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Catherine (Quartz)

Re: Catherine (Quartz)

The chest sits there, being a chest, no lock she could see. Eventually, after a while, she opens it up. Inside she find quite a lot of food (7 fp of rations). And a rod, about a foot long and only a half an inch thick.

A few buttons reside on it, pressing one, rope comes out the end of the rod. Pressing another, the other end of it shoots out with violent force, sticking itself into the wall.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Oh hey, it's full of stuff." Rummaging through the chest, Catherine first picked out 3 of the rations and placed them in her pack while setting aside the rest for Marc. Pulling out the rod, she looks at it with a confused look on her face. Is this a.. no, it's too narrow.. What is it then..? Spotting the buttons, she pressed the first one. Rope..? Maybe it is.. As she pressed the next one and it lodged itself in the wall, she jumped back in surprise, letting go of it. She turned to Marc. "I think it might be best if you hung on to that as well for now.. You wouldn't happen to know what that thing is for would you?"
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Marc takes a look at it. After a few moments, he retracts the rope and the ejected portion back into it. "It's called a rod of rope. You can use as a grappling hook, and rope is always useful."

"They're not very common, actually, this is a pretty good find." He pockets it.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Maybe it will come in handy, then. At the very least, you could give a baddie a nasty headache with that thing, the way it shot out and all. Well, let's keep moving, since we seem to be on a roll." Catherine headed through the next door, content to continue leading with Marc tagging along behind her.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine moves along the castle, moving carefully through the castle with Marc following behind. Though not carefully enough as she suddenly finds the floor beneath her fall away. Looking for for the moment before gravity reasserts itself, she sees a deep pit with what seems to be slime at the bottom. She lands with a soft thump in the slime.

Then she falls, Marc with a bemused look on his face as he looks over and sees her land sexily in the slime. As it's already started to eat at her clothes and crawl over her.

Pit Slime 6/6 HP
Catherine 4/5 FP
Marc 4/4 HP (Pretty content to just let the slime have it's way)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

With the slime already beginning to crawl on her, Catherine tried to pull away from it, but it was seemingly everywhere. Realizing there wasn't anywhere for her to run to, she slashed downward at it to see if she could make it back off by hurting it. "Uh.. Marc..? Now would be a really great time to test out that rod I gave you. You know, the one with the rope that could help me up out of here.. A fantastic time even." She shouted up at her companion, too busy with the slime to have noticed his change in demeanor.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

3 vs 17
4 vs 4

Marc sounds distracted as he responds. "Oh, right, the rope thing, sure. I think I have it around her somewhere." Catherine can hear a false tone in his voice, if she looked up, she'd see him slowly searching his pockets for the device.

However, she has her own worries, the slime backs away from the strikes a little, but doesn't fully withdraw. It tries to envelop her, but she manages to avoid it mostly for the time. Though she looks down and sees that the slime is so deep she wouldn't be able to stand if she were at the bottom of the pit.

"Oh, found it." Marc cries out. He presses the button as the rope slowly extends down, it might take a while. Catherine could have sworn it came out faster when she pressed the button.

Pit Slime 6/6 HP
Catherine 4/5 FP
(4 Rounds before rope arrives)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

After the slime retreated a bit from it's failed attack, Catherine looked back up towards Marc, as his tone was less than reassuring. Why is the rope coming out so slowl... Goddamn it, Marc. She shouted up at him, "Keep the rope coming! You know that damsel in distress thing? That's me right now, and the faster you get me out of here, the faster we can figure out what that means." She turned her attention back to the well of slime before her, waiting for it to form up to get ready for another attack before she struck at it again.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"What happens if you rope doesn't get to you fast enough? Does it still counter as a rescue?" He called back
15 vs 5
3 vs 7

At the very least, Catherine managed to hold out for now, slashing the slime so that it retreated a little bit. And managed to hold it off when it came forward again. Still, pieces of it managed to find her clothes and pieces of her clothes managed to disappear, but she only had to hold out for a little while longer

Pit Slime 5/6 HP
Catherine 4/5 FP
(3 Rounds before rope arrives)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"I don't think this thing wants to do much sharing."

