Re: Cecila's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA
You almost panic as you see Dan go down, watching as his sword lands in the ground and the slimes slowly advance towards you. You know running would be a bad idea, if not for the problem of just leaving Dan. Thinking about it, you could try fighting them off with the staff, but it probably wouldn't do you any good, fire salve doesn't work on wooden objects, at least not well enough to overcome the slimes resistance. Looking at Dan's sword you remember a bit of training he gave you when you were young and read about it, you know enough for which end goes away from you, and learned a few things about how to strike as well...if only you could remember them, regardless, nothing to do now but try and fight the slimes. You quickly go over and grab Dan's sword, holding it as you wait for the slimes to approach, hoping to play a defensive battle and strike them when they get close.
Unfortunately, the two slimes approach, jumping towards you at the same time as you barely have enough time to duck and roll out of the way, avoiding getting hit but utterly failing to strike. This repeats itself over and over until the slimes get a slight advantage. Just barely one of them hits you as you try to avoid the other. You're getting tired and just can't seem to hit the slimes at all. Just barely missing as the slime seems to work itself in midair to avoid a blow before striking you. You finally strike one as it jumps towards you, but this just distracts you as it hits you twice as hard, your free hand covering the point of impact as it hurts. You finally remember one of the tricks you learned a long time ago just as one of them slams into you, the impact causing you to drop the sword as you fall to your knees.
You're tired, a little bit in pain from the beating the slimes have given you, as you feel your feet being covers by the things. You remember in the books what slimes tend to do, how they prefer to attack females, using them to breed, though it's rare for a slime to actually impregnate a girl with it's spawn. You certainly hope that this one fails too as you're too tired to get up, feeling as the slimes slowly work, starting to cover your body and pin you down, as if you weren't too tired to move already. As the slime reaches your thighs, you become aware that this is the first time anything like this is going to happen...a slime is stealing your first time...a lowly slime. It angers you as tears well up in your eyes, of sorrow and anger, unable to do anything as you feel it reaching your undergarments, before it stops...seemingly moving away from it, quickly. It feels as though it's withering, you turn your head backwards and see Dan, barely standing and holding his sword as he jammed it into the core of one of the slimes, right next to your leg, the other one quickly tries to move and attack him again, interrupted as he slashes it, destroying it just barely before he collapses to his knees again. You can tell he's tired as your strength starts to return, just enough to sit up and realize what Dan just saved you from, as soon as you can you basically leap over to him, hugging him in thanks for saving you as you finally calm down, feeling better, and lucky that he had the strength. It seems you kept the creatures busy long enough for him to stand up.
You take time to rest, recovering before continuing your journey. It's a safe trip through the forest, no more monsters appearing, luckily, as you finally arrive on the outskirts of the village. It's getting to be late evening, the sun just setting.
Voting Zone
You've finally arrived at the village after a close call! What do you do now?
1)Find your father first, then go to the inn
2)Find the Inn, you need to rest, you can find your father in the morning.
2a) Get one room
2a1) Properly "thank" Dan for saving you (Y/N)
2b) Get separate rooms
3) Other