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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well, if you hit a piece of metal in a way that causes sparks, and those sparks catch... Wait a minute." He turns towards the mastiff and looks him in the eyes. "Hey, do you know if there's a lighter or some matches around here? Could you get them for me?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire stops and looks up. "Well now you two start coming up with ideas,"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The dog looks back up at Fletch while he's speaking, but it apparently doesn't understand. Instead of running off to find something like Fletch hoped it would it instead puts it's nose down into the grass and starts rolling around till it comes to a stop on it's back like it's playing dead.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"We'd have still needed a lighter to get the molotovs going." River says as she walks in. Apparently, she had been listening for a while. "Seriously, no smokers? Wow, and here I thought I was the only one in this city that didn't, kudos to all of you. Not that it makes much difference now."

She takes a glance around and shrugs. "Anyone look in the house. Chances are we could get the stove to light the place up, then use a burning log to set the barn up. Unless anyone else can think of something?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch sighs and turns away from the dog to the others. "Hey, I think Ronny was a smoker. Where's he anyway? Still with Mary and stake boy? Other than that, the dog might know something, but he refuses to talk." He lets that sentence hang in the air for a moment before facepalming. "Fuck, that sounded stupid."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Stove sounds better than nothing at all. Let's hop to it then," Claire said standing up, moving back towards the house.

"And please, I'm getting tired of changing direction every five seconds, lets just get this done, and get out of here before becoming little toasties," she muttered.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Hey, I had ideas. Not my fault that Fletch doesn't smoke. And Claire, don't forget your bag." She's fine with carrying the saddlebags. If Claire wants the heads, she's carrying them her own damn self. "Stove's fine. And if the fridge is still running, it should be, too."

She claps Fletch on the shoulder as he facepalms. "Didn't sound stupid to me. You two just don't speak the same language." She takes a second, making sure to catch the dog's eye. Come on, fella. Gonna get hot here in a second. Of course, to Fletch, it just sounds like she's growling and actually barking at the dog.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Just keep an eye on it... you don't need to cart the heads around," Claire said jogging up to get to the house, moving straight in to the stove. She wanted to act fast, and get out of there quickly.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

At Izzy's urging the dog jumps back to it's feet and sits beside Fletch, it stares up at Izzy curiously for a second before barking out a reply. What girl mean it get hot?

Claire feels her body reflexively shake at the sight of the fire as the stovetop lights up, it's nothing like the surge of fear she felt earlier that night though.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

For a moment she simply stared at the flame, then turned the gas up full blast.

"Fuck I hope this catches," she said, tearing out of the house again, shouting for anyone else still inside to hurry the hell up.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Now how in the world am I going to explain 'fire' to a dog," she mutters. Then she shrugs. "Do you know what 'fire' is? Because that's what's going to be happening soon. Lots of it."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The dog gets up and whines a little and looks up at Fletch before growling out, "Fire is scary stuff that scary people and animals jump around sometimes, me not like it. Girl and big animal going to jump around fire like others do?"

It takes a few minutes before the flame lights the gas fumes giving Claire and anyone else who may be inside plenty of time to get out. Once the gas ignites it quickly spreads through the house, eventually consuming it completely.

((Not exactly what I was expecting for the stove idea but eh whatever I guess it'll work. None of ya lost to rotschrek unless you want to, but you still have got one hell of an urge to run away even without losing to it.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River takes the time while waiting for the fire to start to tear a longish board off the barn and dip one end in a convenient gasoline puddle. Once the house starts up, she lights the end and uses it to get the barn burning as well. There's a point where it looks she might attack the improvised super-match, but in the end it goes smoothly.

"Alright, there's no real reason to stand around and watch, shall we get going?" She asks simply once everyone is gathered.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

At the dog's words, Izzy starts giggling. "So that's why he's following you, Fletch. He thinks you're a big animal." Back to the dog, "No, no we're not. We're going to make some fire and leave. Why don't you come with us for now?"

Having absolutely no reason to stick around the burning building, Izzy starts for her car for the time being. If Raven doesn't rejoin them, though, by the time the house starts to catch, she'll holler for her sire to "Get your butt in gear! We're leaving!"

Claire gets the saddle bags back, if she wants them right now. Otherwise, she'll stow them in her trunk until they likely get back to the Elysium.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Yeah well, he should wait until I actually start to grow a pelt when I freak out," Fletch grumbles as turns towards the car. "I'm really fucking looking forward to that, let me tell ya. Or a snout, or whatever the fuck else my blood decides to come up with."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire moves back to Izzy to grab her sack of head and the saddle bags, before watching the fire consume both the house and barn. Part of her wanted to scream and flee, but another part just wanted to watch... she was far enough away that the beast wasn't going to take over just yet.

"Anyone else manage to get some shiny new toys? And no the dirt queen and stakey don't count," Claire asked randomly, just as Izzy and Fletch moved off to start the car.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Nothing useful, but I got my mementos." River says plainly, digging a bone spike with a pair of wedding bands out of her pocket. She watches the fire for a moment longer before turning an walking towards the cars without saying another word.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy holds up the vest. "Skinned 'em," she says with a bit of a chuckle before tucking it back into the crook of her arm. She does look a little curious at the rings that River holds out. "Hey, you think those maybe belonged to Mary and her fiance? She did say they were heading back for a wedding." She then scratches her cheek. "If what she said was true, that is."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

With the house and barn burning behind them the others make their way over to the cars, with the dog still following Fletch. Izzy being just a little bit ahead of the finally figures out where her sire disappeared to, as he's standing with his back towards her deep in whispered conversation with Ronny when the others walk up.

Ronny looks up for a brief second to see the others have arrived when he quickly brings his arm back and doubles raven over with a punch to the stomach. Leaning over Raven he growls out loudly enough for the others to hear, "Save your little scams for somebody else next time, j-j-j-j-junior."

With that Ronny stalks back to his car and hops in to wait for the others, Mary can be seen in the back seat of Ronny's car waiting. Raven just sort of sits on the ground for a second with a pained look on his face.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire smirks as she sees the vest and goes to look away before doing a double take when she sees the symbol on the back. "Hey... can I see that for a second. I swear I won't get it covered it goop and guts," she asked cocking an eyebrow and holding out her hand... just before watching Ronny punch Raven in the gut.

"Man, that guy's better at diplomacy than I am," she muttered, wondering what the hell Ronny was talking about.