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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading down Rikke moved at a cautious pace. There was a path but it seemed to have been neglected for years. Still eventually she managed to descend into the valley. As she cleared the layer of mist she was greeted by the smell of alpine trees and flowers. The air itself seemed pure and the flora dark and vibrant. Light filtered threw the mist giving the area hazy glow. The ground she was walking on was a mix of soft grass and moss. Going forward Rikke eventually found a very over grown road, or well what she thought was a road as paving stones stood out amonest the grass and moss. The road seemed to rune east to west with the statue she had seen some what north though no path lead that way from her current location.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The beauty of the valley surrounded the rogue... yet there was still no signs of life. Not even the sheeps or goats from before. While the rogue smiled widely at the numerous flora, even leaning forward to take a whiff of some of them or even pick a particularry beautiful and pleasant bulb, the lingering thoughts of just what happened to the other travelers before her gave the girl unrest.

The single body she had seen was that of a purely unlucky fall victim, but besides that the area gave little hints of any activity, much less recent one. As beautiful as the enviroment was, a deeply rooted sense of something being wrong here hanged all too omniously above it all.

Finding the road further the mysticism all around her... was there a city maybe even a civilization here? Oddly enough however the road did not seem to go towards the beacon. Looking both ways the roads seemed fairly identical stretching out just enough only for the light mist to hide what lied beyond.

Thinking briefly, Rikke considered her options and turned westward. Following the road to see perhaps it would turn towards her goal... or at the very least shed some light on the disappearances.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Turning to the west Rikke moved along the road her steps ever so faint as they struck the occasional clear stone. As she moved the air seemed to get less ominous as the mist evaporated as more sunlight reached the valley. It was then that she saw her first wildlife. It was a Buck and his harem of does though once Rikke looked closer they were much smaller than she thought they would be. The male was barely taller than Willow and the doe's about a 3 quarters his size. Seeing Rikke they sniffed the air before bolting deeper into the woods. Watching them go Rikke heard a small chime to her right. Looking to the man made sound she found a chipmunk wrestling with a small tangle of rope that had a single tin bell attached to it.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemingly escaping the lingering dread Rikke felt her spirit lifted, which was all the more accentuated by the absolutely adorable first encounter with actual wildlife in the pass "Daw~" Rikke spoke to herself seeing the little family and attempted to carefully approach them, though unfortunately the itty-bitty does rushed away.

The heroine giggled kindly to the absolutely heartwarming, before standing up proper once again... only to hear a chime? Rikke quickly turned to the source and froze up her senses on peak. The chime seemed hectic and irregular, far too silent to alert anyone, but loud enough to stand out...

Approaching the source Rikkes eyes widened, before they grew warm again... a small chipmunk was dashing around a small bell, ever so occasionally poking his nose against it to make it ring or even attempting to grasp it in order to steal it! "Hey~ What you got there lil' guy?" Rikke asked with an all too warm smile, before her eyes focused on the bell...

The heroine gently shooed the chipmunk away and picked the bell up inspecting it. When they bought supplies... Ella had been gifted several of such little bells! Indeed the bell was new, while indistinct Rikke had little doubt it was Ellas!

Reinvigorated by her find the heroine smiled confidently and put the bell aside, quickening her pace along the path! Ella had passed through here!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke set the bell down the chipmunk quickly ran out and took it reclaiming its prize before heading off into the underbrush the tiny chime echoing as he carried it. Looking about Rikke soon found a fresh train threw the woods and while she was no tracker it was obvious that Ella wasn't the only one who passed this way. Following the trail with her eyes Rikke saw it lead up to the mountain side likely to a similar spot as her own arrive.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately the rogues tracking skills were most certainly lacking... whoever passed through here may as much might have been a deer or other woodland critter as humanoid. Still, following the trail Rikke soon enough came up to a trail... that lead to a suspiciously similar cave as she had just left!

Still... if the bell was here and this pass was fresh, perhaps the rogue was heading in the opposite direction of her friend! Then again the caves appearance was hardly fit to tell what lied inside. Perhaps Ella was taken there to begin with!

