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C.Y.O.A.S DV Style, ended.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


Cassy cried and felt a sudden blossom of anger erupt inside of her. She lashed out her. Her enchanted daggers whirled into her hands as she sliced the worms stomach. Flames blossomed and ran along it's body in intricate lines, Cassy heard herself screaming distantly inside of her mind. One of her daggers made an odd ringing noise that increased the fire that ran along in lines along the inside of the worms stomach. The slime was not burning. The blades bit into the skin and Cassy wrenched them and sliced again and again. The worms stomach area was soon filled with noxious flames and their carbon. Cassy began to suffocate and she stabbed inside the worm. Her daggers slid in up to their hilts. Cassy wrench them free, and as she fell to the stomach's slimey floor, the worms wounds heal.

Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 27 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. Barely Aroused. Knocked out.

Head: A veil like cloth that fits snugly over Cassy's nose and mouth, blocking out certain smells.
Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Right: Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls
Left: Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and 2 scabbards.
Lower Body: Wet Indigo silk panties. Barely wet Blue-black studded leather pants with hole for tail (Also reveals panties.)
Feet:Blue-Black shoes with indigo silk socks.

Inventory: (All of it was in the bags.)

1.) Cassy suffocates and dies.
2.) Cassy lives somehow and finds herself floating in the worms stomach acid, daggers in hands.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


ever thought the worm might have tentacles somewhere on the inside?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(You think? Your in a STOMACH with a dagger that when it hit's something releases a inferno of fire! What do you not get with 1d30 fire damage?)

As Cassy awakes from her blackout, she feels something lapping next to her skin. She looks down to see every bit of her clothing disintegrated, including her cloth collar. None of her hair was gone through, nor was the acid burning through her skin. Cassy swam, making sure her daggers were in her hands, they seemed unaffected. As Cassy swam she smelled the acid and it smelled surprisingly like water, through with an odd tang. Cassy decided to see if it tasted like water when she got the ability to touch the floor again. Cassy drinked some of the acid-water. It did not taste like water, but instead tasted similar to orange juice and it was thick and full of nutrients such as rocks. (No. This isn't meant to sound sexual.) Cassy drank some more to assauge her newly acquired thirst. *Ok, the acid doesn't burn my fur or skin. But it devoured my my clothing and collar. But it's odd it didn't devour my daggers.* Thought Cassy, was covered in the acid which dripped from her. As Cassy watch some it drop, she realized it was completely clear and see-through. The color she had mistaken it for was the color of the slime. "Ugh" sighed Cassy.

Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 27 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. Barely Aroused. Knocked out. Confused by the acid.

Upper Body:
Right: Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls
Left: Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1
Lower Body:

Inventory: (All of it was in the bags.)

1.) Wait.
2.) Go into the digestive track.
3.) Other.

(Heh. You all thought this was vore. But I asked people in a chat area whether or not they wanted vore.)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


taking the rear exit doesnt seem to be the most graceful of exits. :p
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

I'm a gonna say, 2
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(2 It is.)

Cassy, seeing as nothing to do but starve, decided to get it over with. Cassy headed over to where the digestive track opening was. She began to swim toward it.
20 Minutes Later. (Huge ass Stomach)
Cassy finally reached it tiredly, "Good gracious Gods, it looks close, but apparently the acid deceives as well." Cassy gulped as she get closer to the opening of the digestive track, taking a tentative step forward and looking down into it, *looks like a big fall* thought Cassy. *Well here goe-* Cassy thought was interrupted as she slipped down into the worms digestive track.

Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 27 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. Barely Aroused. Knocked out. Confused by the acid. In the worms digestive track.

Upper Body:
Right: Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls
Left: Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1
Lower Body:

Inventory: Nothing.

Choice Question: How many days pass before Cassy reaches end?
1.) 5.
2.) 6.
3.) 7.
4.) 8.
5.) 9.
6.) 10.
7.) 20.
8.) 30.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(5 days.)

Day 1.
Cassy felt the pressure upon her everywhere. She also felt things enter and exit her nether regions and toy with her breasts.
Day 2
Cassy was continuously in a state of climax. She also ate the digestive acid, which was the same as the stomach acid, except it had chunks of stuff in it.
Day 3
Some of the smaller tentacles from the worms digestive track had gone up Cassy ass and pee hole. They took all excess from there.
Day 4
Some of the smaller tentacles had enlarged Cassy nipples and were plunging in and out of them.
Day 5
Cassy finally reached it's the end and was expelled onto...

Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 22 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. Barely Aroused. Looks 4 months pregnant. Breast nipples are sore. (Also she cannot be nipple f***ed.)

Upper Body:
Right: Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls
Left: Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1
Lower Body:

Inventory: Nothing.

1.) It's Cave.
2.) Somewhere in the swamp.
3.) Other. (Has to sound plausible.)