swishing by her feet. She found a dresser full of shirts and pants meant for men. They were all made from silk and not meant for fighting. They were also meant for a smaller person. Perhaps one of the dukes sons? But Cassy looked around a bit more, found some toys underneath the bed. (NOT sexual ones!) She also looked inside a small table near the head of the bed and found paper and a quill and ink jar. Possibly what Veranda used to write her that note.

Upper Body:
Top of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk bra.

Waist: Middle of the Deep purple nightgown.
Lower Body: Hem of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk panties.


1.) Dress into some undersized silk shirts and pants meant for a young boy.
2.) Steal the ink and quill with paper.
3.) Wait, in hope for some servant to bring you clothing.
4.) Go out to the dining room.
5.) Become a full breasted cat-women with breasts the size of skyscrapers that crush all infidels beneath them. /joke.
6.) Other.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Set up sniping postition that has a good sight of the door, and when that door opens, shoot.
3) Camp near door and when someone walks in attack them from behind.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

No, just 3.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Cassy decided to wait, since she didn't want to embarress herself by going downstairs in pajamas.
20 Minutes later.
Cassy could smell delicious food wafting underneath her door. Her stomach growled and Cassy just hung her head. *No choice but to go downstairs, dressed as this, unless I want to wear some very tight-fitting cloths in yonder dresser.* Thought Cassy to herself as she opened the door and looked around. Cassy then walked downstairs to find Goak, dressed in tight fitting burning red silk shirt, which showed off his lean muscles. He was also wearing waning red silk pants. His eye's were a deep silver, while his hair was raven black. This contrasted with his bronzed skin. Cassy stared agape, feeling pangs of attraction to this man.
Goak then noticed Cassy. He burst out laughing, "Hahahah, I still see that the servants of the duke still don't give girls proper clothing." Cassy managed to shout her mouth, her face having becoming splotches of embarrassment and anger. Cassy looks around for the nearest servent and demands "Bring me some clothing." Cassy then glared daggers at the retreating servant who had an apparent hard on in his pants. Cassy then glared a very dangerous look at Goak who was still chuckling.
5 minutes later.
Goak had finally managed to stop chuckling but their were tears in his eyes. Cassy was giving him the cold shoulder as she waited for the servant to return. Cassy heard footsteps....


Upper Body:
Top of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk bra.
Middle of the Deep purple nightgown.
Lower Body: Hem of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk panties.


1.) The servant appears with cloths.
2.) The duke's eldest son appears a teenager.
3.) The duke appears.
4.) Goak walks over and plays with Cassy.
5.) Veranda is asleep and we look at her dreams. Still have to do the choices above for Cassy. (Need 3 Votes.)
6.) Other.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

1. Did you know that Veranda is German for porch? Just thought I'd share.
Edit: Would you look at that. It's English for porch as well!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(I know. But I wanted a name. It looked like a name. I say it's a name. Even through other people say it's a porch! It's a name!)

Cassy turned around to see a servant hurrying forth with some clothing. Cassy took it and high tailed it back to the room she was using taking some food with her. As she opened the door....

Upper Body:
Top of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk bra.

Waist: Middle of the Deep purple nightgown.
Lower Body: Hem of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk panties.

Some cloths.
A covered plate with good morning food.

1.) The duke's second son is in the room. (13 year's oldish.)
2.) The duke's in there.
3.) Other. (Really.)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Dukes son.)

As Cassy opened and closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. She heard a gasp and turned around, dropping the cloths and plate, luckily the plate didn't break, and saw a young boy barely into puberty. As Cassy watched she saw the young boy's dick turn from flaccid to hard, it reaching an impressive width and length for someone so young. "Umm hi." said Cassy as she begin to open the door and leave. "STOP!" yelled the boy. Cassy jumped. She asked "Why?" "Well because my dad owns you." Stated the boy simply. "Your a beautiful cat-woman and since your dressed in finery you must be my dad's new mistress." Cassy sputtered and said "I am no one's mistress!" "Then why are you in my room?" said the boy. Cassy gulped and said "Well, I came here to change out of these cloths. Also I am an adventurer here on request by the duke." said Cassy. "The duke is my father." the boy said. He then smiled, a cruel smile.
"Since your a so-called adventurer, that means, since I am my father's son, I can help my dad, adjust the price for his request if you complete it." said the boy. "Or I can make it to where my dad tortures and keeps you." "What?!" asked a flabbergasted Cassy. "Are you threatening me?" "Yes I am, I won't mention to my dad how you barged into my room and threatened me." said the boy. "I never threatened you" said Cassy. "Ah yes, but who is my father going to believe you or me?" said the boy. Cassy said "Ok, what do you want?" Smiling triumphantly the boy said "You have to have sex with me, right now."

Scared and embarrassed.

Upper Body: Top of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk bra.
Waist: Middle of the Deep purple nightgown.
Lower Body: Hem of the deep purple nightgown and indigo silk panties.

Some cloths.
Dropped covered plate with good morning food.

1.A) Agree: Be the agressive one. (4 Votes Req.)
1.B) Agree be the submissive one. (2 Votes Req.)
2.) Storm out of the room after picking up cloths.
3.) Other.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Can I say a 2 or 1A?
I mean, if you can't run at least scare the kid into never having sex again btw, you wanted her to be passinate right? Well heres your chance, only make her be forceful, not to mention that if someone comes in on you guys having sex you can go and say he was raping you(Make it look that way also). Ah, I am such a smartass.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

1A. Scare that son of a bitch for life.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(1.b It is.)

Cassy believed the boy. "Okay, I'll have sex with you." Cassy said. She then waited. The boy smiled. "Okay I want you to strip slowly, and throw me your garments. Then lay down on the bed and finger yourself till your wet. Once your wet, spread your cunt." ordered the boy. "What! Why would I-" Cassy started to say before being interuppted by the boy saying "My dad the duke remember?" Cassy felt tears in her eyes as she nodded. She slowly stripped, she then threw her undergarments at the boy and went to the bed. As she went to the bed, the boy caught her panties and sniffed them. *They smell of sex* thought the boy.
Cassy put herself backwards on the bed, her vagina facing towards the boy, and she begin to finger herself. The boy noticed Cassy's swollen sex, he began to rub his shaft. Cassy felt herself getting wet much faster then she expected. *Am - am I getting off from the boy looking at me? No, NO I'm not.* Cassy thought to herself before she had a small climax. They boy noticed her climax. "Spread your cunt you slutty cat." The boy said insulting as he swaggered over to Cassy who did as he told. The boy then jumped on her, impaling his penis into her womanhood as he landed. The boy felt Cassy's walls enclose around him. This made him cum. (He's a virgin.) Cassy stared at him then sighed in relief thinking he must be done. Until she felt his dick harden and he begin to thrust in and out of her. Before Cassy cried out in climax, he stuffed her own panties into her mouth.

20 Odd minutes later.
Cassy had climaxed twice. The boy lay sleeping next to. His flaccid penis in between her legs. His face inbetween her breasts. Cassy felt tears fall down from her eyes. She could feel his cum inside of her and her womb.

Was just raped by a human.

1.A) Cassy untangles herself from him, gets dressed and leaves.
1.B) The above but he awakes before she can untangle herself.
2.) Just lay there crying and depressed.
3.) Someone barges in.
The choices for the someone in choice 3.
A.) The Duke.
B.) Goak.
C.) Not Veranda still asleep.
D.) A servant.
E.) Eldest Son of Duke.
F.) Youngest child of the duke, his 8 year old daughter.
4.) Other.

Secondary Choice:
Y1 = Pregnant.
Y2 = Not pregnant.
Please put secondary choice in.