It was worth checking out, even if only for the piece of mind. Getting into a spring the heroine rushed onwards and slowed down only as she neared the cave, remaining cautious as she inspected it...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As she made it to the cliff following the trail she found proper carved steps leading up to a well carved entrance. Making her way up Rikke could see signs of recent activity. A few old bandages littered the top with a couple blood stains that seemed somewhat fresh. Looking into the cave she found it smooth with torch brackets that still smelled faintly of smoke. Going deeper she found a set of stairs that seemed to move up to a sold rock ceiling with runes carved into them. Other than that the cave seemed clean of debris. Heading back out Rikke took a look and tried to spot her camp to no avail.

Making her way back to the road Rikke continued on. Signs of life and critters became far more abundant with the chirping of birds and buzzing of bugs. Eventually however another sight caught her eye. A wagon sat nearly tipped over both its wheels having been broken. Goods still sat in the thing with a nearby oxen munching on some grass. The animal didn't seem spooked at her presence and still had its harness attached.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke carefully approached the cave and saw the similar runes even from a distance! The places resemblance to her own trap landing spot was nothing short of spot on... Still the rogue stepped inside silently "Ella...?" she'd keep her voice low calling out to the girl, but the more she explored it, the clearer it become that this was where Ella or some other victim had come from! Though... this one seemed a bit more refined, unlike Rikkes cave this one even had sculpted stairs! Nor did this one have an unfortunate fall victim to keep new arrivals company... "Odd..." the rogue thought to herself.

Still the bloody bandages were by far the most worrying sight, even if Rikke knew Ella had some knowledge of the magic arts... whether she knew any healing spells was unclear. Had the fall opened a wound? Or perhaps the rope injured Ella far worse than Rikke! The heroine cursed subtly under her breath... the idea was fine, but who could've seen what came next.

Either way, someone was here quite recently and since the pass was blocked off it was no doubt Ella! Though how exactly the two got separated over such distance was still a mystery. Still with her time wasted her, instead of moving towards Ella as she had previously done the rogue had went the completely opposite way! Her investigation done, Rikke wasted little time to head onwards and back to where she had taken the wrong turn!

Doubling down on her return the heroine was soon enough near the pass she had taken and zoomed right past it! However as she kept running... soon enough exhaustion began to rear it's ugly head! Her breathing growing more and more heavier, the rogue slowed her dash and saw... an oufited oxen? Rikke blinked at the view and turnd to see a wagon here as well. Unlike the other objects she had found, the wagon and the goods did not seem all that aged... at all "Eh?" catching her breath still the girl approached the sight and smiled "Hey, big guy." she'd look to the carts condition "What happened here? Where's your master?" the heroine paused her advance to inspect the cart and surroundings a bit more.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The ox would just grunt and paw at the ground eating some tender grasses leaving Rikke to examine the wagon. The wagon was weather worn but cared for and despite the broken wheels it looked to be in good condition. Inside the cargo area Rikke found boxes of dried meats and canned vegetables. More importantly she found a manifest indicating this cart was bound for Theron. However how it found itself here was another question all together. Checking the area more Rikke found a spare wagon wheel and the tools to attach it sitting open to the air. The smell of grease was still strong indicating that this had been here for only a short while.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke carefully inspected the wheel, only to note the tools to attach it being nearby as well. Unless Ella had a hidden engineering passions... this was not her doing! She barely needed to see the greased up wheel to guess this arrival was recent... the ox was still right next to the vagon afterall.

"Hello?" Rikke looked around not hiding her presence at all "Is anyone out there!" she'd call out, allowing her voice to echo through the fairly serene fields all around her... still if there was no answer, Rikke did not need anything from the cart. Nor did she have a reason to fix the darn thing...

Unless something happened Rikke would bid the ox and his cart farewell and continued down the road now finally being able to move at proper speed once again. 'Theron'... the town was completely unfamiliar to the rogue, though judging by the merchandise it was most certainly supplies either for travel or very rough weather.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No one answered her call and after inspecting the cart once again Rikke moved on bidding the friendly ox a cheerful goodbye. As she moved forward the trees began to thin out some but still kept the hint of forest going though much lighter and easier to see threw. Up ahead her ears perked at the sound of thump thump thump of wood going over stone.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately, as Rikke continued onwards there were no signs of Ella or the temple. Still the road had to lead somewhere... she just had to hope Ella had the same idea.

