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Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

A. Fuck that noise.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A) The sacred bond of truth or dare cannot be broken!
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily blushes deeply and start to strip off all her garments, one-by-one. Once she was completely naked and shivering, Emily opened the tent flap and turned back to Kari in hesitation.

"Don't be shy~. Go on~<3."

Kari gives Emily a firm, underhanded pat on the heiney. Emily yelps and tumbles out of the tent onto her hands and knees. Emily shivers and her nose starts to run a bit. Kari peers out and stares at the shivering Emily lewdly.

"Go on~. Give me a few sexy snow angels before you catch a cold~."

Emily flushes beet red, yet again, and rolls onto her back in the freezing cold ice cream snow and whipped cream. She starts to move her arms and legs to make snow angels showing off every contour and detail of her body. After less than a minute, Kari pulls Emily back into the tent and closes the tent flap. Kari giggles and starts to lewdly lick all of the ice cream and whipped cream off of Emily's naked body. She then forces Emily into the sleeping bag to warm up.

"So, do you want to keep playing or do you want to call it quits and warm up together~<3?":

A. Keep playing.

B. Warm up~.

C. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

B. Friction is warming.
Re: Candyland CYOA

I vote for B and A as well.
Re: Candyland CYOA

B and A.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily gave her answer by ducking her head deeper into the sleeping bag, showing that she wants to warm up. Kari grins and strips off all of her garments as well in front of Emily. Emily blushes as Kari did so.

"K-kari! Wh...what are you d...doing?!"

Kari giggles, "I'm gonna help warm you up ~. You know, share body heat~. Would you be okay with that?":

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily was too cold to deny warmth, and nods in response to Kari. Kari giggles and slips into the small sleeping bag feet first. Emily moans softly as Kari squishes her sexy body in up against hers. Emily's head starts to spin from the intense heat building up inside the sleeping bag from their bodies. Kari starts to wiggle her toes against Emily's, presses her breasts against her partner's breasts, and starts to playfully nibble Emily's ear.

What should Emily do?:

A. Shake Kari off; Tell her you're feeling tired.

B. Lay there submissively; Let Kari do as she wishes with you.

C. Play along.

D. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

B. This is her little "game", so we'll see just where she wants to take it for a bit before we start playing back.