Catherine continued with her plan of hitting it as it formed up to attack her, with the hope that if she did it enough it would give her more breathing room. She could feel it as bits of her clothes continued to fall off or be eaten away, but without any way to get further away from it, there wasn't anything she could do. Hopefully, her being exposed wouldn't make Marc be even less helpful than he was already.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"I'm fine with watching!" Marc yells back down.
10 vs 15
9 vs 19 counter

Catherine continues her tactics, trying to avoid the slime as best she can. Although somewhat tough considering she can't even get solid footing, she's managing fairly well. Holding the slime off from getting a good grip. At this point her clothes were disappeared just enough to start showing small pieces of her undergarments, but on the plus side, she wasn't being raped yet.

Pit Slime 4/6 HP
Catherine 4/5 FP
(2 Rounds before rope arrives)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"I figured that out already. Still, I'm hurt that you don't think I'd make rescuing me worth your while!" Catherine yelled back as she aimed another slash at the nearest lump of slime. At this point, she had already given up on her poor clothes, as it seemed they would be gone by the time she was out of there no matter what. She was a little surprised that the slime continued to rise up and try and attack her after having been hit like that, but with her undergarments showing perhaps it smelled the proverbial blood in the water.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Oh, well, maybe that might be good too." He says, trying to not sound like an utter ass, well, he was lowering the rope at least.
17 vs 6
10 vs 2

Catherine manages to slice more of the slime away from her, but fails once it gets a small grip on her feet, starting to drag her down from below her. She feels a small shock go through her body, tiring her.

Pit Slime 3/6 HP
Catherine 3/5 FP
(Rope arrives next round.)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Feeling the tug at her feet, Catherine began to panic, slashing at the slime in front of them while she tried to back up out of it. The little shocks didn't worry her, but the prospect of being pulled under right before her "help" arrived did. With the rope almost fully lowered, she tried to get close to it so that she could grab it as soon as it was within reach.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

15 vs 3
2 vs 16

Catherine managed to slash the slime away, some of it splattering around, as she managed to get her feet free for a moment, as the rope lowered down within range.

Though she hand to move for a second when the slime suddenly slammed into the wall right below the rope, just avoiding getting consumed. Her clothes were pretty bad now, but her undergarments were ok, at least. She just had to grab the rope and get out.

Pit Slime 2/6 HP
Catherine 3/5 FP
(Rope has arrived. Catherine must end the round unheld by the slime to escape)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine waited for the slime to rise up again before she aimed one final slash at it. Not waiting or caring to see if she hit it, she spun around and grabbed onto the dangling rope end. "Okay, pull!" She yelled as she latched on to it.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

4 vs 23
Catherine grabbed, the rope, waiting very carefully for the slime to attack her one last time, knowing it needed time to rest when it failed. It leaped, but she stabbed it, right as she yelled for Marc to pull. The slime slowly faded below as the rope slowly tugged her upward, she realized she was almost entirely naked except for her undergarments.

She reaches the top, noticing that Marc had simply pressed the button for the rope to retract rather than pull her up himself.

He took one look at her and simply said in a coy voice. "Hmm, what do you want to offer me so I don't throw you back into the pit?" Although there wasn't much malice in his voice, and Catherine doubted he might actually do it.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

As Catherine is pulled up out of harm's way, she smiled at the slime monster sloshing futilely about below her. Not today, buddy.

As she reached the the top of the pit, she calmly pulled herself onto solid ground and turned to Marc. His handling of the situation was maybe less than ideal, but he did give her the rope in the end. She didn't feel like betraying her word and the thought of some more play wasn't unappealing, so she calmly returned his coy look. "That rope has been pretty useful so far.. But I think we could put it to better use. I'll bet you know a knot or two, and I'm sure you can think of some place we could go from there.." Placing her sword on the ground at her side, she gets on her knees in front of him and looks up at him. "So..? Sound good enough?"
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

He chuckles a bit. "I guess I might know a knot or two. But I think you'd rather wait, because if I did it right here, I'd have the irresistible urge to slowly lower you into the slime." He grabs her shoulders and pulls her up, planting a kiss on her lips. "This will do, for now." He says as he breaks it off.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine smiled slightly as he broke off the kiss. "It seems I need to work on my pitch as well. Ah well, let's keep moving then." She reached down and picked her sword up again, before looking to the next door. "Oh, right. I think you should lead us this time. So far, me leading has not worked out very well..." She paused before adding "Well, for me at least."