Though as she continued, she'd suddenly hear a most peculiar noise... was it another cart?! Rikkes eyes light up as she tried to pinpoint where the echoes were coming from before rushing in to investigate! Perhaps she'd finally meet someone who could tell her more!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rushing forward she did indeed find someone rolling a wagon wheel and muttering under their breath. They didn't seem to notice Rikke and from her current position it was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman. Still as the thump thump thump continued the person seemed obvious to Rikke standing right in the open.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The engineer! And above all else someone humanoid! "Hey~!" Rikke quickly dashed to them with a smile, catching up in no time to see just who the unknown vagon wheel chaser was!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Shouting out caused the man to jump back and grasp at his chest in surprise. He was old almost a grandfather of grandfathers. Still seeing that Rikke was hardly threatening he relaxed. "What in the heavens... oh a young woman." Coughing the man steadied himself and the wheel. "Miss you shouldn't surprise the elderly! Its bad for the heart. Now now come make it up to me and help me get this spare wheel on my wagon." Not taking no for answer the man continued on to his stricken wagon.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I need to find my friend..." Rikke glanced back to the wagon that was fairly nearby, not to mention the old man seemed to most certainly could use some aid "But I guess I can help out." besides perhaps the old man could tell the rogue more about where exactly she ended up this time!

"My name's Rikke by the way, nice to meet someone who's not a deer or chipmunk around here." she'd giggle happily aiding the man along.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ah well met. You can call me Donas. You said you were looking for a friend? Well I haven't seen anyone except those creepy fellows in robes. I hope your friend hasn't run afoul of them. They are down right unsettling."

Reaching the wagon it took little effort with Donas being surprisingly strong for his advanced years. Still as they worked Rikke did lean that Donas had been trapped here about four or three days and that he had gotten lost in the fog and wandered into a cave to find shelter. Much to his surprise when morning came the entrance he had used previously was all closed up like solid stone. Though another had opened and it lead him here. Rikke also learned that he hasn't seen anyone for the last two days, though there was an abandoned village further up the road where he had gotten the extra wheel from.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Robed fellows?" Rikke turned her head curiously listening to him "Who are they?" now that the rogue thought about, there was a chance Ella had not left the cave willingly...

As for the rest of the mans tale, for now the shifting passages matter would have to wait. First she needed to make sure Ella was at the very least not in danger "What about the temple, The one with the golden ornament on top. I saw it from up in the mountains." the heroine turned towards the direction she thought it was and pointed it out to the man "It was some ways over there."

Still as they chatted Rikke helped out whatever way she could to get the wagon back in working condition, with a final nudge and tweak it was good as new! "There we go, Don." she'd smile to the man widely "So where will you go now?"

Additional question before the man departed would be:

"Oh! By the way! Perhaps you've heard... er... the jingle of bells recently?" while the question may seem a bit random, Rikke knew Ella had them on her... at least some of them.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm not sure who exactly they are, but they have to be tied to this strange happenings. But I have to tell you young miss they are dangerous for sure." Mentioning the temple the man frowned. "What temple? I didn't see any such thing around here. But I did hear the jingle of bells in the town up ahead. As for what Im going to do well Im gonna find the place I came into the Valley and hope the damnable mountain opens up again."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled to the man casually "It's alright. I can handle a few creepy cultist." she'd snicker lightly "So the escape from the mountain... it's just random? The exit either appears or it doesn't on a whim?" the man was certainly here for a far longer time than the rogue herself, perhaps it was best to learn as much as she could from him "How long have you been here, Sir Don?"

"Have you seen any strange machinery here by chance? The way I ended up was some sort of mechanical trap." the girl shared a bit of her own journey here, if she has been dropped here by this hidden machinery, there was little doubt similar devices somehow controlled passage in and out of the valley.

Still one thing kept lingering in Rikkes mind... all those missing people, where were they? Why had they not come back? Either way, at least Ella seemed to leave a clear trail for her to follow. If Don didn't have too much information of note to share, the girl could continue onwards and head towards where the old man mentioned he may have heard the chimes.